Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution
Man developed in the various stages of evolution by 'pushing down' and living by the grace of building on and using the other kingdoms of nature. Man rises in his development thanks to the lower kingdoms. Man therefore owes these lower kingdoms his development, and will redeem the kingdoms in his ascent during the future cycles and planetary stages.
For a spiritual scientific 'technical' understanding: this is related to the cycles of evolution at the levels of Conditions of Consciousness, Life and Form - see The two halves of an evolutionary cycle
For the evolution and appearance of the kingdoms on Earth, see Earth's seven epochs and beyond; for their redemption, see the Earth rounds perspective.
- before the separation of Sun and Moon from the Earth, Man carried the various forces and kingdoms in him, in order to become a self contained being he had to expel certain temperaments, passions and attributes of what lives in animals, plants. When Man formed his bones he expelled the mineral world (1908-09-13-GA106)
- Man owes his development to lower kingdoms, and will redeem them in his ascent. Man 'pushes' down the other kingdoms in the planetary stages, he rises in development thanks to the lower kingdoms. Man therefore owes these lower kingdoms his development, and will redeem the kingdoms in the next planetary stages. One can imagine this to happen
- within one round (descent/ascent per CoF, see 1905-02-27-GA090B),
- but also at the level of the CoL or rounds in one planetary stage (man redeems the lower kingdoms in the next CoL, see eg 1905-10-26-GA093a)
- and last at the level of the planetary stages.
Schema FMC00.149: gives a tabular synthesis showing the development of the Spectrum of elements and ethers and the development of our current Four kingdoms of nature as well as Man's developing Condition of Consciousness, see also Schema FMC00.583 on Man and nature's kingdoms in evolution
It shows how the plant and animal kingdoms evolved from the planetary stages of evolution: part of the development lagged behind and was not able to develop the next structural bodily principles, such as the astral on Old Moon, and the human 'I' on Earth.
Note: this schema has a Schema Commentary page, right click the schema number hyperlink to open in a new tab window.
Schema FMC00.583: shows two versions of the process of stratification that has led to the development of the current four kingdoms of nature in evolution. In each planetary stage of evolution, there is a segment of laggers that do not attain the full developmental potential or goal. This gives rise to, if one simplifies, a higher and lower kingdom, depending on whether the structural bodily principle (such as etheric, or astral) has been incorporated or not. This way, in each evolutionary stage a kingdom is pushed up - or down - by 'half'. Given the conditions in each planetary stage are vastly different (see left below), one should not imagine or reason about kingdoms or beings as they are in their current form. For example, on Old Saturn, Man was a physical seed in warmth. Furthermore, these schematics dramatically simplify the complete process, as Conditions of Life (CoL) and Form (CoF) with iterative recapitulations are not shown.
Within Earth's mineral CoL and physical CoF, the five epochs show (upper right) a recapitulation of all that preceded, which ultimately, after this long evolutionary pathway, results in the current physical kingdoms of nature we know. The last upper branch is the one whereby Man waited for the conditions to be right to incorporate the fourth structural bodily principle of the human 'I'. Souls that descended earlier into physical bodies under conditions that didn't allow to incorporate the human 'I', resulted in the various animal forms (see Schema FMC00.210 and variants), whereby the apes were last and hence closest to the human being. The animals were not able to separate from the astral group souls through the process of individuation, the way humanity does.
By the end of Earth evolution, current humanity will also split and divide into an upper and lower human kingdom, based on moral and spiritual maturity, which will lead to and make up two kingdoms on the next planetary stage of evolution Future Jupiter.
Schema FMC00.147: provides an overview to contemplate how the four kingdoms of nature on Earth originate in previous planetary stages of evolution.
Schema FMC00.147A provides a more detailed and explicit version with lecture and Schema references for further study
Schema FMC00.147B: is an older pivoted variant of Schema FMC00.147 that summarizes how Man owes everything to the spiritual hierarchies, how he has been created by them, and how they remained connected in his being.
Relate this to the roles of the hierarchies at a certain CoC in Schema FMC00.077A on Creation of solar system.
Schema FMC00.149A is a BBD depicting the planetary stages in evolution, and the origin of the kingdoms of nature as we know them now, listed below each planetary sphere.
Lecture coverage and references
(p328) 1905-02-27-GA090B
(freely translated)
all that was shed out in the descent, the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, are breathed in and integrated again, thereby pulling back up what was pushed down for our own development.
.. As man grew more inward, something occurred in the world outside; what we know as the three other kingdoms of nature arose. The three kingdoms around us arose gradually.
At first, only man was present. Then the animal kingdom was added; then the plant kingdom, and finally the mineral kingdom.
If we were to look back on the primeval Earth when the sun was still united with it, we would find a human being in and out of whom all the substances of the physical world moved. Man still lived in the womb of the gods: everything still agreed with him, so to say.
Then he had to leave behind what was precipitated as the animal kingdom. Had he carried this with him, he would not have been able to develop further. He had to expel the animal kingdom, and later the plant kingdom. What exists outside in the animals and plants is nothing other than temperaments, passions, certain traits of men that they had to expel.
And when man formed his bones he expelled the mineral world.
After a certain length of time, man could look upon his environment and say,
“Formerly I could endure you; formerly you went in and out of me as air now does. When I still lived in the water-earth I could endure you; I digested you. Now you are outside, and I can no longer endure you, no longer digest you.”
As Man became enclosed in his skin, as he became a self-contained separate being, he saw, in the same proportion, these kingdoms around him.
Note 1 - The relationship of Man with the different hierarchies in evolution
Schema FMC00.147 is a reference table to show the relationship of Man with the different hierarchies.
The role the SoF played since Old Saturn and through each planetary stage is described in 1908-02-29-GA102. It can also be found in record C of the esoteric lesson 1908-03-14-GA266/1, but as it does not appear in the other three records of that lesson, and corresponds totally to what is laid out in the lecture two weeks before, it is quite likely the author inserted it into her notes.
To put this in perspective of 'hierarchies in evolution', consider Old Saturn alone with Schema FMC00.413; then project this intoSchema FMC00.203 and Schema FMC00.276 on Overview of solar system evolution
Note, a very different angle on 'the hierarchy that is inspiring' in the Current Postatlantean epoch is in 1910-12-31-GA126: angels in first, archangels in second, archai in third, and SoF in fourth cultural age are described as beings that poured their forces and worked on Man's inner nature as 'inspirers'.
Related pages
- Evolution
- Four kingdoms of nature
- Overview solar system evolution
- Earth's seven epochs for the evolution of the kingdoms on Earth
References and further reading
- Ernst Hagemann
- 'Gedanken zur Evolution der Naturreiche' (1955)
- 'Noch einmal - Gedanken zur Evolution der Naturreiche' (1958)
- 'Vom Wesen des Lebendigen'(1963)
- Werner Schüpbach: 'Mensch und Pflanze: im Werdegang der Evolution' (1971)