Book of Genesis

From Anthroposophy

In the Bible, the Book of Genesis gives an account on the evolution of our current planet Earth, the fourth planetary stage of evolution or Condition of Consciousness (CoC=4), the fourth 'mineral' Condition of Form (CoF=4).

It describes how Man was created as a soul being through the Spirits of Form (Jehovah-Elohim impulse) in the Lemurian epoch, and became physical mineral Man as a result of the Luciferic infection

  • The Book of Genesis starts in the Hyperborean epoch, right after the separation of Sun and Earth, when the sun starts sending its forces to the Earth from without.
  • The first three days of creation map to recapitulations of Old Saturn, Old Sun and Old Moon evolutions whereby the Elohim infused something new. At the end of the third day, there exist the rudiments of a soul-spiritual Man corresponding to sentient, intellectual and consciousness soul) but without further outer garments or bodily principles.
  • The fourth day maps to a period after the separation of the moon in the Lemurian epoch. Man receives an astral body.
  • The fifth day, Man receives an etheric body. Animals make their appearance as being, first the birds and the marine animals.
  • In the sixth day, 'the Spirits of Form (Jehovah-Elohim) breathe into Man's nostrils the breath of life', and Man became a living soul being. Man is still spiritual in the periphery of Earth, in a physical form but in an elementary existence of warmth and air (so not mineral, invisible to our current physical eyes). Land animals make their appearance on Earth.
  • On the seventh day, 'God rests', in this case God refers to the Elohim or Spirits of Form SoF. This refers to the fact that, whereas the SoF gave up part of their being to become Jehovah and contine to work on Man, the other part does not work upon earth but continues devoting itself to its own evolution.
  • Expulsion from Paradise - the Luciferic infection: Man came down to earth as Luciferic beings poured themselves into the human astral body and another astral body now came into existence,  permeated by this Luciferic influence . As a result, the body of warmth and air contracted, further densification occurred, and: the man of flesh came into being. Through the condensation of the human body brought about by the Luciferic influence (that lives in all that is liquid and solid), Man became heavier and acquired the force of gravity, sank down out of the periphery to the surface of the earth.


  • The book of Genesis contains nothing but images from the akasha records (GA109). Moses had the faculties to read the akasha records (1909-01-21-GA109, 1909-02-15-GA109). See also: Clairvoyant research of the akashic records and Stages of clairvoyance
  • see also recapitulation for partial reverse recapitulation (Schema FMC00.286 on that page) of Man's bodily development that can be superimposed on Schema FMC00.299 below
  • ancient hebrew terminology used in the Book of Genesis
    • tohu wabohu (without form and void – 'state of confusion'), haschamayim (all that tends towards outer manifestation, to proclaim itself, tends to force its way out), ha'arets (inner activity, permeation with inward craving; which inwardly vivifies or animates) (1910-08-18-GA122)
    • rakia (separation of two directions of force) (1910-08-19-GA122)
    • yom (usually translated as 'day') and yamin, meaning the appointment of the subordinates of the SoF, the archai) (1910-08-20-GA122)
    • alternation of ereb (state of disorder or confusion) and boker (state or order, harmony, organization, brought about by the archai)(1910-08-20-GA122)
  • Ernst Hagemann positions:
    • Ch. 1 of Genesis to describe the first creation
      • placing the beginning of the separation of Sun from Earth on the first day, and the final separation of the Sun on the second day
    • Ch. 2 of Genesis to describe the second and third creations, mapping respectively to the beginning (creation of kingdoms of nature in first three ages) and middle (last four ages) of the Atlantean epoch
  • Parallels between story of Genesis and the Egyptian Book of the deads (1902-03-01-GA087)


Schema FMC00.299 provides an overview reference to the first creation in the Book of Genesis, as explained in the 1910-08-GA122 lectures.


Schema FMC00.573 shows the early stages of the Earth in the 'physical' Condition of Form of the fourth 'mineral' Condition of Life - see Three dimensions of Evolution. See also Schema FMC00.057C.

Taken from Iwer Thor Lorenzen's book 'Fundamental problems of evolution', original in DE 'Grundprobleme der Evolution' (1958-60)


. Schema FMC00.057C provides an overview scheme for the study of the evolution of our current Earth planetary stage and CoC, the formation of the current physical solar system with the planets, the emergence of the spectrum of elements and ethers, and nature's kingdoms on Earth.


Lecture coverage and references


Main cycle is GA122 (10/11 lectures), but also 4 lectures in GA090A, one in GA090B and two lectures in GA088. There are other lectures more dispersed across the cycles, eg. 1907-11-13A-GA101. The above already provides no less than 18 lectures as a base package to study.

Source extracts


is on Genesis 3:1 to 24, explaining line per line

quote A

And Adam called his wife's name Eve because she is the mother of all living things (Genesis 3:20) From then on Adam called his consciousness Eve, the mother all that the human being creates oN Earth, the mother of all that the human being develops on this evolutionary path. And that is what Eve shall be, the kama-manas

quote B

God drove Adam out and placed a Cherub with a flaming sword before the garden of Eden to protect the path to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24) The cherub is the planetary spirit who represents manas, immortal life; it does not signify knowledge through kama-manas. The cherub who stands by the side of Jehovah was placed before the garden of Eden so that the human being does not push into this garden, where the truth in its primal, eternal form is to be found


covers Genesis chapters 1 and 2

Note: the start of the lecture, compares the Greek mythology images of three streams from the three Logoi: Uranus, Chronos, and Zeus.

  • At the beginning of our Earth evolution Uranus represents the first Logos, which brings forth the first separation from the undifferentiated condition that was present in the preceding pralaya. Uranus was the being driving this forward, his opposite was Gaea.
  • The second stream is the stream of soul; Chronos, who represents the purely psychic aspect of the soul.
  • Then begins what is characterized as the pilgrimage of the soul, the union with Zeus, the god of kama-manas.











(DE only) - the first chapter of Genesis

1910-GA122 - Cycle: 'Genesis - Secrets of the Bible Story of Creation'

11 lectures between 16 and 26 August 1910, see online 1910-GA122


[Confusion with yom and day]

To find the answer to this question we must first learn to understand Genesis in the right way. There is a passage in the Genesis account which has been a veritable stumbling-block to all the commentators, because for centuries they have completely ignored what occult investigation has had to say about the real meaning of the words with which our Bible opens. If you are at all familiar with modern Biblical criticism, you will know what difficulty this point has caused the commentators.

There is a sentence in Genesis which is rendered And God divided the light from the darkness, and it is then made to appear that light and darkness alternated. I shall come back again to a closer examination of the words. For the time being I will make use of a translation into modern speech — it is not correct, and I am only using it provisionally.

At a certain point it says: And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And further: And God called the light Day.

This is a real stumbling-block for the world of letters! What then is a “day” of creation? The naive intellect regards a day as lasting twenty-four hours, as something which alternates between light and darkness, as does our day, during which we wake and sleep. Now of course you all know how much scorn has been heaped upon this naive idea of the creation of the world in seven such days. You perhaps also know how much labour — how much fruitless labour-has been applied to the task of identifying the seven days of creation with longer or shorter periods — geological epochs and so on — so as to make a “day” of creation signify some longer period of time.

The first difficulty arises of course when one comes to the fourth “day,” when Genesis first speaks of the setting up of sun and moon as directing time. Now every child today knows that the regulation of our twenty-four-hour day depends upon the relationship of the earth to the sun. But since the sun was not there until the fourth “day,” we cannot speak of a twenty-four-hour day earlier than that. Thus anyone who tries to adhere to the naive belief that the day of the creation story is a day of twenty-four hours has to do violence to the Genesis account itself. There may of course be such people; but it must be objected to them that in insisting that Genesis refers to days such as ours they are certainly not supported by revelation. As to the vagaries of those who try to find a way out by giving a geological meaning to these “days” of creation, they are really not worth bothering about. For in the whole range of the literature of the subject there is not the slightest evidence that the word yom signifies anything resembling a geological epoch.

What then is the meaning of the word yom, which is usually translated as “day”?

Only those can form a judgment about this who are able to transport themselves in feeling, in attitude of soul, into ancient methods of naming things. The process of nomenclature in ancient times needed quite a different kind of feeling from what we have today. To avoid too great a shock, let us take it step by step.

Let me first draw your attention to a doctrine held by the Gnostics. They spoke of spiritual powers who played a part in our existence, who entered successively into the development of our existence, and these powers, these Beings, they called Aeons. By these Aeons they do not mean periods of time, but Beings. They mean that a first Aeon acts, and, having executed the work of which he is capable, is succeeded by a second Aeon, and after the second has exhausted his capacities, a third takes over, and so on. When the Gnostics spoke of Aeons, they meant Beings guiding development in succession, one taking over from another. It was only very much later that the purely abstract concept of time was associated with the word “Aeon.” Aeon is a Being, a living entity.

And just as “Aeon” expresses “living entity,” so too does the Hebrew word yom. It has nothing to do with a merely abstract designation of time, but conveys the quality of being. Yom is a Being. And when one is dealing with seven such yamim following one another, one is dealing with seven consecutive Beings or groups of Beings.

We find the same thing elsewhere concealed in a verbal resemblance. In the Aryan languages there is a connection between deus and dies — god and day. There is an essential inner relationship between this pair of words; in earlier times the connection between “day” and a Being was clearly felt, and when one spoke of weekdays, as we speak of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and so on, one did not mean simply periods of time, but the groups of Beings working in Sun, Moon, Mars and so on.

Let us then understand the word yom, which is usually rendered “day,” to mean a spiritual Being; then you have the hierarchical Beings one stage lower than the Elohim, Beings whom the Elohim used as subordinate spirits. After the Elohim through their higher organising powers had brought light into existence, they then appointed to his post Yom, the first of the the Archai. Thus the spiritual Beings whom we call Spirits of Personality, or Principalities, are the same as those called in Genesis, Time-Intervals, Days, Yamin. They are the servants of the Elohim. They carry out what the Elohim direct from their higher standpoint.

Those of you who heard the lectures which I gave recently in Christiania [cycle Mission Folk Souls] will remember that there too I called the Archai Time-Spirits, and described how they still work as Time-Spirits today. They were the servants of the Elohim. They were appointed by the Elohim to carry out the plans for which they themselves had laid down the main lines. In this way everything fits together into one great system, even for our understanding. But of course it is only when you have followed up what I am saying for years that you will acquire a real grasp of how everything without exception falls into place.

The exalted Beings of the Elohim entered into this interweaving of the several ethers, and of air, water and earth, and appointed Beings below them in rank as their servants. They gave these Beings their orders, so to say. In the moment when the Elohim had poured light into existence, they passed over to these Beings the task of carrying out in detail what had been set going. Thus we may say that after the Elohim had created the light, they appointed the first TimGA272e-Spirit to represent them. It is this Spirit who is hidden behind the customary phrase “the first day.”

We shall only understand the still deeper meaning of this first day when we also understand what lies behind the verse: And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The first of the Time-Spirits entered into activity, and with this activity was associated what can be described as an alternation of ereb and boker. Ereb is not the same thing as evening, and boker is not the same thing as morning. An appropriate translation would be: “There was ereb, confusion; and there followed boker, organisation.” There was a state of disorder, and it was followed by a state of order, of harmony, brought about by the work of the first of the Time-Spirits.

1973 - Ernst Hagemann

Source: original in DE: ' Weltenäther, Elementarwesen, Naturreiche, Texte aus der Geisteswissenschaft Rudolf Steiners, zusammengestellt und bearbeitet von Dr. Ernst Hagemann' (1973), translated as 'World ether, elemental beings, kingdoms of nature' (1993, republished 2008).

The extract is a demonstration of Ernst Hagemann's rigour and mastery of Steiner's work, why they called him the walking library.

With the text please also hold Schema FMC00.573 and Schema FMC00.462A alongside.

Quotes from and references to the following Schmidt number lectures:

  • S-1648: 1907-12-26-
  • S-1974: 1909-04-12-GA110
  • S-2020: 1909-06-09-GA109
  • S-2021: 1909-06-10-GA109
  • S-2047: 1909-08-26-GA113
  • S-2117: 1909-12-06-
  • S-2131: 1910-01-04-GA117A
  • S-2139: 1910-01-09?-GA117A
  • S-2259-2270. München, Aug. 16-26, 1910, Genesis, GA 122
  • S-2260: 1910-08-17-GA122
  • S-2261: 1910-08-18-GA122
  • S-2262: 1910-08-19-GA122
  • S-2263: 1910-08-20-GA122
  • S-2265: 1910-08-22-GA122
  • S-2270: 1910-08-26-GA122
  • S-2814: 1913-08-30-GA147
  • S-3136: 1915-10-17-GA254

Note that not everyone agreed with Hagemann's views, eg Friedrich Kipp in 1958 in Beiträge zu einer Erweiterung der Heilkunst Jg.11 Heft 3, p 78 after Hagemann published in that magazine Jg. 10, Heft 9/10 (p196) and 11/12 (p231).

[first two epochs, see also thde descriptions 1908-09-07-GA106 and 1908-09-09-GA106 on Earth's seven epochs]

During the Polarean epoch the entire world ether and the germs of all the nature kingdoms were united in a gigantic etheric sphere. During this epoch the hierarchical creator powers prepared for certain developments that were then implemented in the following Hyperborean epoch.

During the Hyperborean epoch two spiritual substances formed out of the single 'fine, living ether' from the Polarean epoch. These were life ether and chemical ether, in addition to an airy element.

The beginning of the Genesis time as told in Moses' Pentateuch occurred during this Hyperborean epoch. The beginning of the sun's separation from the earth coincides with "the first day of creation". This condition of the Earth was a less comprehensive repetition of the Old Saturn and Old Sun conditions of the Earth. (1910-08-20-GA122) The final sun separation occurred on the second day of creation, which should be looked upon as a less extensive repetition of what happened during the Old Moon stage. (1910-08-20-GA122) The Earth now began to orbit around the sun.

One spiritual Impulse that began during the Lemurian epoch was of particular importance for the Earth organism.

"The sound or chemical ether took hold of matter and ordered it in a certain way...while the elemental masses streamed upwards or gathered together down below. A force-element penetrated and ordered the elementary masses." (1910-08-20-GA122)

At this stage in his development, Man had an etheric body which consisted of life ether and chemical ether. The etheric forms of the predecessors of one-celled and multi-celled animals and men also developed.

A watery element now separated from the previously created airy element, and light ether from the more rarified chemical ether.

The further development of animal group souls brought about the formation of animals whose physical bodies consisted of 'water' and 'air'.

Plant entities that were quite unlike present-day plants had physical bodies permeated by air and light ether.

At the end of the Hyperborean period, Man had an etheric body that consisted of light ether, chemical ether and life ether, and an active astral body. (1904-GA011)

Before the separation of the sun, the Earth region contained life ether, chemical ether, light ether, airy and watery spiritual substances, the ancestors of present day animals and plants in etheric form, and human beings with etheric bodies made of light ether, chemical ether and life ether, and astral bodies.

The separation of the sun sphere from the Earth organism had important consequences for the latter. The free forces of life ether, chemical ether and light ether were withdrawn from the Earth. The etheric substances that were bound to the etheric bodies of the predecessors of plants, animals, and human beings now had to work together with the etheric forces which were working down from the sun sphere.

[Lemurian epoch]

The Lemurian epoch covers the next four days of creation which are described in Genesis.

The group souls of the individual nature kingdoms were created by the hierarchical creator powers during this time. (1923-12-01-GA232) The third root race, the Lemurian race arose. (1904-GA011)

Other structural changes occurred during the Lemurian epoch: warmth ether separated from the light ether. (1904-GA011)

It became necessary for ahrimanic beings to become creatively active alongside the Spirits of Form (SoF) in order to insert a solid mineral element into Earth evolution.

"The Spirits of Form rule in the physical world and they share this dominion with Ahriman." (1913-08-30-GA147)

"Ahriman is the lord of matter." (1916-09-11-GA272)

The germ of the mineral kingdom or the solid element arose in the Earth.

The densest state of materiality in the plant kingdom at that time was 'air' and 'water'. Some animals had airy bodies; others had water bodies. Man too was only condensed down to the watery stage in his physical body. But his water body was permeated by the newly arisen warmth ether. This brought about a gaseous condition, a fire wist. (1910-01-04-GA117A)

Before the separation of the moon, the Earth-moon was surrounded by life, chemical, light and warmth ethers, and it had warmth, air, water, and solids.

Plants were made up of water and air. Various kinds of animals had watery bodies or airy bodies. Human beings had physical bodies made of "fire mist", and etheric bodies, and towering astral bodies. The moon's separation was a kind of cosmic catastrophe which became necessary in order for the hierarchical creator powers to be able to incorporate I’s into human beings. Most of the incipient human beings had departed for the previously separated planetary spheres, because the material for making bodies which was available to them in the fiery-fluid earth realm had become too hard. (1909-06-09-GA109)

After the moon separated, human beings were able to develop on the Earth again. The Earth cooled and its "fire mist" gradually condensed with respect to strength and quality, although it was not yet hard and thick. The physical bodies of men were also not physically hardened. (1909-06-10-GA109)

After the moon left the Earth in a physically imperceptible way, (1915-10-17-GA254) conditions onEarth became favorable for the incorporation of the human 'I' and the Christ impulse. (1909-06-09-GA109)

Man could assume an upright position. [editor, see Schema FMC00.137]

Luciferic beings now tempted him and they gained control over the germ of the human intellect. (1910-01-09?-GA117A; S-2139) Thereby a large number of human beings were induced to descend from the Earth's periphery earlier than had been intended by the progressive powers. Their physical bodies had the consistency of gelatin and they could hardly be distinguished from the surrounding earthly substance.

Toward the end of the Lemurian epoch, the first solid land began to appear, through the precipitation of fine ashes and the cooling of rivers of metals. A number of beings whose etheric-astral form had a remote resemblance to present-day plants and animals lived on the growing islands. (1909-06-10-GA109)

The Lemurian epoch ended through a gigantic fire catastrophe. After some of the Earth's lite ether, chemical ether, and light ether had withdrawn with the sun into the cosmic periphery on "the second day of creation" (1909-12-06-GAXXX; S-2117), the Earth now consisted of warmth, air, water, and solids, and of the chemical ether and light ether which had streamed into the Earth on the second day, and of the lite ether which had poured in on "the third day of creation". (1910-08-19-GA122)

At the end of the six days of creation described in the First Book of Moses, there were group souls in the Earth's periphery and not yet any individual plants, animals or human beings on the Earth's surface, and of course no fossils were formed during this time. This first creation occurred in the etheric-astral realm. It would have been invisible to present-day physical eyes. (1910-08-17-GA122, 1910-08-18-GA122, 1910-08-22-GA122)

[Atlantean epoch]

The second creation which is described in the sec­ond chapter of Genesis occurred during the first three ages or subraces of the Atlantean epoch, which followed the Lemurian epoch. (1923-12-01-GA232) During this time, individual, simple predecessors of our present plants and animals began to appear on the slowly solidifying Earth's surface; they were directed by the group souls which had arisen during the first creation.

"Out of the flowing ocean of the astral and devachanic worlds, there emerged what now could be seen by the physical eye." (1910-08-26-GA122)

These beings of "the second creation" began to leave traces in the various layers of the Earth. The primal masses of gneiss which had trickled down to the Earth from the atmosphere during the Lemurian epoch now became as hard as wax. 1907-12-26-GAXXX; S-1648) In the carboniferous period, remnants of gigantic masses of plants began to be compressed into  our present-day coal.

It was only toward the end of "the second creation" that water as we know it began to fill up the indentations in the Earth's crust, when this water precipitated from the dense fog in the Earth's atmosphere.

Man was still hovering in the Earth's periphery at this time. Before his expulsion from Paradise and his descent to the Earth, Man had no solid skeleton.

At the end of "the second creation", toward the middle of the Atlantean epoch, the following picture presents itself:      

  • The mineral kingdom was about as hard as wax.
  • The plant kingdom consisted mainly of primitive gymnosperms, gigantic vascular plants, cycads, and conifers.
  • The animal kingdom consisted mainly of aquatic invertebrates such as corals and jellyfish, and cold-blooded animals such as dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles and the first varieties of fish.
  • Man still had no firm form. He floated or hopped around the Earth.


All four kinds of ethers were present in the Earth's environment, as were the corresponding groups of 'very useful' elemental beings. As the nature kingdoms began to become physically manifest on Earth, these groups of elemental beings became indispensable helpers of the hierarchical creator powers, because unless these elemental beings become 'enchanted' in various earthly forms, the latter cannot exist. (1909-04-12-GA110) Before the appearance of sense-perceptible forms on Earth, the spirit substance of the four kinds of cosmic ethers from which the bodies of elemental beings were formed was used to make etheric bodies, and the predecessors of the beings in the na­ture kingdoms. The creation of elemental beings through the tying-off of parts of hierarchical beings became necessary so that the newly created groups of elemental beings could fulfill their tasks on earth, which also entailed their enchantment in earthly creatures, minerals, etc.

... Almost all of the large numbers of plant and animal species died out at the end of the second creation, after some of them had attained gigantic forms during the Jurassic period.

Rudolf Steiner tells us that a third creation began around the middle of the Atlantean epoch at the time of the fourth, Turanian civilization. (1923-12-01-GA232)

The zodiacal forces which create and maintain the nature kingdoms and Man streamed down anew at this time. Geological deposits from this time show clearly how a stream of new kinds of plants and animals poured out from the Atlantean continent over the Earth's surface, which had meanwhile become more solid (Koch).

All of our present animal and plant species arose at that time. The minerals which had become visible became more manifold, and the substances which are known to present-day chemists as carbon, oxygen, alkali metals and heavy metals, etc., appeared. (1923-12-01-GA232) The Earth began to assume its present-day form. (1909-08-26-GA113)

"Then it began to develop fissures and clefts, so that our present rocks arose with their fissures and clefts." (1916-09-29-GA177)

By this time the Earth had shrunk to its present size, and the movements of the Earth, planets and stars had become calculable in terms of numbers of revolutions of the earth around the sun, or years. (Gleich)

During the third creation, the late Atlantean epoch, the Earth was a growing, sprouting organism; at the end of it the rigidification just mentioned occurred.

Since then, the Earth has been in a descending evolution. (1923-05-07-GA224) This can be seen very clearly in the geological strata of the Neocene period. When the last remnants of Atlantis sank, it marked the end of an evolutionary period which had produced most plant and animal species. The end of this third creation was mainly brought about by Man's misuse of seed forces in the plant, animal, and human kingdoms.

At the end of the Atlantean epoch and the third creation, we have the following evolutionary state of affairs:

The kingdoms of nature had more or less reached their present stage of development. But rocks and metals were still much softer than today, as was Man's skeleton. (1918-09-26-GAXXX; S-3869) Only a few decadent, transitional human beings like Neanderthal Man already had bones which were hard enough to leave remain. (1924-07-09-GA354)

  • All four kinds of ether were present in and around the Earth, as were the corresponding four groups of 'very useful' elemental beings, who were the helpers of the cosmic creator powers.
  • During the course of the third creation, the hierarchical creator powers gradually withdrew from their creatures on Earth. The evolution of the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms was more or less complete. A great deal of cosmic wisdom had been put into the "building plan" for the individual species of the nature kingdoms. They had already become "wrought work", in the sense of Leading Thought #112. For the creator beings had withdrawn and had delegated their work to less ad­vanced helpers such as the "very useful" elemental beings and their commanders, the spirits of rotation of time.


A completely worked-out 'house construction plan'- a normal, typical plan-now existed for each species in the nature kingdoms. However, at the end of the third creation Man had still not reached the stage which had been intended for him by the creator beings. Since they had to take Man's soul-spiritual development toward the individual I into account, the creator powers had to work out a 'house construction plan' that was adapted to each human being and to each of his incarnations on the Earth. This work was reserved for the highest hierarchical beings.

The Atlantean catastrophe destroyed many creatures, but the ones which survived began to multiply again during the following Postatlantean cultural ages. New creations of species only occurred on a small scale and many species became extinct.

Initiates in the mysteries of the second Postatlantean, Persian cultural age were able to transform suitable wild plants into food plants and wild animals into more useful, domestic animals.


Related pages

References and further reading

  • Hermann Beckh: 'Der Ursprung im Lichte: Bilder der Genesis' (1923)
  • Emil Bock: Genesis - Creation and the Patriarchs (1983, 2011 in EN, original in DE 1934 'Urgeschichte')
  • Ernst Hagemann: 'World Ether, Elemental Beings, Kingdoms of Nature' (1996 in EN, original in DE in 1973)
  • Kaspar Appenzeller: 'Die Genesis im Lichte der menschlichen Embryonalentwicklung' (1976)
  • Gérard Klockenbring: 'Genesis: Mysterienmotive im Alten Testament' (2000)
  • Edward Reaugh Smith: Terms & Phrases Vol 2. (David's Question What is Man?), (2001), p. 31-53