Future Jupiter

From Anthroposophy

Future Jupiter is the next planetary stage in the evolution of our solar system, and the current evolutionary stage Earth. It is thereby the fifth of seven stages after Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, and the current Earth stage. Central theme for Mankind during the Future Jupiter stage will be the development of the spirit self (or manas), see Schema FMC00.130 on Man's transformation and spiritualization

Future Jupiter will be constructed out of the basic powers of the human soul, out of the words, feelings and will of present-day humanity on Earth.


Future Jupiter men

  • Future Jupiter 'men' (CoC=4) during current Earth stage :
    • Future Jupiter human beings of the future will evolve out of what we breathe out in present ages, just as we also owe our existence on Earth to the exhalation of the angels on Old Moon (1915-01-03-GA275)

Evolved humanity

  • Future Man (evolved humanity) on Future Jupiter (1914-12-20-GA156)
    • in the fifth CoL, current Man will become a light form, a glimmering light. Like how the clairvoyant initiate can bring forth lighting forms in astral space already today (1905-03-18-GA090B).
    • Man will attain self-conscious image consciousness and be able to enter into intercourse with beings which are completely hidden from his present sensory perception. (1904-GA011)
    • Christ impulse and 'Last Judgement' of Michelangelo (1915-04-03-GA161)
      • around the middle of the Future Jupiter stage, Man will experience around mid-life a short but life-changing revival of Earth consciousness. A brief renewal of Earth consciousness will happen during a period of three days, and a review of all one has achieved during the previous Earth stage of evolution, and one's relationship with the Mystery of Golgotha (and it's meaning for a person and humanity, so meant broadly). After that nothing will be the same again for that soul. Rudolf Steiner links this to the three days of Christ between death and resurrection, and the rescue of the human soul from the adverse powers of Lucifer and Ahriman (see Three days descent into Hades). See also the Representative of humanity, and Michelangelo's 'Last Judgement'
  • humans will guide their blood very consciously toward the center and be able to make themselves strong (1908-01-16-GA266/1)
  • two races good and evil
    • good and evil will no longer be mixed, but rather human beings will divide themselves into the entirely good and the entirely evil; and what cultivate today in terms of the good and the beautiful serves to strengthen the good on Future Jupiter, all that happens only from the point of view of ego­tism and utility strengthens the evil. (1908-01-16-GA266/1)
    • Two races, the good and the bad, will differentiate themselves from one another on Future Jupiter (1914-07-16-GA155)
      • souls who have attained their Earth-goal .. the resurrection of the body is a reality: "We shall rise again in the body, in the earthly body that has condensed out of the separate incarnations" .. our soul rise again with the earthly relics that have been collected and brought together by Christ in a spiritual body permeated with Christ.
      • souls who will form a middle kingdom between the human kingdom and the animal kingdom on Future Jupiter. These latter will be Luciferic souls, merely spiritual. They will have their body below, and it will be a direct expression of their whole inner being, they will be able to direct it only from outside. Reason is that relics of various incarnations would be scattered at the end of the Earth stage (remaining but not integrated by the Christ principle that spiritualizes humanity), hence binding us to that part of the Earth which remains dead in our relics, despite souls being free in the spirit in an egotistic sense (but unable to approach our bodily relics). In the Future Jupiter stage, Lucifer will send over what remained of scattered Earth-relics as a dead content of Future Jupiter. It will not separate as a a moon but be within Future Jupiter, and continually thrusting up these Earth-relics .. to be animated as species-souls by the souls above.

solar system and planetary body

  • will be accompanied by a satellite, composed of those who are excluded from the life in the spiritual, who are unable to attain the Future Jupiter consciousness. However there will still be a possibility, through the strong powers which the advanced will have, to move those fallen beings to turn back and even to convert a number. (1908-06-30-GA104)
  • during the Future Jupiter stage the sun will depart from and reunite again with Future Jupiter (1910-GA013)
  • the elementals currently working in Man will, after the Earth stage of evolution, develop into Future Jupiter's zodiac. (1914-04-25-GA266, see Elementals#1914-04-25-GA266)
  • Future Jupiter will also have a sun, and the beings who now work into our blood system will stand behind it. These are elemental beings related to the Spirits of Wisdom that work on Man's heart and bring about the circulation. (1914-04-25-GA266)

kingdoms of nature

  • the various kingdoms will arise on Future Jupiter from transformation of current activities of Man on Earth:
    • the main kingdoms (1921-10-09-GA207)
    • see also:
      • Man on Earth co-creates: Future Jupiter will be constructed out of the basic powers of the human soul. See Seeds for future worlds (oa 1905-10-04-GA093A)
        • what Man speaks today will give Future Jupiter its form, the rock formation of Future Jupiter be the result of our words
        • what he feels will engender its inner warmth, the ocean and warmth of Future Jupiter will arise out of the feelings of present-day humanity
        • what he wills determines the separate beings inhabiting Future Jupiter, these beings will arise out of human will
      • Schema FMC00.149 on Overview of solar system evolution
    • elementals on Future Jupiter will be those souls that have not reached the evolutionary goal on Earth
      • "humanity will furnish a whole number of such new nature-spirits in the second half of the Future Jupiter stage, for Man will have fully completed the fifth life-spirit or manas principle at the Future Jupiter stage. For those who have not used the opportunity on Earth to develop this fifth principle there will be no available form .. they will appear as nature-spirits .. with four principles [editor: so they will have the I] ... the nature-spirits that arise from the human race will have a certain morality .. or moral responsibility" (1908-05-16-GA102)
    • reference Schemas
      • Schemas FMC00.357 and FMC00.364

Inspirational quotes


Two races, the good and the bad, will differentiate themselves from one another on Future Jupiter ... the human race will divide itself into

  • those souls who have attained their Earth-goal .. attain the goal of Future Jupiter, and
  • those souls who will form a middle kingdom between the human kingdom and the animal kingdom on Future Jupiter. These will be Luciferic souls, merely spiritual. They will have their body below, and it will be a direct expression of their whole inner being, but they will be able to direct it only from outside.


... it is one of the moving experiences of spiritual life to know that Future Jupiter human beings of the future will evolve out of what we breathe out in present ages ... ... through our earthly morality we take a creative part in the whole cosmic order ..


Schema FMC00.357 shows how Future Jupiter's kingdoms will arise through Man's soul activities, carried over by the spiritual hierarchies. The three lower kingdoms will arise from Man's thinking, feeling, and will based soul activities that nurture the third hierarchy H3. The upper right cell explains how the rise of the hierarchy of the archai through and after the pralaya transforms their impulses.


Schema FMC00.364 complements Schema FMC00.357 and can be read together with Schema FMC00.238, showing the influence of Man's activities today on the future world of Future Jupiter. See also Seeds for future worlds.


Schema FMC00.238 depicts various aspects related to the battle for the soul, the 'I' of Man on Earth - see more on I-less human beings. It shows how, in the second half of a planetary phase, the beings of the next phase already emerge, whilst the main beings go through what is called the 'human stage' at CoC level 4 (see Twelve Conditions of Consciousness, and schema FMC00.077A on Creation of solar system). Hence, already today the Future Jupiter men are emerging, and they can incarnate prematurely into human beings that are not evolved or strong enough.


Schema FMC00.123 shows the structural transformation of the human being between planetary stages of evolution.

A similar metamorphosis takes place at a different level currently between physical incarnations on Earth.

Lecture coverage and references


.. is about the process at the end of Future Jupiter, and contains the following phrasing that reminds of the process of Christ as a group soul for humanity, described under Unification and Second Adam (see also FMC00.128)

.. the next planetary stage of evolution will have the task of purifying the manas element on the budhi plane.


All purified feelings for karma will then flow together into a single power that will strive forward the primal spirit that flows and floods through our planet. Everything that human beings feel today will, in the next stage, stream together in a purified form like flames, and these many individual flames will be united into a total fire.

Thus the future sixth planet, Future Venus, is called the cosmos of fire, it will be formed from the purified feelings of human hearts as they intertwine and harmonize their sounds together.


Man is approaching a condition in which he will have a self-conscious image consciousness appropriate for such perceptions. On the one hand, the coming development of Earth will raise the present life of conceptions and thoughts to an ever higher, more delicate, and more perfect condition; on the other hand, the self-conscious image consciousness will gradually develop itself during this time.

The latter will attain full life in Man only on the next planet into which the Earth will transform itself, and which is called Future Jupiter in spiritual science. Then Man will be able to enter into intercourse with beings which are completely hidden from his present sensory perception. It will be understood that not only does the life of perception thereby become totally different, but that actions, feelings, and all relations to the environment, are completely transformed. While today Man can consciously influence only sensory beings, he will then be able to act consciously on very different forces and powers; he himself will receive what to him will be fully recognizable influences from very different realms than at present.

At that stage there can no longer be any question of birth and death in the present sense. For 'death' occurs only because the consciousness has to depend on an external world with which it enters into communication through the physical sense organs. When these physical sense organs fail, every relation to the environment ceases. That is to say, the man 'has died'. However, when his soul is so far advanced that it does not receive the influences of the outside world through physical instruments, but receives them through the images which the soul creates out of itself, then it will have reached the point where it can regulate its intercourse with the environment independently, that is, its life will not be interrupted against its will. It has become lord over birth and death. All this will come to be with the developed self-conscious image consciousness on Future Jupiter. This state of the soul is also called the 'psychic consciousness'.


In times to come Man will bring forth into his surroundings what he feels. This will be imparted to the fluid element. The entire fluid element of the planet which will follow next (future Jupiter) will be an expression of what people feel. Today man sends out words; they are inscribed into the Akasha. There they remain, even though the airwaves vanish. Out of these words the Future Jupiter will later be formed. When therefore today man uses evil, blasphemous language, then on Future Jupiter terrible formations will be brought about. This is why one should be so very careful of what one says, and why it is so immensely important that man should be master of his speech. In the future man will also send out his feelings; the conditions of the fluids on Jupiter will be a result of feelings on the Earth.

  • What man speaks today will give Future Jupiter its form;
  • what he feels will engender its inner warmth;
  • what he wills determines the separate beings inhabiting Jupiter.

The Future Jupiter will be constructed out of the basic powers of the human soul.

  • Just as today we can trace the rock formation of the Earth back to earlier conditions, so will the rock formation of Future Jupiter be the result of our words.
  • The ocean of Future Jupiter, the warmth of Future Jupiter, will arise out of the feelings of present-day humanity.
  • The beings of Future Jupiter will arise out of human will.

Thus the inhabitants of a previous planet create the basic conditions for its successor. And beings who today still [Gap in text ...] hover over the earth, as was once the case with the monads, will enter into incarnation on the Future Jupiter. There will then exist a kind of Jupiter-Lemurian race. Beings will be there which we have created as the pitris did. Just as we inhabited the grotesque forms of the Old Moon, so these beings will inhabit the forms which we develop by means of our pineal gland.

We are building the house for future monads. A similar procedure took place when the development of the human being led over from the Old Moon to the Earth. This makes absolutely clear how everything external is actually created from within outwards.


see full extract: Fear#1908-01-16-GA266

  • the seed of Future Jupiter consciousness in the feeling of fear
    • shame is a remnant of Old Moon consciousness, fear announces Future Jupiter consciousness (the blood streams towards the heart in order to find a center there)
  • purely utilitarian technical machines will become evil demons on Future Jupiter, while what is beautifully formed will become good spirits
  • the conscious regulation of the breathing process in connection with Old Moon and Future Jupiter

page 247:

Everything that human beings create today in terms of technical apparatus and machines will in the future come to life and oppose them in a terrible and hostile way. All that is created out of purely utilitarian principle, out of individual or collective egotism, is the enemy of humanity in the future.

partial extract:

The blood is pressed toward the center of the human being, into the heart to form there a firm center in order to make the person strong against the external world. The innermost power of the "I" brings this about. This power of the "I," that works in the blood, must increasingly become more conscious and powerful.

On Future Jupiter, humans will guide their blood very consciously toward the center and be able to make themselves strong.

... Human beings are themselves building their own future.

We can get an idea of what it will be like on Future Jupiter if we clearly understand that today there is nothing absolutely good and nothing absolutely evil. Today good and evil are mixed in every human being. A good person must always say that he or she has only a little bit more good than evil within, but is not at all wholly good.

On Future Jupiter, however, good and evil will no longer be mixed, but rather human beings will divide themselves into the entirely good and the entirely evil.


  • all that we cultivate today in terms of the good and the beautiful serves to strengthen the good on Future Jupiter,
  • and all that happens only from the point of view of ego­tism and utility strengthens the evil.

see full extract: Fear#1908-01-26-GA266


.. talks about the origin of elementals on Earth in earlier stages of evolution, and how human beings who unite too strongly with the bodily nature can become elemental beings in the Future Jupiter evolution.

And now, since the later is the fruit of the earlier, these would then find no bodies suitable for them. They are, as it were, too good for the bodies of a subordinate order and for the other bodies they are too bad. They must therefore live a bodiless existence. They must cut themselves off entirely from the progress of evolution. Why have they deserved this? By reason of the fact that they have not made use of life! The world is around them; they have possessed senses in order to perceive the world, to enrich the life-kernel and mold it to a higher stage. They do not advance with world evolution, they remain behind at a certain stage. Beings that stay behind at such stages appear in a later epoch with approximately the character of the earlier age. They have grown together with it, but not in the forms of the later epoch. They appear in a later epoch as subordinate nature-spirits.

In fact the human race will furnish a whole number of such new nature-spirits in the second half of the Jupiter evolution, for Man will have fully completed the fifth principle at the Future Jupiter stage. For those who have not used the opportunity on Earth to develop the fifth principle there will be no available form. They will appear as nature-spirits and they will appear then with four principles, the fourth being the highest. Whereas the normally advanced man will have the principles 5, 4, 3, 2 at the Jupiter stage, these men will have 4, 3, 2, 1. That would be the destiny of those who have not gradually developed their higher principles by making use of earthly life. They become nature-spirits, so to speak, of future evolutionary periods, working invisibly.

Just the same occurred in the case of our present nature-spirits in the earlier periods of evolution, except in so far as there are, of course, continual changes according to the character of the different periods. Everything has now been graded, so to speak, according to moral responsibility, and because this is so, the nature-spirits that arise from the human race will have a certain morality. Upon Future Jupiter there will be nature-spirits which have moral responsibility ..


.. This second death passes unnoticed over those who have made their etheric body harmonize with the astral body through the reception of the Christ-principle. The second death has no power over then. But the others feel the second death when they have to pass over into the future astral form. The condition of humanity will then be such that those who have reached the goal of evolution will have entirely permeated their astral body with Christ. They will be ready to pass over to Future Jupiter. Upon our Earth they have made the plan of the Future Jupiter evolution. This is the plan which is called the New Jerusalem. They live in a new heaven and a new earth, that is, Future Jupiter.

This Future Jupiter will be accompanied by a satellite, composed of those who are excluded from the life in the spiritual, who have experienced the second death and are, therefore, unable to attain the Future Jupiter consciousness.

Thus we have such men as have pressed forward to the Future Jupiter consciousness, who have attained to spirit-self; and such beings as have thrust away the forces which would have given them this consciousness. They are those who only upon Future Jupiter have attained to the I-consciousness of the Earth, who exist there, so to speak, as Man now exists on the Earth with his four members. But such a Man can develop himself only on the Earth, the Earth alone has the environment, the ground, the air, the clouds, the plants, the minerals which are necessary to man if he wishes to gain what may be gained within the four members.

Future Jupiter will be quite differently formed, it will be a new earth, soil, air, water, everything will be different. It will be impossible for beings who have only gained the earth consciousness to live a normal life; they will be backward beings.

But now comes something more for our comfort. Even on this Future Jupiter there is still a last possibility, through the strong powers which the advanced will have, to move those fallen beings to turn back and even to convert a number.

Only with the Future Venus incarnation of the Earth will conic the last decision, the unalterable decision. When we reflect upon all this, the thought we recently considered will be seen in a new light. I will no longer call forth anxiety and disquietude, but only the determination: “I will do everything necessary to fulfil the Earth mission.”


quote A

A great deal of the work of this second human kingdom will consist of ennobling the fallen souls in the evil union so that they will still be able to find their way back into the actual human kingdom.

quote B

as evolution proceeds on Future Jupiter, the Sun will once again break away from Future Jupiter and influence it from outside. Then a reunification of the Sun and Future Jupiter will take place, and the transformation into the Future Venus stage will gradually continue

quote C

during the Future Jupiter state .. evolution proceeds in such a way that at a certain point of time the sun departs once more from Future Jupiter and the latter receives its effects from the outside. After a time, the union of Sun and Future Jupiter [Future Jupiter minus the sun in contradistinction to Future Jupiter with the sun] again occurs and the transformation gradually proceeds over into the Future Venus stage.

full extract

Then, after an intermediate stage, which presents itself as a sojourn in a higher world, the Earth will transform itself into Future Jupiter.

  • Within this state, what is now called the mineral kingdom will no longer exist; the forces of this mineral kingdom will be transformed into plant forces.
  • The plant kingdom, which in contrast to the present plant kingdom will have an entirely new form, appears during the Future Jupiter stage as the lowest kingdom.
  • To this a higher kingdom is added, the transformed animal kingdom;
  • above it there is a human kingdom, which proves to be the progeny of the evil community that arose on the Earth;
  • above all these are to be found the descendants of the good community of Earth men, a human kingdom of a higher order.

A great part of the activity of this latter human kingdom consists in the work of ennobling the fallen souls of the evil community, so that they may still be able to find their way back into the actual human kingdom.

The Venus evolution will be one in which the plant kingdom also will have disappeared; the lowest kingdom at that time will be the retransformed animal kingdom; this will be joined on an ascending scale by three human kingdoms of different degrees of perfection. During the Venus state the earth remains united with the sun; during the Future Jupiter state, however, evolution proceeds in such a way that at a certain point of time the sun departs once more from Future Jupiter and the latter receives its effects from the outside. After a time, the union of sun and Future Jupiter [Jupiter minus the sun in contradistinction to Jupiter with the sun. (translator)] again occurs and the transformation gradually proceeds over into the Future Venus state.

During that state a special cosmic body splits off that contains all the beings who have resisted evolution, a so to speak “irredeemable moon,” which now moves toward an evolution, for the character of which no expression can be found because it is too dissimilar to anything that man can experience on earth.

The evolved mankind, however, advances in a completely spiritualized existence to the Vulcan evolution, the description of which does not lie within the scope of this book.


see also: Moral ideals#1911-03-06-GA127


Christ as the archetype of man. Physical consequences of immorality and rebellion against the Christ on Future Jupiter. Christ on Future Jupiter.

.. occult research shows that the following would happen to those who do not want to permeate themselves with the Christ element, the life of Christ, as this can be attained only through theosophy. Instead of living on upwards with the Earth to new levels of existence they would have assimilated substances of decay, of disintegration, and would first have to enter upon other paths. If in the sequence of incarnations human souls take up the Christ into their knowledge, their feelings, their whole soul, the Earth will fall away from these human souls just as a corpse falls away at a person's death. The corpse of the Earth will fall away and that which, permeated with Christ, is present in a state of spirit and soul will proceed to form itself into new existence and will reincarnate itself on Future Jupiter.

What will happen now with those people who have not taken the Christ into themselves?

Through theosophy they will have abundant opportunities to be able to recognize the Christ, to be able to take the Christ into themselves. Today people still resist doing so. They will resist less and less.

But let us assume that at the end of the development there were those who even then continued to resist. There would then exist a number of people who could not join the rest in advancing to the next planet. They would not have reached the actual goal of the Earth. These people would constitute a veritable cross on that planet upon which human beings will then develop further. For while this group will be incapable of sharing in the experience of the actual and proper Future Jupiter condition and what develops there, they will nevertheless be present on Future Jupiter.

Everything that is subsequently material is first present in a spiritual state. Thus everything that people now, during the period of the Earth develop spiritually in the way of immorality, of a refusal to take the Christ into themselves, is first present in a soul-spiritual state. But this will become material. It will surround and penetrate Future Jupiter as a neighboring element. This will be made up of the successors of those persons who did not take the Christ into themselves during the Earth condition. What the soul develops in the nature of immorality, of resistance to the Christ will then be present materially, in an actually physical state. While the physical part of those people who have taken the Christ into themselves will exist in a finer form on Future Jupiter, the physical part of these other people will be fundamentally coarser.

Occult research paints before the eye of the soul an image of what will be the future of the people who will not have reached earthly maturity.

We now breathe air. On Future Jupiter there will in essence be no air. Instead, Future Jupiter will be surrounded by a substance that, in comparison to our air, will be something refined, something etheric. In this substance those human beings will live who have reached the goal of the Earth.

Those others who have remained behind, however,

  • will have to breathe something like a repulsively warm, boiling, fiery air infused with a dank stuffiness full of fetid odors.

Thus the people who did not attain the maturity appropriate to the Earth

  • will be a cross for the other Future Jupiter people, for they will have a pestilent effect in the environment, in the swamps and other land masses of Future Jupiter.
  • The fluid-physical components of the bodies of these people will be comparable to a liquid which constantly seeks to solidify, freezes up, coagulates.
  • Consequently these beings will not only have this horrendous air to breathe but also a bodily state in which the blood would seem continually to congeal, to cease to remain fluid.
  • The actual physical body of these beings will consist of a kind of slimy substance more revolting than the bodily substance of our present snails and fully equipped to secrete something like a kind of crust surrounding them. This crust will be softer than the skin of our present snakes, like a kind of soft scaly armor. Thus will these beings live in a rather less than appealing manner in the elements of Future Jupiter.


Such a picture as that contemplated in advance by the occult researcher is ghastly to behold. But woe to those who, like the ostrich, do not want to look at the danger and wish to shut their eyes before the truth. For it is just this that lulls us into error and illusion, while a bold look at the truth imparts the greatest moral impulses. If human beings listen to what truth says to them they will feel, “You are lying.” Then there will arise in them an image of the effect of this lie upon human nature in the Future Jupiter condition, the image that shows that the lie creates a slimy, pestilent breath for the future. This image, arising again and again, will be a reason to direct the impulses of the soul to what is healthy, for no one who really knows the consequences of immorality can in truth be immoral, for one is called upon to teach the true consequences that result from the causes. One should in fact direct people's attention to them while they are still children.

Immorality exists only because people have no knowledge. Only the darkness of untruth makes immoral actions possible.


(synthesis from all records)

we have something in our head that is a remnant of the Old Moon stage: the leaf-like cerebellum at the back of our head. Then, during the Old Moon stage it was not small, it is now shrunken. ..

.. in our present-day cerebrum, there is something left over from the Old Moon stage: the pineal gland and the mucus gland. These glands were, on Old Moon, what the lungs and heart are in the human being of today. The two organs are no longer active today but are stunted and dried up as a remnant of the Old Moon human.

Lungs and heart of the Old Moon human beings transformed themselves and became brain for the Earth human beings. In like manner, the lungs and heart of the human beings on Earth will transform into the brain for the human beings on Future Jupiter.

.. what human beings are in their actions, deeds and their whole being will build their cerebrum on Future Jupiter. And what they now think will one day build the cerebellum on Future Jupiter.

.. What today is the brain of the human being on Earth will be the cerebellum of the human being on Future Jupiter. .. they will a being sitting in the neck region telling them what is good or evil. It will be Christ, who will sit in our neck region as the judge (re Michelangelo's Last Judgement). What humanity will experience on Future Jupiter as the judgement will be something totally different from what anyone has been able to think of imagine.


Because Christ unites them all—Christ who belongs to all mankind in the present and in the future—the remains of the single incarnations are all compressed together. Every human soul lives in successive incarnations. From each incarnation certain relics or remains are left, as we have described. Further incarnations will leave other remains, and so on, up to the end of the Earth period. If these relics are permeated by Christ, they are compressed together. Compress what is rarefied and you will get density. Spirit also becomes dense, and so our collective Earth-incarnations are united into a spiritual body.

This body belongs to us; we need it because we evolve onwards to Future Jupiter, and it will be the starting-point of our embodiment on Future Jupiter. At the end of the Earth period we shall stand there with the soul—whatever the particular karma of the soul may be—and we shall stand there before our earthly relics which have been gathered together by Christ, and we shall have to unite with them in order to pass over with them to Future Jupiter.

We shall rise again in the body, in the earthly body that has condensed out of the separate incarnations. Truly, my dear friends, from a heart profoundly moved I utter these words: “In the body we shall rise again!”

In these days, young people of sixteen and even less are beginning to claim a creed of their own, and to talk of having happily grown beyond such nonsense as the “Resurrection of the Body”. But those who seek to deepen their occult knowledge of the mysteries of the universe strive gradually to rise to an understanding of what has been said to mankind, because—as I explained at the beginning of the lecture—it had first of all to be said, in order that men might grasp it as life-truth and come to understand it later.

The resurrection of the body is a reality, but our soul must feel that it will rise again with the earthly relics that have been collected, brought together by Christ, by the spiritual body that is permeated with Christ. This is what our soul must learn to understand.

[if and for those not]

For let us suppose that, because of our not having received into ourselves the living Christ, we could not approach this Earth-body, with its sin and guilt, and unite with it. If we had rejected the Christ, the relics of our various incarnations would be scattered at the end of the Earth period; they would have remained, but they would not have been gathered together by the Christ, who spiritualizes the whole of humanity.

We should stand there as souls at the end of the Earth period and we should be bound to the Earth, to that part of the Earth which remains dead in our relics. Certainly our souls would be free in the spirit in an egotistic sense, but we would be unable to approach our bodily relics. Such souls are the booty of Lucifer, for he strives to thwart the true goal of the Earth; he tries to prevent souls from reaching their Earth-goal, to hold them back in the spiritual world.

And in the Future Jupiter stage, Lucifer will send over what has remained of scattered Earth-relics as a dead content of Future Jupiter. It will not, as Moon, separate from Jupiter, but will be within Jupiter, and it will be continually thrusting up these Earth-relics. And these Earth-relics will have to be animated as species-souls by the souls above.


And now you will remember what I have told you some years ago: that the human race on Future Jupiter will divide itself into

  • those souls who have attained their Earth-goal, who will have attained the goal of Future Jupiter, and
  • into those souls who will form a middle kingdom between the human kingdom and the animal kingdom on Future Jupiter. These latter will be Luciferic souls - Luciferic, merely spiritual. They will have their body below, and it will be a direct expression of their whole inner being, but they will be able to direct it only from outside.

Two races, the good and the bad, will differentiate themselves from one another on Future Jupiter. This was stated years ago; today we wish to consider it more deeply.


(p60) describes the transformation of current elements of the physical body, and what they will become by Future Venus.


.. describes the process of transformation of the bodily subsystems, as covered in Man as a threefold being, and does this by relating Man's thinking to the illumination of the Cherubim, and Man's willing to the heating of the Seraphim. (SWCC). See also Schema FMC00.123 above.

When we study the human being from a spiritual-scientific perspec­tive, it becomes apparent as we go further back into primeval times and the Old Moon development stage of our planetary existence, that precisely what appears significant for the earthly development of the human being of today, really was not yet present during the Old Moon stage. During the Old Moon development, what was - in essence - the present, was what relates 'more or less exactly' with the development of the modern human brain. And what the human being has outside the head, the rest of his corporeality is the product of the Earth, a product of earthly organization - once again, I say 'in essence'.

We could also say: when we follow human beings back to the Old Moon development, we gradually see, the further back we go, that the external limbs, by virtue of which we are today terrestrial human beings, crumple together, and what then remains is the head, which has obviously been reshaped through the Earth development, but which remains in its essentials as it was if one goes back to the Old Moon development. The rest has organized itself around it, joined itself onto it. (re 1911-GA128). Therefore, in essence, we arrive at the knowledge that the human being began with what is present today, compressed and concentrated in its skull organization; and the rest has joined itself onto it. We must therefore say that, drawn schematically,t we would have human beings in their Old Moon development, and in their Earth development, in such a way that the rest of their organization joins itself onto this. ...

.. what became the human head in the Old Moon stage is during the Earth stage on its way to becoming the entire human being. During the Old Moon development, the ancestor of the present-day human being existed. What was at that time an external organism has become the head today, and the limbs have attached themselves to it.

In the coming Future Jupiter development, the whole organism of the present-day human being will become the head. What you are today as a whole human being will be the brain, the head of the Future Jupiter human being, just as the whole Old Moon human being has become the head of the Earth human being.


.. is called 'Future Jupiter and its beings'

... the evolution of the Earth through the Saturn, Sun and Moon periods: at each of these evolutionary stages, one particular kind of being from among what we would now call the higher hierarchies, attained their human level, as it were. We know that during the ancient Saturn period the Spirits of Personality, the Primal Beginnings, the Archai reached their human level, during the Sun period the Archangels, during the Moon period the Angels and during the Earth period, mankind.

each level of beings that reaches a certain stage of development, received preparation in advance. We know that the human being was being prepared throughout the Saturn, Sun and Moon periods, and that what we nowadays call man's completed physical body has been evolving since the Saturn period, the etheric body since the Sun period, the astral body since the Moon period, and that the ego was only added to these during the Earth period; that is, all the beings that are at a certain level are prepared as a whole.

during the Saturn, Sun and Moon periods (re Outline of .. ) the spirits of the higher hierarchies took part in the preparation of humanity. There is a description of how the Angels, Archangels and Archai were involved in the development of human beings, and therefore an obvious question is


Now you may be anxious to know whether, in our present period of evolution, beings are being prepared to attain their human level in the Future Jupiter stage .. and you know is that during the Old Saturn, Old Sun and Old Moon periods the spirits of the higher hierarchies took part in the preparation of humanity: the angels, archangels and archai were involved in the development of human beings, and therefore an obvious question is whether human beings, during their Earth existence, are possibly involved in preparing the beings who will reach their human level during the Future Jupiter stage?

This question is certainly a vital one for every feeling person, if his feelings have been inspired by spiritual science, as we have been describing. For it could be the case that human behaviour in general during the course of Earth evolution could either help, or omit to help, the beings who might attain their human level on Future Jupiter. We might say, ‘What could be worse than behaving in such a way during Earth evolution as to make it impossible for proper Future Jupiter beings to arise through our deeds?’ We must of course take it for granted, if we want to talk about these things, that there is a certain goodwill, for these are truly important secrets of initiation, the kind of initiation secrets that modern science detests as a matter of course. One certainly has to prepare one's feeling to be able to look at the attitude modern science is bound to have to the real truths of life.


.. our question concerning the beings who will reach the human level on Future Jupiter is connected in very truth with the deepest questions of Man's Earth evolution. There is something in our Earth evolution that has always been a philosophical problem, namely the relation between Man's moral behaviour and his natural existence. As an earthly being, Man has to decide to what extent he is the kind of being who is ruled by his instincts, has to obey and satisfy them, and is at the mercy of his instincts and their satisfaction, because the laws of nature simply insist on their being satisfied. That is one side of human nature. In this respect we say, ‘We do these things because we have to. We have to eat and we have to sleep.’

But there is another realm of human conduct on this Earth, a realm in which we cannot say ‘must’, for it would lose its whole significance if we were to say ‘must’ here. This is the wide realm of ‘shall’, a realm where we feel that we have to follow a purely spiritual impulse as distinct from instinct and everything arising out of ourselves on a natural level. ‘You shall’ never speaks to us from out of our instincts but directs us in a purely spiritual way. ‘You shall’ comprises the realm of our moral obligations.

There are some philosophers who cannot find any connection between what is implied by the ‘you shall’ and ‘you must’. And our present age that is almost bogged down in materialism, especially where moral life is concerned, and will get more and more bogged down, would like to turn all the ‘you shalls’ into ‘you musts’.

and here follows the paragraph which makes the link with the human breath: (see also Sensitive flames on Hints of future etheric force technology) See also Schema FMC00.473.

What does this ‘you shall’, or in other words the categorical imperative, actually signify within the whole framework of human existence? Whoever obeys the ‘you shall’ is known to carry out a moral action. Whoever does not obey the ‘you shall’ commits an immoral action. This is of course a trivial truth. But now let us attempt to look at ‘moral’ and ‘immoral’, not only with regard to the external maya of the physical plane, but with regard to the truth and what is actually behind physical maya.

Here the moral element corresponding to the ‘you shall’ appears to initiation science as something that hits you in the eye, spiritually, to put it rather crudely. If you look at a person in certain temperature and weather conditions - you see this even better in horses, but we are not speaking about horses now - you will see him breathing out, and the [human] breath becoming visible as vapour in the air. Obviously as far as materialistic science is concerned, this breath a person exhales, disperses and dissolves and has no further significance. But it has significance for a person who follows up the phenomena of life with initiation science, for he sees in the patterns of the breath the exact traces of the moral or immoral conduct of the person.

A person's moral or immoral behaviour can be seen in the steamy breath, and the breath of a person who is morally inclined is quite different from the breath of a person who is inclined to immorality.

You know, with regard to various things in the human being, the more delicate qualities can only be seen in the more delicate parts of the etheric and astral aura. But Man's moral and immoral nature in the ordinary sense of the word is actually visible in the etheric-astral content of the steamy breath.

The physical part of it dissolves. But what is incorporated in it does not dissolve; for it contains a genie, which, in the case of steamy breath, has a physical, an etheric and an astral part, only the physical is not earthly, just watery. Something that has an extremely differentiated form can be seen in this breath.

Deeds which arise out of love show something quite different from deeds which are done out of enthusiasm, a creative urge or the urge for perfection, for instance. But in every case the form in the breath reminds one of beings that do not exist on Earth at all as yet. These beings are a preparation for the ones that will reach their human stage on Future Jupiter. Their forms are very changeable and will pass through further changes in the future, for these beings are the first advance shadow images of the beings who will reach the human level on Future Jupiter.

In a certain way we also owe our existence to the exhalation of the angels on Old Moon, and it is one of the moving experiences of spiritual life to know that Future Jupiter human beings of the future will evolve out of what we breathe out in present ages. If we turn to the Bible with such knowledge in mind, and read the opening words, we can tell ourselves, ‘Now we begin to understand what is meant when it says that the Elohim formed earthly man by breathing into him.’

I will confess that I would never have understood the part about the Elohim breathing the living being of man into his mouth and nose, if I had not known beforehand that the breath of earthly human beings also contains the first germinal beginnings of the beings who will become human on Future Jupiter. But Future Jupiter human beings can only arise from the kind of breath that owes its existence to deeds that obey the ‘you shall’, and which are therefore moral actions.

and then the immoral

You could now ask, ‘What about immoral behaviour?’ Immoral behaviour also comes to expression in the formation of the breath and imprints a demonic form on it. Demons are born through man's immoral conduct. Let us look at the difference between the demons that arise through immoral behaviour and the spiritual beings - spiritual in so far as they only have a watery existence on Earth - the spiritual forms that are created by moral actions.

  • These beings that incarnate as far as a transitory watery existence and arise from moral conduct, are the kind of beings that have an astral, an etheric and finally a physical body condensed to the level of wateriness, just as, in the Old Moon stage, we had an etheric, an astral and a physical body, and this physical body was also only condensed to a wateriness. We were more or less like that, even if not exactly the same. And this creature, with a physical body, etheric body and astral body that arises out of moral actions, is predestined to receive an I, just as in the Moon period our physical, etheric and astral body were predestined to receive an ego. They have the basis for receiving an I, and beings of this kind are qualified to undergo a regular progressive evolution in the cosmos.
  • The other beings, the demons created out of immoral actions, also have an astral body, an etheric body and a physical body, at the watery stage, but they do not have the basis for developing an I. They are born without heads, as it were. Instead of taking up the basis for progressing along a regular evolutionary path to the Future Jupiter existence, they reject this basis. By doing so they fall victim to the fate of dropping out of evolution.
  • But this only increases the hordes of luciferic beings, for they come under their power. As they cannot progress in a regular way they have to become parasites. This is what happens to all the beings that reject their normal path; they have to attach themselves to others in order to move on. These beings that arise through immoral actions have the particular inclination to be parasites in human evolution on Earth under Lucifer's leadership, and to seize hold of the evolution of the human being before he makes his physical entry into the world. They attack Man during the embryonic period and share his existence between conception and birth. Some of these beings, if they are strong enough, can continue to accompany the human being after birth, as seen in the phenomena of children who are possessed.

also on : Christ Impulse at planetary chain level#1915-04-03-GA161

describes how on Future Jupiter, Man will experience around mid-life a short but life-changing revival of Earth consciousness. This is linked to the three days of Christ between death and resurrection, and the rescue of the human soul from the adverse powers of Lucifer and Ahriman

something will enter into the life of the human beings who have evolved into an existence on Future Jupiter; at the midpoint of their existence, they will experience something like a combination of what birth and death are to human beings on Earth at the begin­ning and end of our physical incarnation. .. imagine that human beings will experience something in the middle of their incarnation that is roughly equivalent to what would result if you were to mix together birth and death .. you must not imagine that you could simply combine these two things just as they manifest themselves as experiences on Earth; rather, birth and death must be brought together through a kind of chemical bonding

then follows a description of the unfolding and of the new consciousness on Future Jupiter

.. when the middle of a human life on Future Jupiter arrives, at this midpoint of life on Future Jupiter, something will enter in during a period of time that we can symbolize as three earth days. The Future Jupiter consciousness will experience a short repetition of Earth consciousness, for it will last for only a few days. A part of the experience of life on Future Jupiter will include a brief renewal of Earth consciousness in such a way that the human being, in the midst of life on Future Jupiter, will again feel and experience the world as an earthly being. Having gone through a period of time with the imaginative Future Jupiter consciousness, human beings will experience a period in which they have only Earth consciousness once again ..

.. in this period of Jupiter-Earth consciousness we will experience a desire to undergo a kind of internal taking stock, a review of everything we achieved and gained as human beings in the past on Earth ..

And when we look back on everything, the question will arise in each of us out of a kind of cosmic necessity. Just as we must eat and sleep here on Earth to survive, so too will it be absolutely necessary, during this brief renewal of Earth consciousness, to live the questions:

What did you achieve and gain through your past incarnations. What did you achieve by becoming a human being? Why have you become a free and inde­pendent person?

In that moment, we will witness the sum of our experiences on Earth and what we achieved will step before our soul in a powerful dream. However this will not be a dream image but as real as all of our real perceptions on earth.

and after that event everything will be different for Man

From the moment in which Earth consciousness is recalled onward, you will never be able to have the same relationship to your surroundings on Future Jupiter that you had before.


.. of course conditions will be entirely different; but it will be an absolute natural law on Future Jupiter that in the second half of our life, we will no longer be able to have direct physical contact with our surroundings. Christ will show us He has gathered treasures within us in the first half of our life on Future Jupiter that will sustain us during the second half of our existence on Future Jupiter. He will not only demon­strate his ethical character to the outer world as we saw on Earth, he will also be the inner nourishment of the second half of our life on Future Jupiter; and this sustenance will be simultaneously of moral significance.

and now follows the realization that the knowledge of and living of the Mystery of Golgotha is key and forms a kind of shifting judgement, whereby Steiner refers to Michelangelo's painting of the Last Judgement.

Everything will depend on our soul's ability, in that moment when Earth consciousness is recalled, to look back and remember how our soul was filled with the Mystery of Golgotha during our time on Earth; how it was filled with the understanding that the Christ entered into human development and the development of Earth evolution.

Just think about the terrible circumstances of the human souls on Future Jupiter who look back on this time and have to say to them­selves, "During my time on Earth, I denied Christ. I did not want to know about Christ. I rejected the opportunity to learn, at the proper moment, about the Christ being who entered into Earth evolution through the Mystery of Golgotha. I cannot remember anything that happened on Earth through the Christ."

If there are souls during the Future Jupiter stage in whom all memory of the Christ has been erased, because they did not choose to fill themselves with understanding of the Christ event during their existence on Earth, then a fearsome judgment day will come for them.

Christ will not take them on to nurture and sustain them during the second half of their life on Future Jupiter, but instead will point the way

  • with one hand to the place where Ahriman will take their physical remains,
  • and with the other to the place where Lucifer will lead their soul away.

is an essential lecture, read in full, and see also

[On Future Jupiter .. ] our current archai will then have advanced to Spirits of Form; our archangels to archai; our angels to archangels; man will have risen to the ranks of the angels. Then it will be possible for man, by means of the highest and purest conceptions of earth man, in the hierarchy of the Future Jupiter-angeloi which he himself will then constitute, to continue his Future Jupiterer spiritual development. His possession in the form of evolutionary progress will then be similar to those possessed by man at the end of the Atlantean period to enable them to inaugurate the true evolution of the earth.

  • Current thoughts -> mineral kingdom Future Jupiter
  • Current spiritual science -> plant kingdom Future Jupiter
  • a future kind of spiritual science -> animal kingdom Future Jupiter

Everything else there is to man will be lost, dissolving into the universe once the earth has reached its goal. The minerals, plants and animals around us will pass away. Only the Saturn man you have been remains, in the form of fine dust particles. It will go over from earth to Jupiter existence, forming the solid skeleton of Jupiter. Those are real atoms for Jupiter. People studying external science today, people thinking in an external way, influence their Saturn man to the effect that they produce atoms for Jupiter in their Saturn man. That is how Jupiter get its atoms. If that, however, were the only thing to happen, the whole of Jupiter would be merely a mineral or mineral-like sphere. Jupiter would merely be a mineral-like sphere without plant growth. What we are able to take across to Jupiter through the Saturn man in us merely causes Jupiter to be a mineral sphere. Plants could not grow on it. If plants are to grow on Jupiter the Sun man in us must also be given something. This Sun man in us only receives something from now on and into the future if men and women absorb concepts developed in spiritual science; for the concepts we absorb outside, from external science, enter into Saturn man. What we absorb by way of thoughts engendered through spiritual science enters into the Sun man. This is why spiritual science calls for greater activity. Its thoughts differ from those of external science in that they are active. They have to be grasped in a living way and it is impossible to remain passive towards thinking activity the way we do in the external world. In spiritual science everything has to be actively thought out, we have to be inwardly active. This has an effect on the Sun man in us. And if there were no Sun principle in man, the Jupiter of the future would be entirely mineral, with no plant world. People going through spiritual development take something across that will give rise to a plant world on Jupiter. Through the Sun principle in us we take across the future plant world. All we have to do to make Jupiter barren is reject spiritual science. We can establish spiritual science now in order that there shall be vegetation on Jupiter.

Unlike others, we spiritual scientists do not talk of the marvellous progress we have made. Just listen to a modern physician, one who is very much taking the present-day point of view, or to a modern philosopher and so on. They say: ‘We need not go far back to find people who amounted to nothing at all. Someone like Paracelsus really was in idiot, and a grammar school teacher today is cleverer than Plato every was.’ Plato's philosophy was thoroughly picked to pieces by Hebbel. The latter put down in his diary, as an idea for a play, that a grammar school teacher had a reincarnated Plato in his class. 81

He intended to make a dramatic figure of him, showing the schoolmaster to be dealing with his reincarnated Plato who was quite incapable of grasping anything his teacher was saying about Plato. Hebbel intended to make a play of this. It really is a pity he did not do so, for it really is a very good idea.

But we do not consider ourselves to have made marvellous progress. We hold a different point of view. What people consider philosophy today holds the ego-boosting view that anything going back ten years is already out of date. We know that we have to present spiritual science today the way we do. We also know, however, that a time must come when everything we now present as spiritual science will be a nonsense in a future where quite different work will have to be done within mankind. What we have to present as spiritual science today has the form appropriate for the moment, seeking out from eternity what will be for the benefit of the present age. A time will come, however, when it will be necessary for us to try and influence the dreamer in us just as we influence the Sun man, and the whole of our external science influences Saturn man. Jupiter as mineral mass will be based on what external science makes of Saturn man. Its vegetation will be based on what spiritual science makes of Sun man. Animal life on Jupiter will arise from something that is going to follow on after spiritual science. It will be based on the spiritual science of the future. Then something else will follow which will influence man on Jupiter, something which is still to come. It will provide the basis for Jupiter culture in the real sense.

At present, therefore, we are in a period in life where we prepare the mineral nucleus of Jupiter through external science and where spiritual science influences its plant life, providing the basis for vegetation on Jupiter. The future will bring the principle that influences the dreamer, and this will provide the basis for animal life on Jupiter. Only after this will come the principle which corresponds to what man is today producing in his thinking, feeling and will activity. This is guided by higher wisdom to the effect that when earth evolution has come to an end man will be able to take himself, as man, across to Jupiter.

This is how we are involved in the evolution of the earth, and we perceive, out of our very own human nature, that we are part of the great world, of the macrocosm. We know that everything we do is of account. We know that in joining in the pursuit of spiritual science we contribute to vegetative life for Jupiter and that through the things we put in words we create what will be given to the future at the Jupiter stage of the world.

Just think, dear friends, as I have told you, everything belonging to the mineral kingdom will disperse in the world; everything belonging to the plant kingdom will disperse; everything belonging to the animal kingdom will disperse. Nothing will continue on from the earth except for the mineral atoms coming from man, from the Saturn parts of human beings. Nothing of the mineral, plant and animal worlds passes across to Jupiter. The only thing which will continue is the Saturn man now within us. This will be the mineral kingdom on Jupiter.

I do not know if some of our friends still remember how we first started many years ago in Berlin. We were a small band in those days — some who shared in the experience are still with us — and we started to consider these things.

Let us imagine ourselves on the Jupiter of the future. What are the atoms of Jupiter? They are the Saturn parts of present-day man. It is a nonsense to talk of atoms of the kind modern physicists speak of. Everything man gains from the whole of the earth enters into Saturn man and later becomes Jupiter atoms. It is pure nonsense to say that our minerals, animals and plants contain what physicists are looking for in them. Our present earth atoms were prepared during Moon existence and are what will prepare us to be Sun men, just as we are now preparing the Saturn man in us. I have previously spoken of the way the atom is prepared our of the whole cosmos. You'll find this in the lectures given at the very beginning of our work in Berlin. 82 Today I'll have to be brief, also taking into account what we have gone through in the meantime.

Our stars, too — the external physical stars, the physical sun, the physical moon we see out there in the universe — that, too, is not the way physicists see it. Physicists would be most surprised if they managed to get up to the sun, for they would find nothing at all of what they have construed. They'd be most surprised at what they saw there. What we would find if we ever could travel up there — in accord with the times it would have to be in a balloon that is still to be invented, in an ether balloon — we'd find the unexpected. We would not find what the physicists have construed; we'd find nothing at all by way of a physical body. It merely looks like that. The sun, moon and stars are part of a whole that arose at some point after Moon evolution. After Moon evolution it was not only the Moon which perished but everything that is part of the visible universe entered into night. And everything there is in the universe today really belongs to the earth, so that the end of the earth will not only mean the plant and animal kingdoms perishing with it but everything out there in the cosmos perishing as well. The stars in their present form will perish into night. And then the future Jupiter world will emerge. Its atoms will be the Saturn parts of present man. Its environment will look very different from our earth environment.

A person considering all this today might ask: 'What will remain of the present world when earth evolution has come to an end?' Mineral, plant and animal kingdoms — all that disperses and passes away. What man gains today by virtue of being man, the external power of discernment he is acquiring, will pass over into the mineral kingdom of Jupiter. The spiritual science he gains will pass over as Sun man and establish the vegetation. What we say — the words we speak — will pass over. Anything moral that happens will pass over.

Was not the One who was to give meaning and direction to the whole of earth evolution able to say some very special words? Was he not able to say: ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away’? 83 Are we not now beginning to grasp the utter profundity of the words Christ spoke: ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away’? Is that not literally true?

Words coming from external science influence Saturn man and become the atoms of Jupiter. Words coming from spiritual science and influencing Sun man pass across to form the vegetation on Jupiter. That which acts on the dreamer passes across to form the animal kingdom on Jupiter. The moral progress made by man and what he gains through words of the spiritual science of the future — that will be man on Jupiter. It will be words, wisdom of thoughts. This shall endure. Everything all around us in the cosmos will perish. ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.’

So we gradually come to see words of profound wisdom flowing from this central place of activity we call Golgotha. They flow from that point. As I once said, the whole earth evolution to follow exists so that gradually men shall come to understand the words spoken by the One who went through the Mystery of Golgotha. Today I have tried to explain to you, out of the whole of spiritual science as we know it so far, Christ's words: ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.’ Again and again in the future there will be people who know how to explain other words spoken by Christ out of spiritual science. There will have to be many of them before the full meaning of Christ's words can be understood, for they are words of guidance, words given out of the spirit, yet it will only be in the course of time that they can be understood out of what human beings are able to summon up out of the science of the spirit.

We need to enter into this with our feelings if we are to get a feeling for the utter uniqueness of the Mystery of Golgotha. Through perception directed upwards to the infinite we shall gain the marvellous insight into the one thing that has given the earth meaning from the world's beginning to its very end—the Mystery of Golgotha.


The good can arise if, instead of our instincts and impulses, which are bound to work toward the cultivation of egoity, we pour into this source of destruction, by means of a moral inclination of soul, all moral and ethical ideals. Then something new arises. Then in this very source of destruction the seeds of future worlds arise. Then we, as human beings, take part in the coming into being of worlds.

When we speak, as one can find in my book Outline of Esoteric Science, of how our Earth will one day face annihilation, and of how through all kinds of intermediate states of transformation the Future Jupiter existence will evolve, we must say the following.


In the Future Jupiter existence there will be only the new creation that already is being formed today in the human being out of moral ideals, within this source of destruction. It is also formed out of his anti-moral impulses, out of what works as evil from his egoity.

Hence the Future Jupiter existence will be a struggle between

  • what Man on Earth is already bringing to birth by carrying his moral ideals into his inner chaos,
  • and what arises with the cultivation of egoity as the anti-moral.

When we look into our deepest selves,therefore, we are gazing upon a region where matter is thrown back into its nothingness

see also: Matter is destroyed in the brain


.. describes the kingdoms of nature on Future Jupiter, see Seeds for future worlds


Group soul characteristic of humanity

The group soul characteristic of humanity on Earth, and how the next 'good' kingdom of Man is formed as opposed to the 'lower' (or evil) kingdom of Man, is described in Second Adam > Discussion > Group soul characteristic

On shame and fear

see 1908-01-16-GA266/1 and 1908-01-26-GA266/1: shame is a remnant of Old Moon consciousness, the feeling of fear announces or is the seed of Future Jupiter consciousness (the blood streams towards the heart in order to find a center there)

On shame and fear, see also 1909-08-30-GA266/1: two of Parzival's feelings after his time in solitude, two sayings of Christ, two principles of an esotericist (page 447)

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References and further reading

  • Hella Krause-Zimmer: Der Jupiter-Zustand des Planeten Erde (und seine Vorbereitung in der Gegenwart) (1999)
  • Richard Seddon: The future of humanity and the earth, as foreseen by Rudolf Steiner (2002)