D00.004 - Book of Revelation

From Anthroposophy

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This is an add-on discussing page to the main topic page Book of Revelation.


Schema FMC00.401 is a meta schema that pulls together various perspectives on the three main epochs in the process of the Individuation of the Human 'I' upto the Christ Impulse. After the initial impulse in the middle of the Lemurian epoch, the group soul process lasted upto the fourth age or root race in the Atlantean epoch. The three main epochs therefore are the 4th Atlantean, current 5th, and the next 6th epoch.

Two angles of perspective:

  • the zodiacal sign 'language' (re eg FMC00.373 lectures)
  • the clear language of:
    • 12 x 12 = 144
    • 16 paths of perdition

These different perspectives point to one and the same anticipated development timeline, and the below serves the discussion to lay these timings and perspectives next to one another and overlay and align them.

Schema FMC00.401A is slightly more complete, adding Schema FMC00.092 with the important timing of Man's clairvoyance and spiritualization linked to the 16 petalled lotus flower (throat chakra throat, larynx). That natural development would complete itself by the fourth age in the sixth epoch, leaving indeed the three last ages of that epoch as key ones (as is mentioned in Revelation lecture 1909-05-21-GA104A).


Schema FMC00.402 illustrates the white horse in the Book of Revelation. In 1904-10-24-GA090A this is called the horse Kalki, and is explained how this festival was celebrated since the ancient Indian cultural age and the time of the Rishis.

The divine being with a bow on the white horse is the son of God, who will come as a king (hence wearing a crown) to bring the revelation of what is in the book of the seven seals (see the two right illustrations). The horse with raised forefoot (see illustrations) will step with the forefoot on a snake, representing all of the lower nature that falls off. The upper right picture illustrates Rudolf Steiner's words.


Lecture coverage and references

144.000 as twelve times 12.000


7:4, 14:1-3, 11:15


Chapter 8 about the 144.000:

These are the ones who prepared the way for the eternal before it took the form of Christianity, and who have been transformed by the impetus given through Christ.


This is not the most structured lecture in terms of available notes, but it is a (or thé) most interesting lecture after 1909-05-21-GA104A on the subject of the 144.000.

In the lecture is explicitly stated that the sixth seal brings the 12, and further described that

  • the sixth epoch is represented by 12
  • there are 12 groups of souls that have fully taken everything from a previous epoch that this epoch could bring, development-wise
  • and the latter is represented esoterically by a '0'

hence the 12 x 12 = 144

Also it states:

In the sixth epoch .. meteoric appearances will be awakened, that have materialised, and through which certain souls will spiritualize. [Note the literal phrasing is not as clear, it says "und die andern beginnen höher hinaufzusteigen", but from the context of the description and 1909-05-21-GA104A this is clear].

In the sixth epoch the four lower bodily characteristics will have been worked through in a very different way. The horses represent a recapitulative reworkn with more intense penetration with the soul. The three souls will be much closer connected with the three lower bodies. Leading to the attainment of the spirit-self.


explains the concept of 'father', the most advanced cohort of humanity, and states that, see p 365-366:

.. the part of humanity are not yet ready but only understand the word at the end of the current fifth epoch ..

.. the twelve apostles are the oldest ("Die zwölf Jünger sind die Äldesten")

.. regarding becoming 'father', reaching this stage: only a third of the population reaches the developmental goal at the end of the fifth epoch (a second third will reach this later) (72* 1/3 = 24). RS states that 72 of the elderly were called to step into this process of development, and so only 24 of the elders will be there when the seven seals are opened.

This same lecture also appears or appeared in GA092, see online in translation here


extract on the fact that only a third of the population achieves the developmental goal:


Again something of particular significance comes to pass in evolution. We are told what conditions will be when the Fifth epoch has progressed, to the point where it must be decided whether the time has come for the transition into the Sixth epoch. ...

The coming of the Sixth epoch is announced by the sounding of trumpets.

Quote from Rev. IV;12

“And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third, part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.”

This refers to the third part that has remained behind, which however, need not have happened. The Letters to the Communities contain not only warnings and admonitions but also sharp reproof.

Not all reach the goal. A third part (of humanity) falls away completely from evolution.

We have therefore one third which will attain the goal, one third which lags behind, and one third which does not reach the goal and falls completely away. One third attains its goal, a second third will only later attain its goal, making together two thirds; and at the end of the fifth epoch, only one third of those who began evolution will have reached the necessary stage of development.

Seventy-two Elders were called upon to enter into evolution and to develop to further stages. The admonitions to the Communities which it devolved upon the Elders to lead, indicates that only a third reach the goal. If we take a third of 72 Elders, we have 24 Elders who will still be there when the seven seals of the Book are opened.

See also



In the [epoch of the seals] something like a shower of meteorites will occur, caused by increasing materialism, and some human beings will ascend to a spiritual state. What these spiritualized human beings will have acquired through their efforts in the Postatlantean epoch will completely permeate them from within.


Because they have worked on their development they will be able, in the fourth, fifth and sixth ages in the epoch of the seals, to use the three soul forces (sentient, intellectual and consciousness souls) to permeate and work on themselves in order to take in manas.

.. human beings will have permeated the three with four ..

.. they have gone three cycles, that is, through three zero's .. hence twelve with three zero's: 12.000

[citing Rev. 7:2-5]

.. "out of every tribe of the sons of Israel, twelve thousand sealed out of the tride of Judah, 12.000 of the tribe of Reuben ... "

Twelve times 12.000 gives the number 144.000. These are the people who will constitute human society in the age of the sixth seal.


[Christ represents] .. as fusion and at the same time a rebirth of all former spiritual streams of humanity. In him the earlier streams are born anew in an enhanced degree.

see also (along with a longer extract), Schema FMC00.102 and Schema FMC00.452 on Gospels


Whenever the Apocalypticer refers to beasts, he's really speaking about the forces and activities of comets.

Once you know about this terminology you will begin to understand a number of things that the Apocalypticer knew about the nature of comets, although mankind in general then forgot about these things. So let's take a look at the nature of comets in connection with the Apocalypse. I would like to present this as follows.

If comets didn't exist, People wouldn't be able to endure the demands that are made upon their physical bodies by their astral bodies, if these astral bodies which constitute the bestial element in Man weren't being continuously corrected and healed by the absorbed cometary substances that are radiated back to the surface of the Earth, and that have an equilibrating effect upon human capacities.

So you see that Man is placed into the universe in a strange way in this respect.

Let's look at Biela's comet of 1872. Fire falls from heaven; the earth absorbs it, so that someone who can percelve these things spiritually sees that something comes up again and influences man's astral body in a favorable or unfavorable way.

Some comets have a therapeutic effect upon men's nerves, and others which the Earth absorbs unleash wild astral forces in Man when, they press upwards again.

Thus the Apocalypticer looks at cometary phenomena and he lets them run parallel with the descriptions of his beasts.

He compares them with seven-headed beasts because at that time the latter were much more closely connected with physical conditions, and a comet that was split into seven parts was a heavenly expression of what occurred on the Earth.

Likewise, the two-horned beast referred to a comet with two tails.


Note 1 - On the 144.000

Or, the 12 x 12 groups, the twelve groups that will be matured in terms of spiritual development

Elements to consider:

  • twelve tribes
    • link between the twelve tribes and the zodiac signs
      • note in 1904-10-03-GA090A reference is made that each subrace has its stellar configuration, and hence the seven stars are the seven angels or genies leading the subraces
    • the twelve tribes appear again Rev. 21:12 as the Sons of Israel.
  • the apostles
    • after the spirit of Elijah fructified the twelve apostles, Rudolf Steiner mentions that this influence continued to work through them, hence in those twelve streams
    • in another lecture, RS also - in a subphrase - states that Christ was surrounded by the twelve bodhisattvas (in the apostles)
  • the 144.000 are described for the end of the Sixth epoch, but also for the end of Earth evolution

Note 2 - The three beasts of evil and corresponding counterforces

1. Introduction

1/ Schema FMC00.426 provides an overview of the three beasts that appears in the Book of Revelation, corresponding to the three faces of Evil, see also Christ Module 14 – the counterforces: Lucifer, Ahriman and Sorat.

2/ In twenty years of lecturing, Rudolf Steiner was consistent in the content, however:

  • not always with regards to terminology. This is due to the change in audience and maturity, eg in the period 1903-1905 more indian terms were used (building on Blavatsky and the theosophical audience) but over 20 years lectures covered ancient teachings (eg from the ancient persian cultural age) and documents (eg Bhagavad Gita, Book of Revelation, Gospels), each with their own spiritual scientific terminology.
  • he did refine or adapt certain messages and descriptions (eg the length in Earth years of evolutionary phases).


Important note upfront is the excerpt from 1924-09-20-GA346

Whenever the Apocalypticer refers to beasts, he's really speaking about the forces and activities of comets. ... Thus the Apocalypticer looks at cometary phenomena and he lets them run parallel with the descriptions of his beasts. He compares them with seven-headed beasts because at that time the latter were much more closely connected with physical conditions, and a comet that was split into seven parts was a heavenly expression of what occurred on the Earth. Likewise, the two-horned beast referred to a comet with two tails.

3/This Discussion Note looks into the relationship between Sorat and the asuras or rakshasas and Ahrimanic beings and their influences.

This was already touched on here: Three days descent into Hades#Note 1 - On 'the bad guy below'

A related page is: False prophet

4/ In what follows, the three types of evil will be referenced by the three 'beasts'. This terminology comes from the Book of Revelation, where the term dragon and/or beast is used as an image for the counterforce challenge that humanity faces. The most well-known version of this image in widespread culture is Michael fighting the dragon. Consistent with Schema FMC00.426 we will use one for Luciferic, two for Ahrimanic, and three for the third type of evil referenced by Sorat.

2. Problem statement

Rudolf Steiner covered Luciferic beings and the Fall extensively, also covered Ahrimanic beings explicitly to a great extent, but was much less explicit or going in depth on the third type of true evil described via Sorat and the asuras or rakshasas. This despite the fact that each of these three terms were used and described in many lectures (see individual topic pages):

  • the links or relationships between Sorat and the asuras or rakshasas was never made explicit. To date we have not found a literal statement by Rudolf Steiner linking Sorat as the leader of the asuras or rakshasas. Even though from the descriptions and context ('laying the puzzle') this is usually logically deduced, as many lifelong students of anthroposophy have done, it remains a topic that comes up regularly as it is open to interpretation, given the fact here is no literal quote or statement by Rudolf Steiner that gives hermetic closure on the matter.
  • the links or relationships between the third type of evil and Luciferic and Ahrimanic types or evil were described in various contexts, but again it was not to a level of detail that provides full closure and hence similarly leaves space for interpretation.

The working assumption in these matters is that, in order to provide cohesion and coherence, one requires imaginative insight to integrate the available information from study, and that it will not be able to reach a conclusive statement by strictly applying inductive or deductive logic. This is a well known problem for anthroposophists: people debate various interpretations or ways to read-into cohesion due to various perspectives and different degrees of their depth of study.

Specifically now: what are the elements that give rise to the above 'problem'?

One finds that, across/between lecture excerpts various terms are used that give rise to potential confusion.

  • When Rudolf Steiner talks of the Beast, then one needs to fill in what Beast is meant. Whereas in some lecture cycles the Beast is used only for Sorat 666, in the Revelation lectures there are three 'falls' with corresponding Beasts - see Schema FMC00.426.
    • also: references to the appearance of the beasts in the Book of Revelation are sometimes given by description (eg fall of Babylon), by context (beast coming from heaven or from sea/earth), and sometimes by literal reference to the chapter in the Book of Revelation.
  • The terms Ahriman and Sorat are used in contexts that point to a relationship between both.
    • one such lecture quote is in context of the start of world war 1
    • another is around the 20th century where there is both the rising of the beast for 1933 but also the 3*666=1998 and then the incarnation of Ahriman
    • for this particular point, see also: False prophet
  • Whereas on the one hand Steiner separates Sorat as the anti-christ sun demon and worst type of evil, on other occasions it appears as if Sorat is an Ahrimanic being.
  • Steiner also states that Satan is the name for Ahriman, but then uses Satan also for the third type of evil. The term Satan is seemingly used for both. This confusion may partly be caused by references using the terminology used in Revelation (references to satan, devil, dragon, beast).
  • Harrison states that Satan is the name for Lucifer .. ‘whom it is a mistake to confound with the Devil’ .. of the order of archai .. and ‘he is not .. as is generally supposed, a fallen archangel, like Beelzebub, Mammon, ..’ note 'Archangel Michael recognized his superior dignity’.
  • And last, there are other elements that require a diligent study
    • the term false prophet in not always described clearly and explicitly in relation to the three beasts (it appears in 1924-09-15-GA346 linked to the second beast)

This Discussion note covers all three beasts/falls but focuses on two and three mainly.

3. Relevant key lectures and excerpts

3.0 - General

Schema FMC00.426 is based on the following references given:

  • 1904-05-21-GA090A - choosen from the 1904-5 cycles on the Book of Revelation (GA090A/B) because here a chrystal clear and delineated description is given.
  • 1909-05-20-GA104A - chosen from the 1907-8-9 cycles (GA104/104A)
  • 1909-05-21-GA104A
    • see Eighth sphere#1909-05-21-GA104A
    • comment:
      • this excerpt is an example of multiplicity or dimensionality of meaning/perspective. Rev 17 clearly states this section is about the Beast with seven heads and ten horns, and following Schema FMC00.426 this would be the second Beast.
      • now see Schema FMC00.425A; in Rev. 17 what is described is the first red 666-B in this schema, which is 'final' for this Earth stage of planetary evolution. However then still two such falls or blows are to follow, before things are final for the Eight Sphere at the Future Venus stage. One can imagine the Eight sphere is created and starts at the Earth stage, and has a parallel evolution that is 'de-coupled' or falls away completely at the Future Venus stage.
  • 1924-09-15-GA346 is the main lecture from the last 1924 cycle GA346 (see however also ao 1924-09-12-GA346).
3.1 - First beast and fall

The first dragon/beast is quite clear - it is Luciferic and relates to the first Fall and redemption of the luciferic beings at reunion of the sun. At the reunion of the sun, certain luciferic beings will stay behind and not be redeemed.


  • weak human nature -> degenerate, become corrupt out of weakness
  • through error in/control over physical body

Book of Revelation:

  • imagery: first dragon, old snake, from heaven
  • Fall of Babylon
    • what falls here are men, it is a human aberration: 'emotions out of control'
    • mediumistic, spiritual moral corruption - another power takes over/lives in astral body and I
      • re also false clairvoyance (see also Nesfield-Cookson p 287-289 ref GA254)
3.2 - Second beast and fall


second dragon from below, from the sea

those 'backward' men who remain slaves to animal instincts


Fall of beast + companion false prophet (its herald) who spreads teachings of the beast

something outside of human kingdom falls

fate is that their human I is no in them, but possessed by beast+false prophet .. Ahrimanic powers will act in them directly Book of Revelation

For more on what is meant by false prophet(s), see the separate topic page False prophet

3.3 - Third beast and fall

Revelation 13

13:11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.


  • black magicians represent physical incarnation of Sun demon Sorat who is their group soul.
  • black magicians get a chance on Future Jupiter (some do, some don't), and then the last chance on Future Venus (some do, some don't) .. where this becomes final (Eight sphere). See also Schema FMC00.425 and Schema FMC00.425A on Evil.


  • Sorat: "one of the mightiest demons in our solar system" <-> Arabism (<-> materialism)


  • comets are 'out of time', not regular planetary rhythms
  • events/occurences unexplainable by the laws of nature - disorder in planetary system

Then we have the third fall, which is the fall of Satan in the Apocalypse.

Here we have a very high being who does a different kind of work than the one which can be done on Earth.

The beast and the false prophet are powers who lead mankind astray; they want to steer men in the wrong direction in a moral and intellectual respect.

However, the power which is meant in the fall of Satan wants something quite different. It wants to throw the whole Earth off its course, and not just mankind. Seen from a human, earthly standpoint, this power is a terrible adversary of the Godhead.

4. Commentary

The current position taken in the materials on this site, is that Sorat <-> asuras <-> black magic <-> Eight sphere; and that all of this is in direct opposition with the Christos or Buddhi principle (see Schema FMC00.481), as explained in the lecture of Schema FMC00.078.

The Beasts represent challenges for humanity, along the evolutionary developmental pathway, not three distinct singular events in a sequence or so.

The current cultural age is a deeply Ahrimanic age of lies and materialism, the incarnation of Ahriman, getting humanity of course. But also an age which sees a re-emergence of the rakshasas or asuras, and black magic.

These influences will not go away, but stay with humanity for long epochs and eons to come. Whereas humanity will be able to redeem Luciferic beings in the current Earth stage (ai reunion of Sun), this will not be the case for the two other types of evil. Similar pivotal milestone stages are described on Future Jupiter and Future Venus.

Study of Future Jupiter#1915-04-03-GA161 allows to coin together many things. It is described how Man's actions on Earth will give rise to the new kingdoms on Future Jupiter, and how the next stage always builds on the previous, not just in recapitulations. In that context needs to be places a phrase as "The historical events of Earth are a kind of prophetic proclamation of the natural events of Future Jupiter".

The judgement day with the image of Michelangelo (Schema FMC00.539) may also call up in our minds the image of the Representative of Mankind between Ahriman and Lucifer (Schema FMC00.301) - see also Christ Module 14 – the counterforces: Lucifer, Ahriman and Sorat

5 - Various notes

1/ Regarding the exact interpretation of milestone dates such as 1933 and 1998 'to the year' versus the broad spiritual impulses that Rudolf Steiner describes.

1998 - Bernard Nesfield-Cookson

in his book 'Michael and the Two-horned beast' (1998, on p230 of the 2009 edition), discusses this point and goes on to cover the fact that Steiner sometimes talks about the "ahrimanic-soratic impulse" (literal quote - reference to be added) and that this may probably have to be interpretated as smeared out over multiple/many decades rather than taken literally as related to this or that year.

We need not, it would seem, hold too dogmatically to the year 1998 mentioned by Rudolf Steiner as being a point in time at which Sorat is particularly powerful in his assaults on struggling humanity.

Speaking about a different date in quite a different context (3101BC) Rudolf Steiner observes:

"This date is not to be taken as an absolute but as an approximate date" (1910-05-10-GA118).

Elsewhere, referring to the quoted date 333 (1918-10-16-GA182, 1918-10-13-GA184), Steiner states quite clearly:

"It does not matter whether something occurs a few decades earlier or later. In outer physical reality, which takes on the form of the 'great illusion', things are sometimes misplaced" (1916-09-17-GA171).

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References and further reading