Seven secrets
Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner spoke of the existence of 'seven great secrets of life' or 'seven unutterable secrets of life' that - until now - were only known by adepts. In earlier epochs only very few received these secrets. However this will change in the future of the current epoch with the fifth secret: "only at the end of the fifth epoch will a large number of people become aware of this and understand it."
The seven secrets correspond to the seven epochs (or human races) and their developmental goal, so the fourth was delivered to the fourth root race in the Atlantean epoch, and humanity is currently "growing into" the fifth secret. The two last ones will be delivered in the two future epochs.
The seven secrets should not be confounded by the seven mysteries made public by Rudolf Steiner in 1906-06-13-GA094 (see below), as he was extremely scarce in his comments on the seven secrets, and only spoke of them in a few lectures end 1903 (to a small inner circle).
Günther Wagner wrote a letter after one of these lectures kindly asking for the four previous riddles (see below). Rudolf Steiner's answer is interesting and is repeated here (SWCC) because it contains a concrete hint:
.. the four partial truths form sentences for meditation for those aspiring to the mysteries. Nothing further can be given than these (symbolic) sentences. The four sentences above are what one calls living sentences, that is: they germinate during meditation by those on the esoteric path, and sprouts of knowledge grow from them and much higher content that will come from these meditative sentences. If the meditations are fruitful, the fifth secret will follow from the first four. ...
[and at the end, the hint] .. "When science will have learned the lesson of how impressions of leaves originally arose on stones .. "
In this sentence lies almost the entire fifth secret hidden in occult way.
- regarding the second secret or mystery of Number (Schema FMC00.506), this is related to the process of individuation and Mahat (Schema FMC00.568 - for study use Schema FMC00.570A). The Cosmic Breathing as part of the Cosmic Fractal makes for the natural cycle of differentiation when entities descend from the higher spirit world to the lower spirit world, astral and physical worlds.
- first example is the process of individuation of humanity, see illustration Schema FMC00.594 and explanation Unification#Individuation and differentiation
- evolution of the animal group souls: at a much later stage group souls will embark on the same experiences that humanity undergoes today and build their own body, become individual and have an an individual soul (1906-09-02-GA095 Q&A, 1906-11-02-GA094, more on Animal kingdom#future)
- more on Overview of solar system evolution and Three dimensions of evolution. Specifically Schema FMC00.203 shows the CoL most relevant for advancing development of humanity in each planetary stage of evolution .. but in parallel ALL other beings are also evolving, as illustrated with Schema FMC00.077A and Schema FMC00.413. This goes for spiritual hierarchies like angels and archangels of the Third Hierarchy, but also for archai and group souls of animals, plants, and minerals, ànd the lower entities and kingdoms like elementals of nature.
- regarding "the lesson of how impressions of leaves originally arose on stones"
- see also the ancient druid a prayer mentioned in a private instruction on the Logos (1903-XX-XX-GA089): "The stones are dumb. I have put the eternal creator word into them that it may lie hidden; virginal and bashfully they hold it enclosed within them.
- Compare FMC00.507 also with the 'seven trees of existence' on Book of Ten Pages. There is correspondence, except for four and five: in the seven trees these are respectively 'knowing good and evil' and 'life', on FMC00.507 these are respectively 'death' and 'evil (with different meanings attached).
- see also Seven seals in the Book of Revelation. The epoch of the seven seals corresponds to the Sixth Epoch, and each age a seal is opened.
- note the 'fractal nature' again that seven secrets or mysteries do not only apply to the current epoch, but most probably to each epoch. And as such the seven mysteries (1906-06-13-GA094 (and see also GA264 and check 1906-11-02-GA039 tbc)) may just correspond to this at a higher level of planetary stages - these are explained in 1904-10-29-GA089 (see Overview of solar system evolution#1904-10-29-GA089)
- see also Molten sea#1904-11-04-GA093 where the Golden Triangle is described as the secret for the sixth epoch (open to discussion on interpretation)
Schema FMC00.506 shows the five symbolic meditations sentences for the five esoteric secrets about the evolution of mankind in each of the five epochs, living sentences in the sense "they germinate during meditation, and sprouts of knowledge grow from them" (1903-12-24-GA088 letter).
Schema FMC00.507 provides a view on seven mysteries of life, relating to the seven planetary stages of evolution. This can be contemplated along with the spectrum of elements and ethers and the planes or worlds of consciousness, eg the second and the chemical ether, the fifth and sixth and the astral and lower mental world.
Note that the seven secrets as described by Rudolf Steiner are per epoch, not per planetary stage of evolution. Compare also with the 'seven trees of existence' on Book of Ten Pages.
Lecture coverage and references
Seven secrets
A.P. Sinnett - Occult World (1881)
Below is the literal extract in this book from the letter from Master K. H. (Kuthumi) quoted by Sinnett.
Blavatsky wrote an article about this very quote and the process of precipitation in 1884 (see below)
Rudolf Steiner refers to this section in his letter of 1903-12-24-GA088 (also see below), saying it contains the hint to the fifth secret.
" Of course I have to read every word you write," Koot Hoomi replied, " otherwise I would make a fine mess of it. And whether it be through my physical or spiritual eyes, the time required for it is practically the same. As much may be said of my replies; for whether I precipitate or dictate them or write my answers myself, the difference in time saved is very minute. I have to think it over, to photograph every word and sentence carefully in my brain, before it can be repeated by precipitation.
As the fixing on chemically prepared surfaces of the images formed by the camera requires a previous arrangement within the focus of the object to be represented, for otherwise - as often found in bad photographs - the legs of the sitter might appear out of all proportion with the head, and so on - so we have to first arrange our sentences and impress every letter to appear on paper in our minds before it becomes fit to be read. For the present it is all I can tell you.
When science will have learned more about the mystery of the lithophyl (or litho-biblion), and how the impress of leaves comes originally to take place on stones, then I will be able to make you better understand the process.
But you must know and remember one thing: we but follow and servilely copy nature in her works."
Blavatsky - article 'Precipitation' in 'Theosophist' (January 1884)
See also more on on Precipitation
Of all phenomena produced by occult agency in connection with our Society, none have been witnessed by a more extended circle of spectators or more widely known and commented on through recent Theosophical publications than the mysterious production of letters. The phenomenon itself has been so well described in the Occult World and elsewhere, that it would be useless to repeat the description here. Our present purpose is more connected with the process than the phenomenon of the mysterious formation of letters. Mr. Sinnett sought for an explanation of the process and elicited the following reply from the revered Mahatma, who corresponds with him:
. . . Bear in mind these letters are not written but impressed, or precipitated, and then all mistakes corrected. . . . I have to think it over, to photograph every word and sentence carefully in my brain before it can be repeated by precipitation. As the fixing on chemically prepared surfaces of the images formed by the camera requires a previous arrangement within the focus of the object to be represented, for, otherwise--as often found in bad photographs--the legs of the sitter might appear out of all proportion with the head, and so on - some have to first arrange our sentences and impress every letter to appear on paper in our minds before it becomes fit to be read. For the present, it is all I can tell you.
Since the above was written, the Masters have been pleased to permit the veil to be drawn aside a little more, and the modus operandi can thus be explained now more fully to the outsider.
Those having even a superficial knowledge of the science of mesmerism know how the thoughts of the mesmeriser, though silently formulated in his mind are instantly transferred to that of the subject. It is not necessary for the operator, if he is sufficiently powerful, to be present near the subject to produce the above result. Some celebrated practitioners in this Science are known to have been able to put their subjects to sleep even from a distance of several days' journey. This known fact will serve us as a guide in comprehending the comparatively unknown subject now under discussion. The work of writing the letters in question is carried on by a sort of psychological telegraphy; the Mahatmas very rarely write their letters in the ordinary way. An electromagnetic connection, so to say, exists on the psychological plane between a Mahatma and his chelas, one of whom acts as his amanuensis. When the Master wants a letter to be written in this way, he draws the attention of the chela, whom he selects for the task, by causing an astral bell (heard by so many of our Fellows and others) to be rung near him, just as the despatching telegraph office signals to the receiving office before wiring the message. The thoughts arising in the mind of the Mahatma are then clothed in word, pronounced mentally, and forced along the astral currents he sends towards the pupil to impinge on the brain of the latter. Thence they are borne by the nerve-currents to the palms of his hands and the tips of his fingers, which rest on a piece of magnetically prepared paper. As the thought-waves are thus impressed on the tissue, materials are drawn to it from the ocean of ákas, (permeating every atom of the sensuous universe) by an occult process, out of place here to describe, and permanent marks are left. . . .
From this it is abundantly clear that the success of such writing as above described depends chiefly upon these things: (1) The force and the clearness with which the thoughts are propelled and (2) the freedom of the receiving brain from disturbance of every description. The case with the ordinary electric telegraph is exactly the same. If, for some reason or other the battery supplying the electric power falls below the requisite strength on any telegraph line or there is some derangement in the receiving apparatus, the message transmitted becomes either mutilated or otherwise imperfectly legible. The telegram sent to England by Reuter's agent at Simla on the classification of the opinions of Local Governments on the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill, which excited so much discussion, gives us a hint as to how inaccuracies might arise in the process of precipitation. Such inaccuracies, in fact do very often arise as may be gathered from what the Mahatma says in the above extract.
"Bear in mind," says He, that "these letters are not written, but impressed, or precipitated, and then all mistakes corrected."
To turn to the sources of error in the precipitation. Remembering the circumstances under which blunders arise in telegrams, we see that if a Mahatma somehow becomes exhausted or allows his thoughts to wander off during the process, or fails to command the requisite intensity in the astral currents along which his thoughts are projected, or the distracted attention of the pupil produces disturbances in his brain and nerve-centres, the success of the process is very much interfered with.
It is to be very much regretted that the illustrations of the above general principles are not permitted to be published. Otherwise, the present writer is confident that facts in his possession alone would have made this paper far more interesting and instructive. Enough, however, has been disclosed above to give the public a clue as to many apparent mysteries in regard to precipitated letters. It ought satisfy all earnest and sincere inquirers and draw them most strongly to the path of Spiritual progress, which alone can lead to e knowledge of occult phenomena, but it is to be feared that the craving for gross material life is so strong in the western Society the present day that nothing will come to them amiss so long as it will shade off their eyes from unwelcome truth. They are like Circe's swine.
Who not once their foul deformity perceive,but would trample down Ulysses for seeking to restore them their lost manhood.
Blavatsky, in the Secret Doctrine (1888)
as referenced by Steiner in his letter to Wagner (see below)
Of the seven truths or revelations only four have been handed out, since we are only in the fourth round
To our knowledge lecture 1903-09-01-GA088 is unique in its coverage, on this topic and GA088 groups it with the other reference below.
covers 'Secrets and secrecy' in a dedicated lecture. This lecture also appears in the more recent GA090C as based on typoscript642 Ib, whereas the GA088 version published before was typoscript 642 Ia.
Reference is made to Luzifer September 1903 issue (now in GA034).
Every race is given one of the seven great secrets. For of these have already been delivered. The fourth was delivered to the fourth root race. The fifth secret is the one into which we are growing; the sixth and seventh will be delivered in the sixth and seventh root races.
Not all people of a root race are initiated into such secrets. The fundamental secret was until now always the possesion of adepts. They were the leaders of the race [epoch] in question through the possession of the secret. Until now that has been the case in the fifth epoch. Only at the end of the fifth epoch will a large number of people become aware of this and understand it.
In the earlier epochs it was the case the only a few received these secrets. During our epoch the ability to understand, the intellect, has been developed. But the deepest depths are closed off to the understanding; nevertheless, some of the external aspects of these secrets can be guessed using the intellect.
At the start of this lecture reference is again made to these seven secrets, specifically to the one of birth and death.
At the start of this lecture reference is again made to these seven 'unspeakable' secrets, the fact humanity will now be handed the fourth, and that the spiritual scientific movement is nothing but the preparation for this. Only a very small part of this may be communicated in lectures, referring to Saint Paul who said that 'to speak of certain things with words is sinful'.
The lecture (and the previous one on the same subject) continues on the process of reincarnation, and hence contains clues to be discovered between the lines.
(SWCC) a speech was given to the first annual meeting of the German section of the Theosophical Society, this was reported by Rudolf Steiner in Luzifer of November 1903.
A secret is handed out to each human race: we are in the fifth and have arrived at the fifth secret, which cannot yet be spoken. But we are currently involved in gradually living into that secret.
The apostle Paul, who was an initiate, already pointed to it; it will be announced in the course of development in this epoch. ...
[continues on the danger of guessing, examples in Theosophical society]
Humanity must be prepared for the great truth .. a kernel of humanity is to be formed that understands this truth when it one days comes unveiled. It is to be a kernel dat truly grasps the significance of this secret and uses it not to curse but to bless humanity.
Earlier races were formed from existing suitable individuals or families, they were then led by Manu to a suitable landscape that was empty of people. With traffic and commerce extending all over the globe today, this way of proceeding is no longer viable or necessary. In its place today the education takes place through the cosmopolitan, international movement which forms this kernel
[editor: the text says: 'Theosophical Society' instead of 'movement', but this has been replaced taking into account the nuances made by Rudolf Steiner more than 20 years later regarding the anthroposophical movement versus society]
1903-12-24-GA088 letter
is the reference for a letter by Rudolf Steiner in answer to a follow up letter Günther Wagner after the lecture (letter dated 1903-11-14), who kindly asked, with reference to The Secret Doctrine, if Rudolf Steiner wanted to give the four riddles that the four previous races have apparently solved, alongside any references in Blavatsky's writings.
Here only a short extract follows:
I would like to respond to your question as well as I can. At the present the situation is as follows: the four partial truths form sentences for meditation for those aspiring to the mysteries. Nothing further can be given than these (symbolic) sentences. For those meditating on the esoteric path, there is much higher content that will come from these meditative sentences.
[four sentences or short paragraphs follow]
... If the meditations are fruitful, the fifth secret will follow from the first four. ...
[and at the end of the letter he does give a hint, referencing a letter by Master KH published in the German edition of 'Occult World' on pages 126-127. Note: see A.P. Sinnett: 'Occult World' (1881)]
.. "When science will have learned the lesson of how impressions of leaves originally arose on stones .. "
In this sentence lies almost the entire fifth secret hidden in occult way.
The four sentences above are what one calls living sentences, that is: they germinate during meditation, and sprouts of knowledge grow from them.
Full extract
On November 14, 1903, Gunther Wagner, from Lugano, who had heard this lecture, wrote to Rudolf Steiner as follows: " would be a kindness to me if you would like to give me special information: a hint for the riddle that every race must solve was entirely new to me; I have found nothing about this in The Secret Doctrine. Would you be able to name the four riddles for me that the first four races have apparently solved. I would also like to read H.P.B.'s words about this; perhaps you could tell me the exact place in the book."
1904-12-24 letter Rudolf Steiner to Gunther Wagner
Rudolf Steiner answered him on December 24, 1903:
Dear Mr. Wagner!
On page 73 [German edition] of The Secret Doctrine, we read with respect to strophe 1,6 [Dzyan]: "Of the seven truths or revelations only four have been handed out, since we are only in the fourth round." When you were in Berlin, I pointed out that in light of a certain occult tradition, the fourth of the above-mentioned seven truths goes back to seven esoteric root-truths; and that of these seven partial truths (the fourth regarded as the whole) every race (as a rule) is given one. The fifth will be entirely revealed when the fifth race will have reached its goal of development. Now I would like to respond to your question as well as I can. At the present time the situation is as follows: the first four partial truths form sentences for meditation for those aspiring to the mysteries. Nothing further can be given than these (symbolic) sentences. For those meditating on occult paths there is much higher content that will come from these meditative sentences. Here are the four sentences translated from the symbolic language of signs:
I. Reflect on this: how a point becomes a sphere and yet remains itself. When you have grasped how an infinite sphere is yet only a point, then think again; for then the infinite will appear for you in the finite.
II. Reflect on this: how a seed becomes an ear of grain; and then think again, for then you have grasped how what is living lives in number.
III. Reflect on this: how light longs for the darkness, heat for cold, and the masculine for the feminine; then think again, for then you will have grasped what kind of a face the great dragon will show you on the threshold.
IV. Reflect on this: how one enjoys the hospitality in a stranger's house; then think again, for then you will have grasped what awaits the person who sees the sun at midnight.
Now, if the meditations are fruitful, the fifth secret will result from the first four. Allow me to say preliminarily, only this much, that theosophy (the part of theosophy that can be found in The Secret Doctrine and its esotericism) is a collection of partial truths of the fifth.
You will find an indication of how one can get beyond this in the letter quoted by Sinnett, from Master K. H. (Kuthumi), who begins with the following words: "I have read every word..." In the first German edition of 'Occult World' it is found on pages 126 and 127.
I can only give you the reassurance that K. H. gives on page 127: "When science will have learned the lesson of how impressions of leaves originally arose on stones...;"
In this sentence lies almost the entire fifth secret hidden in an occult way.
That is all I am able to tell you to begin with, concerning your question. I could perhaps say more to further questions.
The four sentences above are what one calls living sentences; that is, they germinate during meditation, and sprouts of knowledge grow from them.
is a private instruction on 'The first, second and third Logos'
These spiritual entities then entered into the astral sphere; here, enveloped in denser matter, sensation awoke from touch; only now did they feel themselves to be separate entities, sensing the separation. It was the elemental world. Following descent to the ether sphere this sensation was pushed from the inside to the outside, it swelled up, expanded and grew because of the etheric vegetative power, and was then enclosed by physical matter and crystallized, for here the selfish principle was still seeking with all its power to be set limits. Sentience is thus shut up in the mineral world, with the divine ideas sleeping in sublime peace in the virginal rock.
Stone—a frozen divine thought: 'The stones are dumb. I have put the eternal creator word into them that it may lie hidden; virginal and bashfully they hold it enclosed within them.[Note 86] This is an ancient druid saying, a prayer.
In medieval times, ether and physical world or mineral world were called microcosm or small world.
Streaming in, the Logos surrounded itself with progressively denser vestments until it learned to define its limits firmly in rock. Stones are dumb, however, unable to reveal the eternal creator word. The rigid physical shell had to be cast off again; it remained behind in its world, whilst the crystalline forms in their soft ether vestment were able to expand, growing from the inside, that is, able to live. For life was growth; stone became plant.
Ascending further the Logos also shed this ether vestment and came to the sphere of astral sensation. Here, activity developed through interaction between touch and sensory perception; sentient animal existence configured itself in a living way out of sentience and active will.
lt then gradually developed its organs of perception, with the impetus from outside acting inwards as sensation. The types evolved.
On transition into the mental realm this sentience perceived itself, and the human level was reached with self awareness.
From the cosmic point of view the Logos would descend most deeply into matter on streaming into the mineral world and begin its ascent on casting off the first outer vestment. From the human, anthroposo-centric point of view, which the ancient druids held, among others, the spirit resting in the chaste rock would be a sublime level of existence. Untainted by selfish intent, the stone obeys only the law of causality. For human beings on the lower mental level of development, which is where we are now, the rock would be a symbol for higher development. Going through lower kamic passions and errors we would develop to an etheric plant existence, living and growing from inside in a selflessly self-evident way, later to live in our causal body, untouched by anything external, resting in ourselves, pure spirit, just as the crystallized spirit rests enclosed in the rock.
[Note 86] The formula can be found in GA 265.
In GA089 this is linked to footnotes 87 and 61 and 'The seven great secrets of life' or also 'the seven unutterable secrets of life'
Introduction to the volume GA089
In spite of this, Rudolf Steiner also started to speak of cosmic evolution in his lectures from 1903 onwards. The question arises as to how the presentation given in the 1903/04 fragment and in the lectures given in those early years relates to that used in Occult Science. The answer is found if we distinguish between presentation in form of ideas and that in form of visions, seeing each image as a different aspect of a subject which is extremely difficult to present.
The idea aspect clearly applied in those early years. It is the 'outline of cosmic evolution' aspect of which he said on 27 June 1908 in the lectures on the Revelation of St John (GA104) that it followed specific numerical relationships. This outline aspect is closely bound up with the 'seven great secrets', especially the second of them, the secret of numbers. This is clearly evident in the texts in this volume. The secret of numbers was always one of the most important in occult schools, for in original wisdom everything was based on number. [see 1907-11-21-GA100 and 1919-11-15-GA191]
For the occultist's investigations take him into the spirituality of the outside world. There one finds an infinite variety of entities and situations. It needs Ariadne's clew to find one's way back again. Number is this clew, the silver thread [see 1910-06-04-GA125]. The world has thus been ordered by number from time immemorial—number in terms of spiritual science also meaning category, archetypal ideas, cosmic thoughts.
It would thus be quite wrong to rate a presentation of cosmic evolution in categories less significant than one in images gained through vision. At the end of his work as a lecturer, Rudolf Steiner himself spoke of these categories as the alphabet of the cosmic script through which he gained his insights in spiritual research (see also special note in this volume).
states that the fifth Postatlantean epoch has to deal with the problem of evil with similar intensity as the fourth Atlantean epoch had to deal with the problem of birth and death
Seven mysteries
There are seven mysteries of life which up till now have never been spoken of outside the ranks of Occult Brotherhoods. Only in our age is it possible to speak of them openly. They have been called the seven ‘inexpressible’ or ‘unutterable’ mysteries. We shall attempt to deal with the fourth mystery, that of Death. These mysteries are as follows:
- The mystery of the Abyss.
- The mystery of Number (which can be studied in Pythagorean philosophy).
- The mystery of Alchemy. (We can learn something of this mystery in the works of Paracelsus and Jacob Boehme).
- The mystery of Death.
- The mystery of Evil (to which reference is made in the Apocalypse).
- The mystery of the Word, of the Logos.
- The mystery of Divine Bliss. (This mystery is the most occult).
Note 1 - On Schema FMC00.506 - five sentences for the secrets about the evolution of mankind
2 - secret of number: how a seed becomes an ear of grain
see also:
- how the seed contains all that grows out of it, see also Occult atom
- for the secret of number, see also Book of Ten Pages
see: Mystery School tradition#1907-02-17-GA097
Teaching [in the Atlantean epoch] was very different than it is today. ... [consciousness and faculties were completely different] ...
At that time they had an esoteric script, or esoteric language. ... The disciples received formulas and certain signs from their teachers, and they then could perceive the secrets of the world directly.
For example, this sign told them how a plant comes into being out of a seed.
[illustration of a spiral]
If not explained, a modern person would neither think of anything in particular nor feel anything when viewing this sign. It directly effected the people of that age, however, when they saw it or when it was formed in front of them. ... The sign of the spiral awakened an immediate feeling sensation. ...
The seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer were also once given in the form of a scale of seven tones, together with seven specific colors and fragrances. In this way, disciples in Atlantis experienced the sevenfold essence of the human being.
5 - when science will have learned the lesson of how impressions of leaves originally arose on stones
See the extracts above from:
- A.P. Sinnett - Occult World (1881) and extract from the letter from Master K. H. (Kuthumi)
- Blavatsky wrote an article about this very quote and the process of precipitation in 'Theosophist' (January 1884)
- Rudolf Steiner refers to this section in his letter of 1903-12-24-GA088, saying it contains the hint to the fifth secret.
" Of course I have to read every word you write," Koot Hoomi replied, " otherwise I would make a fine mess of it. And whether it be through my physical or spiritual eyes, the time required for it is practically the same. As much may be said of my replies; for whether I precipitate or dictate them or write my answers myself, the difference in time saved is very minute. I have to think it over, to photograph every word and sentence carefully in my brain, before it can be repeated by precipitation.
As the fixing on chemically prepared surfaces of the images formed by the camera requires a previous arrangement within the focus of the object to be represented, for otherwise - as often found in bad photographs - the legs of the sitter might appear out of all proportion with the head, and so on - so we have to first arrange our sentences and impress every letter to appear on paper in our minds before it becomes fit to be read. For the present it is all I can tell you.
When science will have learned more about the mystery of the lithophyl (or litho-biblion), and how the impress of leaves comes originally to take place on stones, then I will be able to make you better understand the process.
But you must know and remember one thing: we but follow and servilely copy nature in her works."
Webster for 'Lithophyl' (noun):
Bibliolite or lithobiblion, fossil leaves, or the figures of leaves on fossils.
Lithophiles are micro-organisms that can live within the pore interstices of sedimentary and even fractured igneous rocks to depths of several kilometers. Some are known to live on surface rocks, and make use of photosynthesis for energy. Those that live in deeper rocks cannot use photosynthesis to gather energy, but instead extract energy from minerals around them. They live in cracks in the rock where water seeps down.
Further also: here
Lithophile (rock-loving): The lithophile elements are the fundamental source of rock-forming minerals of the Earth’s crust.