Rawn Clark
Rawn Clark (1958-2024) was an American initiate and esoteric teacher.
He is most well known for his work supporting students with the Bardon system of initiation, which he did for nearly thirty years in the period 1995-2024. After support via internet forums, he launched the website 'A Bardon Companion' in 2001 and wrote his first Bardon Commentary. The second extended version written in 2010 became a reference for students of Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics (IIH). He came back to this a third time in 2021-22 with a series of videos and a third commentary.
Besides this however Clark was also an expert on the Tree of Life, on which he wrote several papers in the late 1990s, followed by multiple books on both the classical Jewish Tree of Life and the Gra Tree, exploring the 32 paths of wisdom and the 231 gates of the Jewish and 182 gates of the Gra Tree of Life. With this, he brought back to life the ancient spiritual experience of the gates of the Tree of Life as a spiritual alphabet. His last 'Book of Taurus' (2024) brought this work of more than 30 years to a synthetic conclusion.
Furthermore he also developed the magic of IHVH-ADNI which he learned in 1988 and first wrote about in 1998, also working with the TMO group, and resulting in the magic of essential meaning as described in his 'Book of Aries' (2022) as a culmination of a life working with this system of high magic.
Last, Rawn Clark was also a creative artist who developed magical tools throughout his life. The 2023 publication 'Rawnmade' provides an overview of this journey, which culminated in the creation of what he called his 'Radiators' and his 'Golems' (see Note 1 in the Discussion area below).
- main three areas of legacy developed in parallel over a period of more than 30 years
- helping to bring out Bardon's IIH to a broader audience worldwide: he stated each day at least one copy of A Bardon Companion was sold, and this had been going on for years
- bringing back to life the spiritual experience of the Tree of Life. As Rudolf Steiner described: "the ancient Hebrews had a spiritual alphabet with ten letters called sephirot .. but the meaning got lost as consciousness and culture changed .. something highly significant happened when Greek gave way to Roman civilization .. the whole thing became abstract. At the time when Greek civilization went into decline, becoming Roman civilization, a great cultural diarrhoea developed in Europe. The spirit was lost in a massive diarrhoea on the road from Greek to Roman civilization .. The sephiroth were the names for the letters of the spirit, things that needed to be learned to be able to read in the world of the spirit" and compared them with just recognizing abstract letters A,B,C,D versus reading a book like Faust where the combinations in words carry the meaning. Whereas for most people the Tree of Life is an abstract symbol to study or explore with mundane waking consciousness and active imagination and divination, Rawn brought back the spiritual reading of meaning with one's consciousness 'becoming the gates'.
- magic of essential meaning (MEM): with the Book of Aries (and the Book of Taurus), Clark documented an advanced capability 'post IIH' that can be seen next to PME and KTK, Franz Bardon's second and third books. In other words: a third parallel path for those who have finished IIH. The book of Aries may represent Clark's most important legacy and addition, see inspirational quote below. [PS: editor request for inputs to qualify & comment on this positioning]
Inspirational quotes
from the 'Book of Taurus' (2024)
.. like the ancients before me .. I have traveled these Paths of Understanding and have come back to tell what I've seen. But this time, I tell you how to get there in the hope you too will travel
from the 'Book of Aries' (2022)
.. I can only hope that this humble offering of mine achieves the sufficient quality to be accepted as an addition to Bardon's wonderful corpus of writings and sit along side of his works on evocation and kabbalah as exemplars of what comes next after IIH.
and on creating life with essential meaning
This is by far the highest and most difficult form of MEM (magic of essential meaning). In past times, few ever reached this stage in their development, more due to a lack of knowledge than lack of ability. I know of no example of this great magic having been committed to writing till now, though I suspect it has always been known in secret throughout the ages of human existence.
Schema FMC00.133: shows a schema by Rawn Clark mapping the ten steps in Bardon's IIH's system for self-initiation to the Gra Tree version of the Tree of Life.
- the 'archetypal realm' represents the higher Spirit world (or also formless arupa devachan), whereas the 'mental realm' below is the lower Spirit world (also called formed or rupa devachan). However note all these worlds are not separate but interpenetrate; see a.o. Interpenetration of astral and spirit worlds
- regarding the pillars of Form, Self and Force. This links to the Three dimensions of evolution, see also Schema FMC00.171 on Force substance presentation (or also Creation by the three Logoi). Also compare with the Jachin and Boaz pillars on Golden legend (Schema FMC00.228 and Schema FMC00.234 on that topic page)
- the term Greater Self maps to the archetypal germs, as described by Rudolf Steiner - see Schema FMC00.141A. For humanity see also Group souls of humanity and Unification.
Schema FMC00.133A: shows presentations of the Gra Tree of Life by Rawn Clark in the Book of Taurus and Book of Aries.
Compare also with Schema FMC00.133 on the Initiation into Hermetics IIH topic page.
Schema FMC00.637: provides a simple overview of the advanced initiation pathway with - on the left - the three books with the proven system of self-initiation by the adept Franz Bardon, from the very first steps to adeptship to the language of creation.
Added on the right are two books by Rawn Clark (who followed Bardon's system) and provides additional paths the initiate can follow once he/she reached the required level with step 8 of Bardon's first book.
Lecture coverage and references
Biographical notes
Rawn Clark (1958-2024) was born in 1958 in Oklahoma, US and spent most of his life in California. His earliest memories include himself being out in the woods experiencing nature and having the sense of the world being a magical place. Growing up in a family of agnostic unitarian atheists he found an encouraging environment and started out with reading Carlos Castaneda, going on to devour books on occultism in his 20s.
The period 1980 to 2000
... were the formative years between age 21 and 42 .. the 'life before' becoming a public figure.
While Rawn was working as a house cleaner in the 1980s he discovered two books in a library he was in at that moment. One was Aleister Crowley’s ‘Magic in Theory and Practice’ and the other was Franz Bardon’s ‘Inititation into Hermetics’ (IIH). He borrowed them but was not able to finish the first one so he picked up the second and didn't really put it down ever since. He writes that he started IIH aged 25 in 1983.
Fast forward to the 1990s. In 'Rawnmade', he tells several personal stories.
As an introduction to his love for minerals, he writes that for several years he lived in the small town of Laytonville in California and worked with his best friend as 'trimmers' for the pot harvest .. and goes on to tell the story how in late summer or early autumn 1993 or 94 he found a stone by the Eel River that proved so important to him. He also tells the story of another experience before that, an experience with a pagan spirit near a very flat rock he found when living in Willits, California. And, around 1993 and age 35, he felt a lack of worship in his magical practice and joined a Wiccan coven (see 'Rawnmade' quote "in my mid 30s").
Around 1995, Rawn became involved in online forums with Bardon related Q&A, something he would continue to do so until 2008
Also he had joined the Ordo Lux Kethri for a while, and wrote as Fra. A.L.M. about 'The Rousing of the Citadels' ritual in 1996.
His earliest publications are 1995-96-97 (aged 37-39) and fully geared on hebrew sequence of formation, Tree of Life, etc.
In 1998 Clark writes first about the magic of IHVH-ADNI, stating he has been practicing it for 10 years, so since 1988 (aged 30)
Some of these early writings can be found on: abardoncompanion.de/Articles-Links.html
In 1999 his first magic tool The Communicator also saw life, later converted for the TMO work group in 2006.
Period 2001-2018
Rawn Clark became a public figure with the publishing of the 'A Bardon Companion' V1 book and the website abardoncompanion.com in 2001.
He also spent a number of years living in Berlin, after which he moved back to California.
Resources of this period are still online with videos of 2014-15 period: www.youtube.com/@w3areone134/videos
Period 2019-2024
The last years of his life were remarkable: in the last five years Rawn made a kind of recapitulation of his main life contributions in the different areas, culminating his work in the different areas in publications that offered a synthesis, like a closure.
One could distinguish the following main areas of his work. The list below only includes the books of this last period of five years.
- Part 1: Bardon's system of initiation
- in 2022 Clark published 'Companions Along The Way: A Workbook for IIH Steps One to Ten'
- In summary: Rawn spent 29 years supporting the Bardon system of initiation, especially IIH, between 1995 and 2024, with 20 years of 'A Bardon Companion' between 2001 and 2022.
- Part 2: Tree of Life
- in 2024 the 'Book of Taurus', a synthesis of his life's work on the Tree of Life
- Part 3
- in 2019, he published the short booklet 'love letter to a dying world', followed by
- in 2022 the 'Book of Aries', a culmination of a life working with this system of high magic .. something he developed following the magic of IHVH-ADNI which he learned in 1988 and first wrote about in 1998. In other words the Book of Aries comes after some 34 years of experience.
- Part 4: magical tools
- in 2023 he published 'Rawnmade: a lifetime of magical tools', from which one may deduce some milestone in his development such as
- in 2006 (aged 48): the Consecrator
- 2007-2023: the Radiator with 10 sephirots
- in 2017 the failure to repeat the Consecrator with the Violet Star, followed by extensive experiments with Radiators, after which followed
- 2019-2024: the Golems, see: Language of creation#Note 2 - On Rawn Clark's golems
Rawn Clark passed away on 3 Nov 2024 (seemingly of a heart attack?), after anxiously writing his last book 'book of Taurus' (as if trying to finish it on time and still get it out) in the period May-Aug 2024 and finishing his last and eight golem, as he reported on his facebook page on 1 Nov.
Rawn Clark was not only in support of Bardon's system, he was an initiate with broad magical interests and an adept in the Tree of Life, also someone crafting magical tools for like 40 years, and also explored with the TMO group to make a unique contribution with the magic of essential meaning of the Book of Aries.
He was sincere, humble, and courteous in supporting people over the years and decades, making him much beloved.
For those who want to focus on the Bardon system of initiation, however there is absolutely no need to also get into Rawn Clark's other work like the Tree of Life or the Book of Aries. And maybe one should clearly separate them and not get mixed up.
2021-06-12 - Offerings: 03 - Walking in the Footsteps of Hermes
specifically one thing i wanted to say is that things might seem like a struggle in the beginning
like just everything from step one to step two to step to you know
for example the exercises with the senses, people have a lot of trouble with this, mostly wrapping their mind around it
or working with the elements, people are like "what the hell, you know, i'm not feeling anything, i can imagine it but i can't feel it"
just keep going, just keep doing it, you eventually reach a moment where you do feel the elements, you do feel them
the moment when you do experience the emptiness it's like "oh my god" and then of course you have to get back to the emptiness .. but there also .. you just continue with it until you reach that moment when you first experience it
and then the vital energy, first time you experience that you then have a grasp on it as it were and you go back to that kind of experience and you keep repeating those experiences and you build upon those experiences and it becomes easier and easier and easier like child's play
you know to borrow a phrase from alchemy .. it's just so easy
I mean I can build a charge of the electric fluid right now, that is really strong, in a second, just thinking about it, and I can dissipate it just as quickly
I work with the ketheric brilliance and the adonai light most especially and .. it took me so long and so much effort to be able to accumulate just a handful of ketheric brilliance .. and now I can accumulate a room full in a moment with just a thought .. I can accumulate the adonia light which originally was just such a a meager flicker of the adonai light that grew bit by bit into larger quantities .. now I can spread it out for miles, get a dense enough charge of adonai light that it will affect a radius of many miles
and it's just a matter of practice, it's just a matter of doing .. it becomes automatic and easy and simple and these things lose their thrill
it's not some great magical achievement anymore, it's just everyday ordinary .. it becomes a continuous part of life, ordinary everyday life of the hermetic magician
A YouTube viewer just asked me for a digital/pdf file of my Workbook; which of course got me to thinking.
I don’t write all these countless words to make money! I write for other reasons.
The money for my books is nice and really is making a difference each month, especially these days, but it’s not why I write. When I had my website, ABardonCompanion.com, it was easy for me to make my words available to all (at least to anyone with an internet connection), but now that ABC.com is a thing of the past, it’s suddenly difficult! I can only reach Facebook and YouTube and that’s only a small portion of what ABC.com used to reach . . . But, it will have to do! I’m a strong believer in doing the best with what I’ve got to work with, so here goes .
from facebook post
I just joined the two halves of the latest Radiator mechanism and noticed that the two Radiators in my house responded to the new birth.
I have the original (Grandfather) Radiator in my living room near my workspace and the yellow Tiphareth Radiator from the 2017 series in my bedroom, right next to my bed. At any rate, I noticed that they were both attracted to the new Radiator and were sending currents of Kethric Brilliance to it in a nurturing way.
And then I noticed that all the previous existent Radiators scattered across the planet were also responding and sending a bit of their radiation of KB to the new birth! Totally cool
question Do you ever use radiesthesia techniques with pendulums or is it all internal sensing of energy?
Rawn: I "see" the energy.
Olivier Jeudy: My Radiators were shrouded though, so it is interesting that this occurred. I am guessing they are all connected anyhow at a mental level.
Rawn: and they are all connected through me, which overrides all shrouding. 🙂
Note 1 - On Rawn Clark's golems
This note (moved here from another location) is not about the language of creation, but of what Rawn Clark called the 'magic of essential meaning' and working with what is also called the 'kethric brilliance' and 'Adonai light', as explained in the 'Book of Aries: Magic of Essential Meaning & The Path of Brilliance' (2022).
The below describes a specific advanced application of magical 'creation' of a physical tool, by the initiate Rawn Clark (1958-2024) who developed various magical tools during his lifetime, which resulted in the chrystal or zodiacal 'golems', creations that he also called his 'children'.. after he wrote in 2019, ...
to my great surprise and joy, I succeeded in creating Life by combining tuned quartz crystals is a specific configuration. I call them "golems" because they are kabbalistically created beings that enact my magical will for specific tasks and have a developed life of their own, as well as a unique personality of their own
In his booklet 'Rawnmade' (2023), Clark provides an overview of a lifetime of developing magical tools, listing these in four groups:
- a tool that is a found special thing
- a tool trhat has no power of its own and all power comes from the user
- a tool that has its own power but requires a user to activate
- a tool that has its own power and does not need a user to activate.
The golems described here are in the fourth class. Their chronology of their development is as follows.
- In 2006, aged 48, Clark developed the 'Consecrator', and then moved into developing the 'Radiator' of which he developed at least 30 between 2007 and 2023. The Consecrator implemented the 32 paths of wisdom (chrystals for each of the 10 sephiroth+3 mother letters + 7 planets + 12 zodiacal), the Radiator just the 10 sephiroth.
- In 2017 he tried to redo a Consecrator' with the 'Violet Star', but this initiative failed, it was the only failure in his magical tool development. He then created ten Radiators to do a set of experiments, and given these were successful, he went on to develop the Golems.
- In 2019 the first Golem was successfully developed, and Clark developed eight Golems up to 2024 before his death. The Golem is an evolution of the Consecrator whereby the quartz chrystals in the Golem are in direct physical contact with the central quartz sphere (instead of wires in the Consecrator), so they form a single energetic presence in which Clark placed and bound the life form.
The process describes how, from the higher spirit world downwards, an individual entity (atma) is spawned off and then clothed by charging and connecting chrystals to the seven planets and twelve zodiac signs, all connected to a physical body that we see on the pictures. So the golem represents a kind of man-made microcosm. Of course not comparable with the complexity of the human being, but purely as representation of the base principles with macroscopic influences.
Creation process
all chrystal golems pass though a phase during the creation 'ritual' where they are purely a Radiator, just after the 10 sephirotic crystals have been tuned and before the 22 letter crystals get their turns. Once all 32 are tuned and they are fully born though, they are more than just Radiators.
Rawn Clark passed away on 3 Nov 2024, after writing the 'book of Taurus' in May-Aug 2024 and finishing his last and eight golem, as reported on his facebook page on on 1 Nov 2024:
At 5:46:53 AM (PDST) this morning, the exact moment of the Scorpio New Moon, I completed the tuning of the new Scorpio crystal golem! He is my 8th zodiacal golem thusfar.
He is black, with gold at the base of each projecting quartz crystal, silver on the vertices or edges, and a black-and-red 4-tiered stand (with silver trim). His dimensions are 10 7/8 inches tall (27.5cm) by 7 3/4 inches wide (19.7cm).
The main body of the golem is a truncated-icosidodecahedron (made out of cardboard) with 32 sides or faces. Each face has a double-terminated clear Quartz crystal penetrating the surface and making physical contact with an inner central clear quartz sphere that is approximately 3 1/2 inches in diameter (90mm).
Each of the protruding Quartz crystals has been 'tuned' to one of the specific 32 Paths of Wisdom (the 10 sephirot and the 22 Letters of the Gra Tree of Life) as symbolized by the various colored disks surrounding the gold at the point of penetration.
Crystal Golems made by Rawn Clark
- # 1: Leo (gold) in 2019
- # 2: Virgo (purple)
- # 3: Libra (blue) "she's a healer"
- # 4: Aries (red) in 2022-03-31 "instantly takes me to my greater Self and some its Individualities .. very helpful, saved me a lot of work"
- # 5: Cancer (violet) on 2023-07-17 .. "collect all of the Radiators and brings all of them to a point, very powerful in terms of gathering kethric brilliance .. and saved a lot of effort"
- # 6:
- # 7: Taurus on 2024-05-08
- # 8: Scorpio (black) on 2024-11-01
here Rawn discusses the Sagittarius golem ("main healer") made for a friend (starting at 12-13'), and also the quotes above on the others
I just connect with my golems mentally as they have their own awareness .. and have them do things for me .. there's no ritual involved
other quotes
(30-31') a major catastrophe requires people to rely on eachother .. and that brings out the best in people (35') .. there is a collective human awareness, that all humans participate in .. but it is unconscious at this point in time .. we do not have a conscious collective human awareness (we have in the past, we will again in the future) .. in a collective awareness .. you just don't treat the world this way
Source material
- Rawn Clark: 'Rawnmade: a lifetime of magical tools' (2023)
- video materials
- Best short intro: when the concept was developed - see this preliminary video (2017): video A - the violet star
- This shows the internal wiring to the central spherical chrystal and the 32 chrystals of the 32 sides, charged or tuned to the 3 doubles, 7 planets, 12 zodiac signs and 10 sephiroth.
- When Rawn Clark made this 'come to live', see introduction (2019), see youtube video B : Magical Tools: Part Four - The Crystal Golems
- More extensive explanation (2023): video C - Offerings: 49 -- Meet the new Crystal Golem #5 (47'), covering:
- creation of the physical construct or body with cardboard and chrystals for the 22 letters (planetary or zodiacal)
- birth and magical ritual (starting 11-13') using ketheric brilliance energy in the higher spirit world. Clark uses the language of the tree of life he used and developed in his books to describe his creation process, eg 'greater self' group soul level (16' onwards). See also Schemas FMC00.560 and FMC00.133 on Sephiroth. Then binding to physical body (20-21'). Listen around 30-31'; then the seven planetary letters and shaping of the astral body .. and 36' the binding of the 'silver cord' to the physical body (see Out of Body Experiences (OBE)#Aspects); then the zodiacal letters (37') in three times four stages following the four elements .. and the 'binding' and 'awakening' from 39' onwards.
- Both videos are is part of a series of 14 videos on magical tools, see youtube playlist here. Rawn Clarke developed various magical tools as explained in this playlist; the gatemaker and radiator being the more well known.
- There is also a podcast in the series 'Mystery College Podcast' on spotify: podcast here .. Rawn Clark on Golem creations, Crystals, and other various magical musings
- Best short intro: when the concept was developed - see this preliminary video (2017): video A - the violet star
- These magical tools are a form of creation of elementals, also known as homuncles or servitors; the name Golem comes from the Jewish tradition.
- an icosidodecahedron has 20 triangular faces and 12 pentagonal faces.. It is a highly symmetrical polyhedron composed of two types of regular polygons (equilateral triangles and regular pentagons); it has 30 identical vertices, 60 edges, and 32 faces - consisting of 20 equilateral triangles and 12 regular pentagons. An icosidodecahedron is not a Platonic solid but belongs to a different category of polyhedra known as Archimedean solids. See also: Symbols#Note 1 - Platonic solids
Note 2 - On the Adonai light
Rawn Clark uses the term 'Adonai light', from ADNI or "ahh-don-eye"; see more on 'The magic of IHVH ADNI' on abardoncompanion.de/TMO-Links(eg lessons 7-8-9).
The extract below provides a short extract from the chanting of the magic of IHVH ADNI.
1998 - Attending the unity
With your next inhale, gather the Kethric Light. As you exhale, speak the words "Yod Heh Vav Heh" and project the Kethric Light downward. Use one quarter of your breath for each letter name, so that the final "Heh" spends the last of your air. As you speak the "Yod", project the Kethric Light down to your left temple and form there a sphere of luminous gray. Let this be your Chokmah and let it penetrate into the left side of your skull.
- As you speak the first "Heh", project the Kethric Light from Chokmah, over to your right temple and form there a sphere of obsidian blackness. Let this be your Binah and let it penetrate into the right side of your skull.
- As you speak the "Vav", project the Kethric Light down from Binah, to your solar plexus and form there a radiant sphere of golden-yellow. Let this be your Tiphareth and let it fill your chest.
- As you speak the final "Heh", project the Kethric Light down from Tiphareth, to a point just below the arches of your feet (or if seated, to just below the tip of your spine) and form there an opaque sphere of olive-green. Let this be your Malkuth and let it encompass both your feet (or if seated, the coccyx and anus without including the sexual organs).
With your next inhale, return to your Kether and gather the Kethric Light, and as you exhale, speak the word ADNI ("ahh-don-eye"). Use your entire breath in the forceful utterance of this single word, prolonging the final Yod as necessary.
- As you speak the first syllable ("ahh"), project the Kethric Light down from Kether, to Chokmah, then over to Binah, then down to Tiphareth, and ending in Malkuth. Prolong the aleph as necessary.
- The second syllable ("don") is said quickly. The Kethric Light, having struck Malkuth, now erupts upward in a swirling cloud of rainbow-hued light.
- The final syllable ("eye") is prolonged until the end of the available breath. During this time, the swirling Rainbow Light of Adonai becomes radiant and the channel between it and Kether flows powerfully with the Kethric Light.
Take at least one entire breath (inhale and exhale) without speaking and spend it strengthening your visualization.
With your next inhale, gather the Kethric Light-infused Rainbow Light of Adonai, and as you exhale, speak the words RBVNV ShL OVLM ("master of the universe"). Use your entire breath in speaking this phrase, prolonging the final Mem as necessary. As you speak, visualize the Rainbow Light spreading outward in all directions from you. As it radiates out into the universe, feel it permeating each and every thing it encounters.
Spend at least one breath (inhale and exhale), silently absorbed in this visualization. To finish, inhale and then with your exhale, speak the word AMN ("truth; faith"). Use your entire breath, prolonging the final nun as necessary. As you speak, feel the completeness of the Kethric Light's permeation of all things. Let the flow from Kether to Adonai and out to the universe be steady, strong and concrete.
Note - various
2024-01-28 exchange on Daskalos' book on the Symbol of Life
The adept known as Daskalos has written from experience of one of his previous lives, on the origin of the hebrew Tree of Life, derived by Moses from the egyptian symbol which is described in this book. See book page 75 (pdf p 35) and specifically page 87 (pdf p 41). .. wanted to kindly ask if you would care looking at this and perhaps provide your opinion or a short impression or qualification .. on the qualitative spiritual aspects of the sephiroths, and how the Tree of Life is different or the same as the Symbol of Life.
Rawn: An interesting book for sure. As to the origin of the ToL who knows. I don't see that is has one bit of importance.
Related pages
References and further reading
- abardoncompanion.de (copy of the old abardoncompanion.com site that went offline)
- the site www.rawnmade.com went offline
Note: for more info on the various books by Rawn Clark on the Tree of Life, see also notes on: Sephiroth#Tree of life
- main phases of publication:
- 'A path to understanding' and 'Unlocking the Hebrew Sequence of Formation' (article 1997, see more here)
- (1): period 2001-2005 (period of age 42-49 was 2000-2007)
- 'A Bardon Companion' V1 (2002 - copy of old website on abardoncompanion.de)
- 'Book 231' (2002 - online)
- The 32 Paths of Wisdom' (article in Autumn 2002 Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition)
- 'The 231 Gates of Initiation' (2005 - including the both Book 231 and the 32 Paths article)
- The Eight Temples Meditation Project : Exploring the Planetary Spheres of the Qabbalistic Tree of Life (2002)
- (2): period 2010-2012 (period of age 49-56 was 2007-2014)
- 'A Bardon Companion' V2 (2010)
- The 231 Gates of Initiation: & The 32 Paths of Wisdom Tarot (2012 - republishing of the 2002/2005 books)
- Permutations of the Tree: The 182 Gates of the Gra Tree of Life (2012 - new book)
- video commentaries: see also videos of 2010 and An Examination of the Gra Tree of Life (2010)
- The Eight Temples Meditation Project: Tenth Anniversary Edition (2012)
- (3) period 2019-2024 (period of age 56-63 was 2014-2021)
- 'Love letter to a dying world' (2019)
- 'Book of Aries: Magic of Essential Meaning & The Path of Brilliance' (2022).
- video commentary - see A Few Words About Book of Aries -Part Nine
- 'Companions along the Way' (A Bardon Companion V3 addition) (2022) - PDF dowload
- 'Rawnmade: a lifetime of magical tools' (2023)
- 'Book of Taurus: Kabbalistic Cosmology and the Magic of Essential Form/Meaning' (2024)
- commentary on all 182 Gates of the Gra Tree of Life and the Sephirot combined with instructions in the Magic of Essential Form.
- as Rawn Clark commented, the originally intended title was Essential Form, not as the title page at publication erroneously said Essential Meaning, it was just left then to be MEM
- videos:
- Permuting The Tree (2021)
- Rawn's Kabbalistic Cosmology
- this movie #33 in the series gives an idea of the process