Various notes

From Anthroposophy


INTERNAL RESEARCH NOTES - not for publication

Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is a spiritual and occult organization that was founded in 1887 in London, England.

Key founders were:

  • William Robert Woodman (1828-1891)
  • William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925)
  • Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (1854-1918)

. Other famous members:

  • A. E. Waite (1857–1942)
  • Aleister Crowley (1875–1947)


Golden Dawn and Kabbalah: The Golden Dawn integrated elements of Kabbalistic mysticism into its teachings, adapting and combining it with Western esoteric traditions, Hermeticism, astrology, alchemy, and ceremonial magic. Much of its Kabbalistic teachings were drawn from earlier sources, including Jewish Kabbalah, Christian mysticism, and Renaissance magic. Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, in particular, was instrumental in systematizing and presenting this synthesis within the order.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn fragmented into several daughter organisations incl. Stella Matutina (Regardie), Alpha et Omega (Macgregor Mathers), Isis-Urania Temple (A. E. Waite), and others. At the basis lie a revolt of London initiates against the then-head of the Order MacGregor Mathers in1900.

The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri


Rawn Clark has been instrumental (and much beloved and admired) in the community of Franz Bardon's system of initiation, as a result of his unique work in support through his A Bardon Companion V1 (in 2002) and V2, his abardoncompanion website (started in 2001), videos, and tireless courteous support in forums answering questions.

Nevertheless some people have spread some 'bad press'. Examples are posts on the forums for Rawn Clark's books, seemingly all by one or two people in 2015.

This has given rise to research and discussions about the origins of Clark's work besides the Bardon system of initiation.

Clark was very much a specialist of the Tree of Life, whereas the Bardon system does not use this at all.

  • Center of Stillness, Healing, Magic and Self-Knowledge: Original Articles & Audio Transcripts
  • The 231 Gates of Initiation: & The 32 Paths of Wisdom Tarot (2012 update of work of 2002 and 2005)
    • Sometime around the middle of 1998, during my work with the original Eight Temples Meditation Project, I “discovered” that both the Western Hermetic and Hebrew Tree of Life symbols held within them exactly 230 geometric shapes of a certain nature. Along with this discovery came the realization that these 230 shapes, plus the Tree as a whole, held a direct correlation to the 231 “Gates” mentioned in the Sepher Yetzirah and throughout Kabbalistic literature. So I began drawing these “231 Gates” by hand on paper... And as I drew, I explored... The following couple of years were spent in extensive exploration of all these Gates and eventually in 2002 I published “Book 231” online. At the same time, I created the “32 Paths of Wisdom Tarot” and wrote an article titled “The 32 Paths of Wisdom” which was published in the Autumn 2002 Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition. The main theme of this article was to illustrate the differences between the Western Hermetic and Hebrew versions of the Tree of Life and present the Hebrew Tree in the context of a Western Hermetic path of initiation. And then, in 2005, the “32 Paths of Wisdom” article and Tarot were integrated with the 231 Gates of the Hebrew Tree and I digitally published “The 231 Gates of Initiation” for the first time online. This present edition in paperback differs quite a bit from the 2005 digital edition. First of all, my understanding of the Tree of Life has deepened considerably since 2002, especially my understanding of how and why the planets are attributed to the Hebrew Letters. As a result, some of the planetary attributions have been corrected in this version. Secondly, I have removed 99% of the Hebrew words and substituted their English equivalents in an effort to make the Tree symbol much more accessible.
  • The Eight Temples Meditation Project
  • Permutations of the Tree: The 182 Gates of the Gra Tree of Life (2012)

Hence we find a mixture of ancient Jewish traditions and rituals in Clark's work, eg

  • The Magic of IHVH-ADNI (2002)
    • This is the magic of combining IHVH with ADNI as I know it and practice it.  I learned this magic from one whose name will forever be unspoken. In 1998 he writes After 10 years of practice, I have been granted the words to tell you of this sacred magic.  But instead of telling it as I learned it, I will tell it as I have come to understand it  -- I will tell it with my own words and in my own way.
  • The Book of Aries (2022) about the magic of the Kethric Brilliance of Adonai Light
    • Adonai? "A Jew reading aloud from the Torah will never vocalize YHVH. Instead, the word Adonai (ADNI = "lord") is substituted. Later renderings of YHVH, such as the Christian Jehovah or the modern Yaweh, are merely inaccurate conveniences of intellectual language and have no true power."

Questions discussed include:

  • why should anyone committed to Bardon's system of initiation need or even care about hebrew and/or the Tree of Life. It is totally not needed, even though Clark himself took that route (and of course he was very free to do so!)
  • why is Clark's work include pointers to very jewish-hebrew tradition like IHVH-ADNI and Adonai? One may assume he learned about these techniques and became very advanced in them. But should one mix this with the pure modern western path laid out by Bardon?


  • the TMO group was started by Clark in 2005 to explore the possibilities of working TMO in grpup context; for which he also made magical tools like the Integrator and the Communicator (see 'Rawnmade' (2023))
  • bio info:
    • from abardoncompanion:
      • I began pursuing Bardon's system of Hermetic initiation at the age of 25 and became involved in online forums a dozen years later. I then spent the next 13 years answering Bardon-related questions online. :)
      • early publications: 'levels of self' (1995) article referencing Ordo Lux Kethri, 'Unlocking the hebrew sequence of formation' and 'A path to understanding' (1997)
Extracts from research

Rawn Clark (Fra. A.L.M.) - The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri

in Caduceus - The Hermetic Quarterly (Spring, 1996; Vol. 2, No. 1)


The Rousing of the Citadels (RC) is a practical technique used within the Ordo Lux Kethri 1. It was born out of the Golden Dawn’s “Middle Pillar Exercise”2 and has since evolved to a point where it diverges greatly from it and is now considerably more complex.

Its first use within the O.L.K. was as an induction to a series of guided path and sphere workings 3. The RC form was very simple and, like the “Middle Pillar Exercise”, employed the sephiroth and paths of the Middle Pillar only. It differed however, in that its focus was Daath and the enveloping of one’s being in the Lavender Aethyr-Light for purposes of skrying.

The RC practice expanded as experience indicated and now incorporates all the sephiroth and paths. Within the O.L.K., it has come to replace the “Middle Pillar Exercise” and “Qabbalistic Cross”4 entirely. RC is an integral part of nearly every aspect of current O.L.K. technique.


To best understand the RC practice, we must begin with some of the basic assumptions, or philosophy, which form its foundations.

The symbol structure employed is traditional, non-christianized, Qabbalah 5. These symbols consist of several levels: anthropomorphic deity-forms and beings; color; sound; ideas or thought-forms; and most importantly, the emotional responses that these images evoke within the Qabbalist. The RC focuses these energies within the bodies (mental, astral and physical) of the practitioner and integrates them through the medium of these very same emotional responses.

Following the philosophy of “as above, so below; as below, so above” (of the Macrocosm’s reflection within the microcosm, etc.), these energies within the practitioner’s microcosm resonate with those of the Macrocosm, allowing genuine contact and interaction between the two. These experiences of contact and the relationships they engender, cause the experience to continually deepen with practice.

It is through genuine experiences with the intelligences contacted by these powerful symbols that their energies are fully integrated into the practitioner’s bodies, eventually becoming readily accessible faculties and powers. Furthermore, the practice of RC itself, employs and thereby strengthens, all of the subtle senses.

Posts in alt.magick


Even the now deceased Chief of the Ordo Lux Kethri was expelled from a (now defunct) branch of the Aurum Solis. Let me tell you the truth about magickal Orders. All of the "Adepti" were expelled some place or other, and then started their own. According to Dion Fortune, that is how magickal Orders propagate.


The Order which was derived from Michael Albion MacDonald is known as the Ordo Lux Kethri, or Order of the Kethric Light. Interestingly, MacDonald claimed to be in possession of the Grade of 7=4, and he is also known to have been in contact while in London with a certain english occultist who was a member of the Secret College of S.R.I.A. and who had also received this Grade of 7=4 in the Hermes Temple of the Stella Matutina in Bristol. However, MacDonald never informed me of the source of his 7=4 Grade, only that he made the claim to it. (I am unable to give the name of the english occultist in question, as he objects to having his name posted on the internet. ... I am in possession of certain of MacDonald's magickal papers connected with the Grade of Z.A.M.


Michael MacDonald resembled in appearance at least one published photograph of Mathers (the one where Mathers is wearing a military uniform). MacDonald was absolutely convinced that he was Mathers come back. At one junture, he referred to certain circumstances as "the most trouble that he had had since the Horos affair." Unfortunately, MacDonald is now deceased. It appears, however, that he had at least one relative who had been a member of the original HOGD.


Sar Draconis

in alt.magick internet forum

The Ordo Lux Kethri, also known as the Order of the Kethric Light, was founded in 1982 by April Schadler Bishop and Michael Albion MacDonald of the Artisans of Light. The structure of the order, which considers itself a fraternal order, is similar to the Rosicrucian one.

Michael Albion MacDonald, who claims the Grade of 7=4, was an associate of David SARD in England, one of the last Chiefs of the Stella Matutina Temple in Bristol (Hermes Temple), and who worked as librarian in charge of the manuscripts collections of the British Library at the British Museum at a time when MacDonald was a daily visitor for over a year.

Members of O.'.L.'.K.'. study kabbalah, alchemy, Hermetic meditation, including the techniques of visualization and astral travel of Franz Bardon, as well as ritual magick.

The Ordo Lux Kethri was a reincarnation of a previous Order of the same name founded by Richard C. Gorhem, in which both Michael Albion MacDonald and April Schadler Bishop had been adept initiates. Alas, Richard Gorhem met his demise on a lonely stretch of highway 1 south of San Francisco, which caved in to the beech below because of intense rains. Michael Albion MacDonald and April Schadler Bishop ressurected the Order in the ensuing years.

MacDonald brought an intense focus on Solomonic magick and Solomonic evocation, demonstrating to initiated members the actual evocation to visible appearance of the Solomonic spirits. Some photographs demonstrating some of these ceremonies are thought to still survive in Order archives. MacDonald made numerous copies of magickal manuscripts of all kinds; his rendition of the Solomonic Theurgia is thought to be one of the best of its kind.

In an ensuing post, I shall shortly quote directly from an Order paper, as it was issued to Initiates circa 1984.

Note: Sar Draconis said to correspond to Robert Word aka Sar Draconis, aka Ainsuph

Robert Word's implausibility on matters related to the Soc Ros in America (18 years ago)

Readers of this forum should note some relevant issues when considering Robert Word (Sar Draconis) recent attacks on the Soc Ros in America and its Imperatrix, Soror Maria Babwasingh. It is a (minor) footnote to occult history that Mr Word has had a long and tempestuous relationship with SRIAmerica, mostly founded around his desire to attain entry to the higher degrees and inner councils of that group. At its nadir, Mr Word's conduct was of such a nature that the SRIAmerica had to take the unusual step of seeking an injunction, preventing Mr Word from approaching or attempting to gain access to the group's temples. One must also consider Mr Word's earlier attempts to gain access to the inner sanctum of another Order, this one teaching the wisdom of Paul Foster Case. Whereas his partner was accepted into that group's inner order, Mr Word was deemed to lack sufficient occult maturity to be accepted, and the ensuing tantrum was of a similar magnitude. That the officers of that group had foresight and judgement in their assessment is clear, witness Mr Word's ongoing conduct here on alt.magick, even many years later. His addled missives here reflect a mind as tea-stained and

questionable as a false Desmond Bourke charter. Regrettable, indeed. Hell hath no fury like a puffer scorned, one must suppose.Jean


Dear Devin,


   > (and anyone else who might know), <<

🙂 Since I'm the last living member of the O.L.K., I doubt there's anyone else who would know. 😉

   > In your article "Levels of Self," you mention the two models of the "self" : the Zoharic (GD-style) and the one used by Ordo Lux Kethri. Most of the info out there seems to be derived from the Zoharic model. My question is, do you know where I can find out more about where O.L.K's model comes from? <<

It was a group effort by the chief members of the Order, myself included, to render the GD/Zoharic model a bit more practical and fitting with our core philosophy/dogma. I was the one who suggested the titles but the division was a matter of consensus. All of us involved had a background of GD, Kabbalah and Bardon specifically.

   > You seem to use it more in your writings and descriptions than the Zoharic. <<

🙂 Yes.

   > It also tends to resonate much better :) <<

Cool. 🙂

My best to you,

🙂 Rawn Clark

31 Oct 2004


2018-01-21 and 2019-02-21 someone informing in the forum after: Michael Albion Macdonald (approx. 1961-1990)

Way back in the dawn of time (1979), I graduated from high school with Michael, and we were friends. I'm afraid we lost touch quickly--I moved back to Canada and of course there was no Internet or cheap long-distance. And, well, we were 18-year-old guys, not writing a lot of letters.

I see from old posts (1999) in this group that he passed away in 1989. Posters at the time were using handles "Sar Draconis" and "Charla J. Williams". Apparently he had published "Secret of Secrets" and "Nigromancia" through the now defunct Heptangle Press, if that helps ring any inklings.


In long ago threads here, Sar Draconis and a few others mentioned a Michael Albion Macdonald. I went to high school in Palo Alto in the 1970s, and had a friend and classmate named Michael Macdonald . After high school graduation, I moved back to Canada and we lost touch. I have been unable to locate him since, and it wasn't until I came across a letter he'd written me in about 1980 signed "Michael-Albion Prentice Macdonald" that I was able to even find these references.

He was into the occult, and since Sar Draconis wrote: "MacDonald died at a prematurely young age some seven years ago as a result of complications attending a chronic illness. His memorial service and funeral in Palo, Alto California were attended by old friends and magickal students." ...I'm thinking this might have been him.

... Does anyone have any further details? Does the age seem right - sounds like he passed in 1990, so he would have been 29 or so? If so, I think between name, location, and interest in the occult, it seems likely to have been him - how many "Michael Albion Macdonald"s can there have been?!

Amazon reviews of Rawn Clark books

In Nov 2015 one or two people M.S and AD posted 1-star negative review of Rawn Clark's books. These are the only negative reviews ever, all Clark's work has extensive positive reviews. So clearly someone wanted to attack, charge back, or ventilate frustration and bad energy on Clark for some reason.

Not that there is maybe much or any substance to the contents of what is written, but maybe points made have some truth in them and so are an interesting perspective of which very little to nothing is heard otherwise.



Bardon clearly said in his Own books " this is the system without a guru, no one can offer to the student more than this book". So I wonder why anyone write commentary on system of the self initiation. Mr. Clark claim he "finished" all Bardon books. Well also Mr. Clark said that he united with being called Sowantha and saw this being as his own master (this being took form of men who was his master in wiccan coven). So it is again clear that Mr. Clark do not united with Divine Providence as Bardon suggest but with Sowantha (whatever it is), and it is clear that Mr. Clark go trough initiation with a master (started in wiccan coven). So how it is possible for him to advise in system without a master? For me as I spent (or waste) many years on Mr. Clark work it is very weird, also Mr. Clark offers rituals ( like magic TMO) and claim their "divine origin". And again Bardon in his books said that serious student will not make rituals made by another person. So again why Mr. Clark suggest that we all should do that. There are many question to be answered, but I strongly feel it is something deeply wrong with all this, as I practice what Mr. Clark suggest for 10 years and I know now it was a waste of time and energy.

One can find a few reference in this book to Ordo Lux Kethri. And in few places Mr. Clark admit to be part of this order, but nothing more is known. So there are many secrets of origin of all this rituals and knowledge. Rawn Clark name in this Order was Frater A.L.M ( as can be found in his article The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri). It is clear that Mr. Clark initiation was/is path with guru and secret organisations.

And the quotation from Rawn Clark article " The Rousing of the Citadels of Ordo Lux Kethri" will speak for itself :

"Many of the initiation rites of the O.L.K. involve a projection of energy, directed by the initiator, into the candidate’s bodies . In the First Degree Rite of Initiation, for example, the initiator performs the RC, while at the same time igniting the spheres and paths within the candidate’s bodies through a projection of energy.

In the absence of a teacher, the RC, when combined with the “231 Gates” and its implied path and sphere workings, can serve as a system of self-initiation."

What can be found about Ordo Lux Kethri is just few facts like it was fund by April Schadler Bishop and Michael Albion MacDonald, of the Builders of the Adytum and according to dr. Joseph W. Schnapp member of Church Of The Guiding Light Michael Alibion MacDonald took his life years ago and is author of rare book called "Secret of Secrets: The Unwritten Mysteries of Esoteric Qabbalah".

At the end I need to say that I spent 3000 euro on Radiator made by Rawn Clark, 750 euro on Gatemaker, than I felt so grateful to him I gave him 2000 on his trip to USA. And as I look back I do not know why I financed a person I know mostly from books. For me it is all very weird and threatening.


This book claims to be a commentary with some additional techniques to the Franz Bardon's 3 books: Initiation Into Hermetics, Practice of Magical Evocation and Key to the True Quabbalah. Since Mr. Bardon clearly expressed that his books do not need any additional teachers, techniques and most important of all - are complete on their own, writing additional "commentaries" and "explanations" is showing a great lack of understanding on Mr.Clark's side.

It is worth mentioning, that Bardon's original works are meant for self-initiation. While Mr. Clark may have done some of the exercises presented therein, he however went a totally different path himself, being guided by his teachers and the Order of the Kethric Light he was a member of.

Members of O.'.L.'.K.'. study kabbalah, alchemy, Hermetic meditation, including the techniques of visualization and astral travel of Franz Bardon, as well as ritual magick.

It is within this order he received the ritual "Rousing of the Citadels" (RC that later became TMO), the path working of 231 Gates, Levels of Self and many other teachings he claims to be the author of (or rather he omits the true origins of those works).

To my eyes, if someone tries to hide his true magical background for so many years, it is something to think about...

Also, most of the philosophies presented in this commentary are simple copy-paste from Dion Fortune and other Golden Dawn/OTO/AA traditions, with some minor adjustments. Not worth the money and time.



As we can know from one of the first articles of author called " The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri " Rawn Clark learn kabbalah from Ordo Lux Kethri. So first let see what this Order is/ are.

[follows a literal copy of the 1999 post above]

The Ordo Lux Kethri, also known as the Order of the Kethric Light, was founded in 1982 by April Schadler Bishop and Michael Albion MacDonald of the Artisans of Light. The structure of the order, which considers itself a fraternal order, is similar to the Rosicrucian one. Michael Albion MacDonald, who claims the Grade of 7=4, was an associate of David SARD in England, one of the last Chiefs of the Stella Matutina Temple in Bristol (Hermes Temple), and who worked as librarian in charge of the manuscripts collections of the British Library at the British Museum at a time when MacDonald was a daily visitor for over a year. Members of O.'.L.'.K.'. study kabbalah, alchemy, Hermetic meditation, including the techniques of visualization and astral travel of Franz Bardon, as well as ritual magick. The Ordo Lux Kethri was a reincarnation of a previous Order of the same name founded by Richard C. Gorhem, in which both Michael Albion MacDonald and April Schadler Bishop had been adept initiates. Alas,Richard Gorhem met his demise on a lonely stretch of highway 1 south of San Francisco, which caved in to the beech below because of intense rains. Michael Albion MacDonald and April Schadler Bishop ressurected the Order in the ensuing years.


This is short history of the Order author was/is the member. Now we can look closer to Oath one have to make in Ordo Lux Kethri :



That I shall in All Ways act as a catalyst for the enlightenment of my Brethren.

That I shall pursue actively my study in the Art with devotion and dillegence (sic) .

That I will guard with my life the secrets of this Order, and never share them with the profane or the immagure.

That I will trust the Judgement of the Adepti above any other, and hold their writ as Law.

That I shall never permit any destructive emotions to enter into my thinking when I act within this Order.

By the Sword and Stave of the Masters, and by the Impervious Brillianceof the Kethric Light. AMEN.

Thus was the Oath administered to members of the Order of the Kethric Light.

So in the first page of this book, one will see big photo of author, with explanation that Mr. Clark want to see who is reading the book. So it is all starting weird. Before buying think it over do You really want be part of some ritual of unknown origin.


To comment this book, best is to show the relation author has with himself

"For my rawn-Individual to achieve a genuine understanding, I must needs receive information decipherable by, and relevant to, my Individual experience. It seems that this can only be accomplished one Individual to another, and so I-Sowantha speaks with me-rawn through the Individual of my former teacher.

I-rawn learn many things from my old friend, and when I look upon his face and hear his words, it is like conversing with completely familiar kin, so intimate is our knowledge of each other. We are like two mirrors reflecting each other, amplifying our Individual differences infinitely, yet by that very infinity we reveal our commonality. We revel in our commonality, and with equal élan, celebrate our differences. We are kin not by blood but by that inner spark which we share, whose relatedness is revealed only just now, here in the Greaters' realm".

Here we see what can happen to Us if we take "map of consciousness " from Order Lux Ketheri (author is member of this organisation) You to need imagine Your dead master to talk to Your conscience. As the words sounds beautiful the goal of this book is part of The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri ritual.

231 gates means for this Order "In the O.L.K., traditional sphere and path working has been replaced by what the Order terms “The 231 Gates of Initiation”. This system sees the sephiroth as the levels of initiation, while the 38 paths of the “Complete” array along with their regular geometries of triangles, quadrangles, pentangles, and hexangles, constitute the Gates of initiation."

The goal of the RC ritual and book is "ASSUMPTION OF GOD/DESS-FORM:

The O.L.K. sees this as the highest form of magic.

Its approach is based upon the work of Franz Bardon, so it stresses a connection with a god/dess-form that far surpasses mere assumption of a symbolic image.

RC has proved very valuable in the early stages of the long assumption process. It allows quick access to any chosen level, but more importantly, it incorporates the energies of the chosen god/dess-form’s level into one’s bodies. This encourages and quickens the journey to the aspirant’s genuine merging with a god/dess-form."

So this will (without You knowing) plug You in into astral-mental body of ritual of secret organisation. I would be careful.


This book uses strange symbols and words to connect you with the energy of some magical Order of the Kethric Light under the pretext of teaching you kabbalah.

Mr. Clark was a member of this O.L.K. order under the name of Frater A.L.M. Members of O.'.L.'.K.'. study kabbalah, alchemy, Hermetic meditation, including the techniques of visualization and astral travel of Franz Bardon, as well as ritual magick.

This book delivers you the teaching of this order in a form of meditations that bind your energy body to the Order's energy egregore. This especially takes place during the Gedulah ritual, where you build the "body of light", which clearly resembles the process of initiation into the Ordo Lux Kethri as explained by Mr. Clark in his article "The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri".

This process makes you a battery of energy to be used by this organisation.


This book uses strange symbols and words to connect you with the energy of some magical Order of the Kethric Light under the pretext of teaching you kabbalah.

Mr. Clark was a member of this O.L.K. order under the name of Frater A.L.M. Members of O.'.L.'.K.'. study kabbalah, alchemy, Hermetic meditation, including the techniques of visualization and astral travel of Franz Bardon, as well as ritual magick.

This book delivers you the teaching of this order in a form of meditations that bind your energy body to the Order's energy egregore. This especially takes place during the Gedulah ritual, where you build the "body of light", which clearly resembles the process of initiation into the Ordo Lux Kethri as explained by Mr. Clark in his article "The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri".

This process makes you a battery of energy to be used by this organisation.


The TMO ritual presented here is actually a revision of "The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri", a ritual created by the magical order the author has been a part of (under the name of Frater A.L.M.).

The self-healing archaeous is nothing more than Jacobson relaxation techniques mixed with Franz Bardon's teachings presented in Initiation into Hermetics.

The rest of the book is either insignificant or presents a very subjective point of view.

Rawn Clark claims to be a student of Franz Bardon. Mr. Bardon himself claimed that there is an innate danger when dealing with rituals created by someone else. Even when they work, you may not know the real price you're paying.


Mr.Clark claims to have "discovered" the 231 gates in 1998, while in his own article from 1996 titled "The Rousing of the Citadels of the Ordo Lux Kethri" he claims that 231 gates of initiation have been used by his own magical order already for many years. We have the right to demand an answer: Was Mr. Clark lying for all those years? I hope not. But the questions of his own authenticity do remain.

Commentary & Conclusions

From the information above:

  • The Ordo Lux Kethri, also known as the Order of the Kethric Light, was founded in 1982 by April Schadler Bishop and Michael Albion MacDonald of the Artisans of Light.
  • Michael Albion MacDonald (approx. 1961-1990) died at young age in 1989-1990
  • Rawn Clark (1958-2024) was indeed part of the Ordo Lux Kethri, so he did pass a secret oath, and wrote as Fra. A.L.M. about 'The Rousing of the Citadels' ritual in 1996.
    • other biographical info: started IIH aged 25 in 1983, became involved in online forums approx. 1995 with Bardon related Q&A until 2008
    • In 1998 Clark writes first about the magic of IHVH-ADNI, stating he has been practicing it for 10 years, so since 1988 (aged 30)
    • In 'Rawnmade' he writes that in his mid 30s he felt a lack of worship in his magical practice and joined a Wiccan coven - so around age 35 this was approx. 1993
    • earliest publications are 1995-96-97 (aged 37-39) and fully geared on hebrew sequence of formation, tree of life, etc.
  • The last few years of his life were remarkable, as he was able to create the Golems, and write a number of final books (not counting 'love letter to a dying world' in 2019)
    • in 2022 Clark published 'Companions Along The Way: A Workbook for IIH Steps One to Ten', writing: I published my first commentary on Franz Bardon’s "Initiation Into Hermetics" twenty years ago and ten years ago I published an entirely new commentary on IIH. Now, another ten years later, it’s time for yet another venture into discussing IIH. What you have before you has been adapted from a series of ten videos I recorded from August 8th through the 31st, of 2021.
    • also in 2022 the 'Book of Aries', a culmination of a life working with this system of high magic
    • and finally in 2024 the 'Book of Taurus', a synthesis of his life's work on the Tree of Life

In conclusion

  • There is the Rawn Clark known post 2001 and the 'A Bardon Companion' V1 book and website and upto his death in 2024, with 29 years supporting the Bardon system of initiation, especially IIH, between 1995 and 2024, and 20 years of A Bardon Companion between 2001 and 2022.
  • And there is the Rawn Clark of the period 1983 to 2000, formative years between 25 and 42 .. with a 'life before', before becoming a public figure.
  • Rawn Clark was not only in support of Bardon's system, he was an initiate with broad magical interests and so also adept in the Tree of Life, also someone crafting magical tools for like 40 years. He also explored with the TMO group, and made a unique contribution with the magic of essential meaning of the Book of Aries.
  • He was sincere, humble, and courteous in supporting people, making him much beloved. For those who want to focus on the Bardon system of initiation, there is absolutely no need to get into Rawn Clark's other work like the Tree of Life or the Book of Aries. And maybe one should clearly separate them and not get mixed up.

Various notes

  • Michael Albion MacDonald: 'Secret of Secrets: The Unwritten Mysteries of Esoteric Qabbalah' (1986)
  • another ritual: 'Ritual of the Covenant' Aurifer, S. I. (or in FR “Le Rite de l’Alliance”) appears in the EN translation by Piers A. Vaughan of 'The practical Kabbalah' (1951) by Robert Ambelain (1907-1997), whereby he writes "This was not referenced in the original Index of R. Ambelain, but is included here"

    The Ritual below has been created by us, drawing upon the “Clavicles” and being inspired by the instruction given by Lenain in his work “Kabbalistic Science” (Amiens,1823). It is perfectly within the specific secret tradition of the “Elus-Cohen”, since it aims to establish firstly a spiritual contact and then a material one, between one of the great Angels of the “Name of Seventy-Two Letters” and the Operator. This contact is implicitly included in the secret teachings of Martinez de Pasqually, and explicitly required in the great “Invocation of Reconciliation”, of which a manuscript copy in Saint- Martin’s own hand is lodged in the Library of Lyons. The “Secret Teachings of Martinez de Pasqually”, a work by Franz von Baader, translated from the German by René Philippon (Chacornac, ed. Paris, 1900), tells us that “…Martinez de Pasqually restored the fasts of the Ancient Covenant for his disciples…”. This “Covenant” was that concluded by Moses, Aaron and the seventy elders of Israel, in the name of the Jewish people, with one of the “Elohim”. This is why the Ark was called the “Ark of Testimony”, or the “Ark of the Covenant”, for it contained the true witness to the divine manifestation. In faithful witness to this covenant, Israel has continued to commemorate the day when it concluded this veritable “pact” at each new moon. The purpose of this Ritual is to realize at an individual level what was done on a collective level five thousand years ago. Regular holders of the Elus-Cohen lineage are in possession, depending on their grade, of the lineage of the Levites, of that of the Cohenim, indeed of that of the Judges (according to Philippon). And so nothing stands in the way of this ‘microcosmic’ revival of the greatest theurgic Work known in the history of Humanity.