Christ Module 3 - Evolutionary framework

From Anthroposophy

Putting the impact of the Christ Impulse in an evolutionary perspective can be done at various levels whereby we zoom in or out at a different evolutionary scope.

The MoG introduction lectures touch on this at a higher level, without getting into detail. This module recaps this 'simple version', and provides a structure with separate pages where the topic is covered more technically and extensively.

The difference between this and the generic topic page coverage of Evolution is that here the focus is on the role and impact of Christ and the Mystery of Golgotha, whereas the general Evolution coverage goes into the evolution of spiritual hierarchies, creation of the building material and development of the kingdoms and cosmos as a whole.


  • Studying what happened at epoch level
    • First the essential background to understand the relationship with the MoG Christ Impulse, of how humanity evolved and gained it's self-consciousness ('I-hood') and independance or freedom through the Jehova impulse in the Lemurian epoch: Jehovah-impulse and link to current PostAtlantean (impulse Christ) as per the MoG-intro lecture
    • The Atlantean epoch and the continuation of the SoF trickling in, but also the Mercury influence
    • Zooming into our Current Postatlantean epoch and the impact of the Christ Impulse across cultural ages
    • The next great Sixth epoch
  • Zooming out in three steps: at planetary level: where one can consider various aspects:
  • Earth cycle on two levels
considering the full planetary chain the turning point of time, spiritualization of what matters in the petri cup of our solar system lab: humanity as the Tenth Hierarchy


Schema FMC00.014 is at the level of the solar system evolution, showing the planetary stages and zooming in on the transition from Earth to Future Jupiter.

Lecture coverage and references


see also: Pentecost#1924-06-04-GA236

include the quote by Christ-Jesus that he came from Time:

Now we may draw near to a still further realisation. We look out into the far Cosmos which goes out beyond earthly reality, even as the Earth with its physical substance and forces goes down beneath cosmic reality. As in the Physical the Earth has a sub-cosmic element, so in Spirit-Selfhood the Cosmos has a super-earthly element.

Physical science speaks of a movement of the Sun; and it can do so, for within the spatial picture of the cosmos which surrounds us, we perceive by certain phenomena that the Sun is in movement. But that is only an image of the true Sun-movement — an image cast into Space. If we are speaking of the real Sun it is nonsense to say that the Sun moves in space; for space itself is being radiated out by the Sun. The Sun not only radiates the light; the Sun creates the Space itself.

And the movement of the Sun is only a spatial movement within this created space. Outside of space it is a movement in time. What seems apparent to us — namely, that the Sun is speeding on towards the constellation of Hercules — is only a spatial image of the time-evolution of the Sun-Being.

To His intimate disciples Christ spoke these words:

“Behold the life of the Earth; it is related to the life of the Cosmos. When you look out on the Earth and the surrounding Cosmos, it is the Father whose life permeates this Universe. 3 The Father-God is the God of Space.

But I make known to you that I have come to you from the Sun, from Time — Time that receives Man only when he dies. I have brought you myself from out of Time. 4

If you receive me, you receive Time, and you will not be held spell-bound in Space. But you find the transition from the one trinity — physical, etheric and astral — to the other trinity, which leads from the etheric and astral to spirit-selfhood. Spirit-selfhood is not to be found in the earthly world, just as the Earthly-physical is not to be found in the Cosmos.

But I bring you the message of it, for I am from the Sun.”

The Sun has indeed a threefold aspect.

  • If one lives within the Sun and looks down from the Sun to the Earth, one beholds the physical, etheric and astral.
  • One may also gaze on that which is within the Sun itself. Then one still sees the physical so long as one remembers the Earth or gazes down towards the Earth.
  • But if one looks away from the Earth one beholds on the other side the spirit-selfhood.

Thus one swings backwards and forwards between the physical and the nature of the spirit-self.

Only the etheric and astral in between are permanent. As you look out into the great Universe, the Earthly vanishes away, and you have the etheric, the astral and the spirit-selfhood. This is what you behold when you come into the Sun-Time between death and a new birth.


Christ who came from the world of Time into the world of Space, who brought Time itself into the earthly Space (the Sun creates space, our time concept is a projection of changes within space )

When you look out on the Earth and the surrounding Cosmos, it is the Father whose life permeates this Universe. The Father-God is the God of Space.

this refers to Old Saturn

But I make known to you that I have come to you from the Sun, from Time ... I have brought you myself from out of Time.

this refers to Old Sun

(see also Schema FMC00.400 on Cosmic breath of Brahma on the start of a new creation cycle)

With the Old Sun stage of planetary evolution of our solar system, the lower spirit world gets created and it is the start of duality and time; see also Schema FMC00.627 and the concept of Zaruana Akarana in the spiritual cosmology of Zarathustra in ancient Persia, some 6000 years ago, the concept of the zodiac as symbol of eternity (or the infinity of time) and unity over light and darkness.


in FIH, Ch 6

The descent of the Christ into human form was not just a historical detail within the unfoldment of phe­nomena. It is a stage that is inevitably reached on any planet upon which human evolution unfolds. As I said be­fore, it is part of the static condition within the Absolute, eternally. The incarnation of the God-Logos is offered to humanity at that level of collective spiritual development to help humans realize that their destiny is to become gods themselves.

Kikis L. Christofides

to understand the statements below, see Love#Buddhi .. Christ is the name for a principle that is beyond time and space (in the unformed higher spirit world)

in HTS, Ch 7.

Some people assume that the birth of the Christ Logos took place only on our planet within a specific place and time. From our own temporal perspective this is true. But from the perspective of the eternal present there has been no time that has not experienced the birth of the Christ Logos.

There are planetary systems within the boundlessness of space that experienced the birth of Christ perhaps millions and billions of years in the past and there are planetary systems within which the Christ Logos has not as yet expressed Itself.

in FIH , Ch 6. - referring to what is depicted on IAO

There has never been, in other words, an imperfect beginning for there has never been an epoch when the Absolute, or God, has not been meditating within Itself. It is within this context, that we must understand the arrival of the Christ Logos on our planet.

When do you think the Christ Logos expressed Itself on our planet? The expression of the Logos within the universes is within the static condition of the Absolute. The Logos expresses Itself within a civilization, within a planet, at the point when human consciousness has reached such a level that makes the manifestation of the Logos possible and meaningful.

Jesus Christ appeared on our planet at the midway point between our beastly uncon­scious past and the superconscious state of Theosis or God-realization.

The latter is the inevitable end stage and destiny of every Spirit-I or Pneuma that has passed through the Human Idea as it embarked on the cyclical spiral of incarnations.


The Christ Logos is born and crucified eternally within the static condition of the Abso­lute. And this static condition expresses itself within time and space according to the level of consciousness reached by entities that passed through the Human Idea. [editor: or what Rudolf Steiner called 'the human stage', Condition of Consciousness level 4).


[Question Markides: "Why do you suppose the Christ Logos was born on our planet at the time It was and not in previous epochs?"]

Perhaps because it was at that moment in history that human consciousness had reached a state of maturity that could have absorbed the light and the truth offered by the logoic expression. You see, it was the collective needs of human beings at this point in time that brought down the Logos in a human form.


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References and further reading