Biography work

From Anthroposophy

Biography work is a retrospective process that consists in looking at one's life and how it has unfolded on various fronts, and trying to discern meaning and patterns into it. This implies taking a step back and contemplating the highs and lows that one has lived, to gain a deeper understanding of one's life lessons and journey.

The process may include elements such as:

  • karmic study work, as per karma exercises described by Rudolf Steiner in the Karmic Relationship lectures
    • relationships, both new people that enter one's life, and others that move to the background or dissappear
    • life hardships such as illness and losses
  • astrological and astrosophical work, a.i. the study of one's natal birth chart (incl elements, progressions)
    • if done for another person and not oneself, this may include the person's death chart


  • The personalities covered by Rudolf Steiner in the Karmic Relationship lectures have been subject of biographical case studies, see Karma research case studies and the references to a.o. Wolfgang Schuchhardt and Norbert Glas.

Inspirational quotes


The unexamined life is not worth living

Charles Bukowski

Can you remember who you were,

before the world told you who

you should be.


FMC00.237 depicts Life Chart diagram diagram by George O'Neill based on Steiner's lecture of 1924-08-16-GA311 (by Florin Lowndes, see publication under references for an excellent book). This diagram is often used and appears in many books for personal biography work.


Schema FMC00.531 depicts a simple metaphoric image for the main karmic patterns, challenges and debts in one's life or incarnation.

On the upper left is represented the accounting 'balance sheet' of karmic unbalances as a result of many previous lives, the 'book of lives' (part of Man's higher spiritual self or Individuality), also called 'causal body' in theosophy. In the accounting image, each life delivers like the equivalent of 'annual results' that is added to the balance sheet in the process and journey between death and a new birth.

Quote: "don’t think that karma plays out in such a way that we would be able to immediately pay off all the debts we have incurred in a previous incarnation, in the next one. It is not that simple. Sometimes one will have to go through many, many incarnations.If you would be able to look back for a moment and see everything, all the marks in your astral body that need to be redeemed, prior to your rising to a certain degree of spiritual maturity, you would see your whole debt account." (1907-11-07-GA098)

When we investigate our current life with biography work and karma exercises (on the right), we will find particularities, obvious or recurrent challenges, curious patterns. Some don't seem to belong in our experience of this current life, and/or may be an odd aspect of our Personality, even though we feel and have to acknowledge they are an intrinsic part of our true self (and Individuality). Depending on the individual, the process may include spontaneous Past life memories, whereby certain karmic patterns may clearly point to a particular previous incarnation. Importantly, the patterns are typically interwoven with relationships with key people in our lives (their role, impact, the period of our life) see Karmic relationships.

Rudolf Steiner gave examples of the above with the Karma research case studies about the KRI - Karmic Relationships Individualities.

During the journey between death and a new birth, before incarnating the soul develops a life plan in the spiritual world, and so each life has a selection of challenges to work and balance out these karmic unbalances - see a.o. Schema FMC00.287. The image of the slide projector depicts how patterns seen in one life stem from elements from various previous lives shown here as overlay slides.

Initiation is the process of fast tracking this process (versus the 'wheel of karma') by taking on this work on our human character consciously during incarnate life with daily initiation exercises.


Lecture coverage and references

Rudolf Steiner lectures from the book 'Biography' (and GA volumes added, tbc):




The first step is in some degree to practise the normal kind of self-cognition, which consists in looking back over one's life and asking oneself:

·        What kind of person have I been?

·        Have I been a person with a strong inclination for reflection, for inner contemplation; or am I one who has always had more love for the sensations of the outer world, liking or disliking this or that in everyday life?

·        Was I a child who at school liked reading but not arithmetic, one who liked to hit other children but did not like being hit?

·        Or was I a child always bound to be bullied and not smart enough to bully others?

·        It is well to look back on one's life in this way, and especially to ask oneself:

·        Was I cut out for activities of the mind or of the will?

·        What did I fund easy or difficult?

·        What happened to me that I would like to have avoided?

·        What happenings made me say to myself: “I am glad this has come to pass ”— and so on.

It is good to look back on one's life in a certain way, and above all to envisage clearly those things that one did not like. All this leads to a more intimate knowledge of the inner kernel of our being.

For example, a son who would have liked to become a poet was destined by his father to be a craftsman, and a craftsman he became, although he would sooner have been a poet. It is well to know clearly what we really wanted to be, and what we have become against our will, to visualise what would have suited us in the time of our youth but was not our lot, and then, again, what we would have liked to avoid.

All that I am saying refers, of course, to life in the past, not in the future — that would be a false conception. We must therefore be quite clear as to what such a retrospect into the past means; it tells us what we did not want, what we would have liked to avoid. When we have made that clear to ourselves, we really have a picture of those things in our life which have pleased us least. That is the essential point.

And we must now try to live into a very remarkable conception: we must desire and will everything that we have not desired or willed.

We must imagine to ourselves:

What should I actually have become if I had ardently desired everything that in fact I did not wish for and which really went against the grain in life?

In a certain sense we must here rule out what we have succeeded in overcoming, for the most important thing is that we should ardently wish or picture ourselves wishing for the things we have not desired, or concerning which we have not been able to carry out our wishes, so that we create for ourselves, in feeling and thought, a being hitherto unfamiliar to us. We must picture ourselves as this being with great intensity.

If we can do this, if we can identify ourselves with the being we have ourselves built up in this way, we have made some real progress towards becoming acquainted with the inner soul-kernel of our being; for in the picture we have thus been able to make of our own personality there will arise something that we have not been in this present incarnation but which we have introduced into it. Our deeper being will emerge from the picture built up in this way.


If you call up the counterpart of yourself, the following thought will dawn upon you. This counterpart — difficult as it may be to realise it as a picture of yourself in this life — is nevertheless connected with you, and you cannot disown it. Once it appears, it will follow you, hover before your soul and crystallise in such a way that you will realise that it has something to do with you, but certainly not with your present life. And then there develops the perception that this picture is derived from an earlier life.


If we wish to discover what gifts we may probably have possessed in a former incarnation (here I must remind you that we are speaking of probabilities!) — if we wish to know what intellectual or artistic faculties, say, we possessed in a former incarnation, it is well to reflect upon those things for which we have least talent in the present life.

the fact becomes apparent that the external career of a man in one incarnation, when it is not merely a career but also an inner vocation, passes over in his next incarnation into the inward shaping of his bodily organs. Thus, if a man has been an exceptionally good mathematician in one incarnation, the mastery he has obtained over numbers and figures remains with him and goes into a special development of his sense-organs, for instance, of the eyes. People with very good sight have it as a result of the fact that in their former incarnation they thought in forms; they took this thinking in forms with them and during the life between death and rebirth they worked specially on the shaping of their eyes. Here the mathematical talent has passed into the eyes and no longer exists as a gift for mathematics.

Another case known to occultists is where an individuality in one incarnation lived with intensity in architectural forms; these experiences lived as forces in his inner soul-life and worked strongly upon the instrument of hearing, so that in his next incarnation he became a great musician. He did not appear as a great architect, because the perception of form necessary for architecture was transformed into an organ-building force, so that there was nothing left but a supreme sensitiveness for music.

just as we must reflect upon whatever did not please us and conceive of ourselves as having had an intense desire for it, so we must also reflect upon those things for which we have the least talent, and about which we are stupid. If we discover the dullest sides of our nature, they may very probably point to those fields in which we were most brilliant in our previous incarnation.

the outer capacities we acquire are so closely connected with earthly circumstances that we cannot speak of them reappearing in the same form in the next incarnation; they are transformed into forces and in that way pass over to a subsequent incarnation. For instance, people who have a special faculty for learning languages in one incarnation will not have this in the next; instead, they will have the faculty which enables them to form more unbiassed judgments than those who had less talent for languages; these latter will tend to form one-sided judgments.

If a man follows up these ideas, so that he says: “I will strongly desire and will to be what I have become against my will, and also that for which I have the least capacity” — he can know that the conceptions he thus obtains will build up the picture of his preceding incarnation. This picture will arise in great precision if he is earnest and serious about the things just described. He will observe that from the whole way in which the conceptions coalesce, he will either feel: “This picture is quite near to me”; or he will feel: “This picture is a long, long way off.”

If through the elaboration of these conceptions, such a picture of the previous incarnation arises before a man's soul, he will, as a rule, he able to estimate how faded the picture is. The following feeling will come as an experience: “I am standing here; but the picture before me could not be my father, my grandfather, or my great-grandfather.” If however the student allows the picture to work upon him, his feeling and perception will lead him to the opinion: “Others are standing between me and this picture.” Let us for a moment assume that the student has the following feeling. It becomes apparent to him that between him and the picture stand twelve persons; another may perhaps feel that between him and the picture stand seven persons; but in any event the feeling is there and is of the greatest significance.

If, for instance, there are twelve persons between oneself and the picture, this number can be divided by three, and the result will be four, and this may represent the number of centuries that have elapsed since the last incarnation. Thus a man who felt that there were twelve people standing between him and the picture, would say: “My preceding incarnation took place four centuries ago.”— This is given merely as an example; it will only actually be so in a very few cases, but it conveys the idea.

Most people will find that they can in this way rightly estimate when they were incarnated before. Only the preparatory steps, of course, are rather difficult.


One's past life trails behind one like a comet's tail; but now so changed that it shows one what one has to do in order to balance out what should not have been done, and so that one can make appropriate use of what one has done in the world. The experiences of one's own life are grouped together in such a way that they become an externally complicated overall experience. It is permeated, as it were, by an inner power that one perceives, of which one is now aware: it was always in you, you just did not perceive it, the power to extinguish a deficiency; a real power, something that you have achieved as an ability to apply fruitfully.

More references to be added


1918-01-08, 1918-01-11 and 1918-01-12

1921-06-17 and 1921-06-18



Note 1 - Notes about biography work

Below is a quick dump with a train of thoughts or elements used in life review (from personal experience).

This is currently not structured or worked out; it remains to be polished, structured and developed - however it provides a first basis that can be elaborated. Feedback of contributors welcomed to develop this topic page and Discussion section and enrich it with more notes.

  • make a timeline with 7 year periods
    • relevant topic pages with contextual background info, and for inspiration: Seven year rhythm
    • against this timeline, plot the main milestone elements of the below
      • people that come in and go out of your life, eg sometimes this can be linked in an amazing way to the seven year periods, but just be neutral and objective and let the data speak, don't try to force or manoever for any patterns
    • are certain seven year periods stable, other chaotic bringing lots of changes? try to make a balance and also look at the seven year period center as potential turning points
    • link the above to the planetary and karmic qualities of the seven year periods - see Schema FMC00.236 and variants
  • karmic relationships and karmic groups
    • list the people who were (most) important to you
      • first in your life overall
      • then more granular for each seven year cycle
      • draw them in circles of soul proximity or importance
      • categorize them in groups:
        • 1 - romantic & family ties
          • in family blood line, include parents+grandparents and children+grandchildren for different life phases and generations
        • 2 - lifelong friends (extended period)
        • 3 - context/purpose-connected, eg through work (collegues)
        • 4 - contemporary living
          • important influences in the world during your life
          • personalities you met and who were maybe not close but were important and/or impactful
    • quality of the relations
      • who 'gave you', nurtured you, sponsored your life, believed in you, gave you a push in the back .. sometimes people arise out of nowhere that for some reason seem to have an invisible sympathy and arrange things for you to happen, meditate on the invisible energy or resonance in view of potential karmic meaning
      • who where the black beasts, the people you went into conflict with, you did not have sympathy of the soul for: what could it mean, why was this? what were their qualities that conflicted .. who hurt who eventually, what was the balance?
        • did you make peace, or left an open vendetta or friction at the balance of the end of your life? is there still something to correct or rectify if you could, to act pro-actively during life, karma-wise?
      • can you discern patterns in your blood-line of characteristics that are not physical bodily characteristics but soul characteristics (eg conflicts that family members share because of being too strongly focused on principles or values, patterns that are in common and affect their life, that several family members have to deal with) - link family karma
    • relevant topic pages with contextual background info, and for inspiration: Karmic relationships
  • milestones
    • life highlights
      • list the top ten highlights of your life (where you felt happy, on top of the life energy, proud, ..)
      • and the top ten lowpoints (things you were down, ashamed, hit rock bottom, ..)
    • course-changing, impactful events
      • what were turning points of your life, that changed your life course (outer or inner)
        • meditate on what led to these, what preceeded, who gave you a tip, did you meet some person through someone else, how did you feel before or why did you go to a certain place, what 'wanted to happen or unfold'
    • relevant topic pages with contextual background info, and for inspiration:
  • occupations - with what did you fill your life: hobbies, interests, work
    • often one has certain activities (eg sport, hobby) that start and stop somewhere:
      • take a step back and try to see for yourself, by zooming in and slowing down the film of your life, what led to something that you picked up, and how you eventually left it. What did it bring you, what did you get out of it? Did you carry it forward with you, did it influence you further on, or change you? in what way(s)?
      • what does the list of activities tell: are they individual challenges or group-connected? are there common themes? what meaning would you see in there, if it were symbolic?

Related pages

References and further reading

  • Friedrich Hiebel: 'Biographik und Essayistik' (1970)
  • Herbert Hahn:
    • Der Lebenslauf als Kunstwerk. Rhythmen, Leitmotive, Gesetze in gegenübergestellten Biographien (1966)
    • Das Erwachen des Geigers und andere Erzählungen von Schicksalsruf, Krankheit und Genesung (1930, 1990)
  • Barbara Nordmeyer: Lebenkrisen und ihre Bewältigung (1975)
  • George and Gisela O'Neil: 'The human life' (1990, third printing 1998)
  • Gudrun Burkhard:
    • Taking charge - your life patterns and their meaning (1997 in EN, third printing 2011; first published in German in 1992 as 'Das Leben in die Hand nehmen')
    • Biographical work - The anthroposophical basis (2007 in EN, fifth printing 2014; first published in Portuguese in 2002 as 'Bases Antroposoficas da Metodologia Biografica')
  • Mechtild Oltmann-Wendenburg: 'Sternstunden der Biographie (1998)
  • Henning Köhler:
    • Das biographische Urphänomen. Vom Geheimnis des menschlichen Lebenslaufes (1998)
    • Der menschliche Lebenslauf als Kunstwerk (2011)
    • Individuelle Entfaltung – was heißt das eigentlich? Über das Ich-Rätsel in der Biografie (2018)
  • Signe Eklund Schaefer: 'Why on Earth?: Biography and the Practice of Human Becoming' (2013)
  • Albrecht Klaus: Levenssinn im Lebenslauf - Biografiearbeit als Begenung mit sich und Anderen (2016)
  • Rudolf Steiner: Biography - enlightening the path of human life (compiled and edited by Erhard Fucke) (2009 in EN, first published in German in 1996 as 'Vom Lebenslauf des Menschen')
  • Mathias Wais: Ich bin, was ich werden könnte: Entwicklungschancen des Lebenslaufs - Anregungen für die Biographiearbeit (2021)
  • Karl-Heinz Finke and Laura Summerfield - Holistic Biography Work
    • 'Biography Log-book' and 'Companion Guide'


see also:

Specific examples

  • Fred Poeppig: 'Abenteuer meines Lebens: Versuch einer Lebensrückschau aus karmischer Sicht' (1975)
  • Herbert Hahn: 'Der Weg, der mich führte. Lebenserinnerungen.' (1969)
  • see the many biographies on the Indivividualities mentioned in the Karmic Relationship courses, see Karma research case studies