
From Anthroposophy

Schema FMC00.575: illustrates the two major divine impulses in the process of individuation of human beings (Schema FMC00.185). Each sphere represents a human being with the lower bodily principles or sheaths.

Note: these illustrations are from the two central lectures in the Guided study approach to Christ.



This schema combines illustrations from the two key lectures on the Mystery of Golgotha, see Guided study approach to Christ and Five lectures on the Mystery of Golgotha.

The schema goes in depth of what is depicted on the important Schema FMC00.185 on the three main impulses as the first and second divine impulse by Jehovah and Christ.

About the third 'Father' impulse, see: Mysteries of the Spirit, the Son and the Father#Note 2 - About the Father impulse.


Note 1 - Influences of different hierarchies in statement of lecture 1906-12-02-GA097

See: Five lectures on the Mystery of Golgotha#Lemuria: outpouring of manas

This note is relevant for Development of the I#Note 1 - Narrative to the Development of the Human I


One will notice that Rudolf Steiner speaks here of:

  • a) the Old Moon beings, he describes beings of the hierarchy of the angels, who provided the soul (left drawing), and
  • b) Spirits of Form (archangels on Old Sun) who provided the manas or spirit-self impulse (middle drawing).


In other lectures Rudolf Steiner describes how the human 'I' was sacrificed as the lowest principle by the hierarchy of the Spirits of Form, and specifically Jehovah, how the 'I' was radiated from below (Schema FMC00.472). This first divine impulse of spirit-self or manas is linked to Jehovah (see Schema FMC00.185).

How to understand these descriptions?


Well the human 'I' did not exist yet, so everything was astral, higher and lower, as the worlds interpenetrate .. but with the development of astral senses, each individual human entity then began to create a sense of individual self, the sentient soul. Imagine that through functioning and incarnate world experiences, each human being inscribes into the higher spirit world and thereby crafting the human 'I' (from the available archetypes).

In other words, take the perspective that there is at first only higher and lower astral, and that the actual I is created 'below' from this, that is kind off inserts itself in between as the fourth bodily principle that thus develops.

Such view would bring all the descriptions together, and this can be 'tested' also visually with FMC00.472A and FMC00.472.

On FMC00.472A notice the contributions of angels and archangels is infused in the astral, on insert FMC00.443 imagine that the spirit-self or manas seed is like a spiritual seed point in this astral matter, Imagine how dunes form, how parts can clutter, how such spiritual seed can provide an anchor point on which the human 'I' can grow slowly but steadily as a new fourth principle as Man takes hold of, or is able to use, more 'functionality' offered by Man's bodily principles .. so after the astral body and senses (sentient soul) also using the etheric body and the brain part of the nervous system for further development of rational thinking (intellectual soul) and now the physical body and Man's new organ for the consciousness soul ("This organ will in future time be the physical means, the physical instrument, for the application of certain powers of the soul", see Man's new organ#1913-05-01-GA152)

Use of other Schemas

One can use Schema FMC00.472 (on Development of the I) to try and visualize this statement regarding the different hierarchies contributing in the Lemurian epoch.

As additional perspectives, see also: