Topic on Talk:Discussion pages

From Anthroposophy

What a great site!

Dm (talkcontribs)

Hi. So grateful to have found this site. I'm wondering if there is any info here that includes us not being born into sin but in fact into 'sine', as in 'sinewave'? Thank you.

Diederik (talkcontribs)

First thank you for your kind words on the site.

Regarding your question, to answer it would require some more context. I know 'sine' in latin can be used in multiple meanings, like 'without' (eg as used in the phrase 'sine qua non'), or to refer to a general tendency or influence (eg like 'the sine of things'). However I cannot recall seeing 'born into sine'. Would you have the longer extract and source to understand what was said or meant?

Dm (talkcontribs)

You are welcome. In the 'Book of Wisdom', it very briefly mentions we are born as a 'sine wave' but the play on words in the bible states we are born into/as sin, something we need to navigate away from. This is one of the only brilliant articles I can find that actually relates to that (the definition of Medicine is nothing but 'mediating sin' and when we get to the proper wave function, we arrive at x, which is where the phrase x marks the spot comes from, it's fascinating!}. Researching a little more on basic electricity & magnetism, we are human batteries with alternating currents and a direct current. Our pituitary gland secretes fluids that electrify, and the pineal gland emits secretions that magnetize, both secretions are similar to milk and honey which is where 'The Land of Milk and Honey' is also mentioned in the bible, head is 'Heaven', and all this is from Christ Oil process. To crucify means 'to multiply by 1000' which is the frequency Jesus vibrates at and also 'x'. The dollar sign turned sideways is also a 'sinewave' which is why money is energetic. I've been on a kick the last year trying to find the true essence of what we are (Hue-mans, of course I know we are pure light but wanting more specifics). I'm familiar with the book of Enoch and our original creation story but tying some of the information thats finally being leaked out together to get to maximum health for my alternative health clients. I find all of this so incredible and for some reason so passionate about who and what we REALLY are. If I'm possibly in the wrong forum with this information or if anyone has any insight on this I'm open to any comments. Thank you so much.

Diederik (talkcontribs)

I looked at the article in the link you shared, and from this and your messages I now understand your interest lies in the sine wave.

The sine wave is part of our reality experience, the way we view and study it now with our current physical senses and waking consciousness; it is a characteristic of emanation of the Cosmic fractal on the physical plane, an expression of formative forces working down from the higher worlds - like spirals in nature, the golden ratio, fibonacci etc. These things indeed have something magical, beautiful, intriguing - we refer to Schema FMC00.532 and the explanation, see Symbols#Illustrations. So how come, why?

All wave effects are related to the etheric formative forces emanating in a certain realm, eg light or sound, or more complex forms such as Chladni patterns or the crystalisation of crystals or sound forms in water.

You asked for info on this site. I would refer to the electromagnetic spectrum, and the illustrations on Spectrum of elements and ethers#Light. The 'nut to crack' or to get one's head around, is the view and explanation by Rudolf Steiner referenced/depicted on Schema FMC00.641A. If one is not versed in spiritual science this is certainly a challenge, as one needs - as a basis - a broader understanding of (at least) what's on pages like Force substance representation, Spectrum of elements and ethers, etc. A good foundation might be Rudolf Steiner's scientific courses GA320 and GA321.

A key first step however is to adopt the spiritual scientific worldview and knowledge framework (hence my reference to the Cosmic fractal), in order to not remain stuck or limited by what we know in the mineral physical world .. as the laws that apply in the higher worlds 'above' are different from what we know 'below' as physics. More on this in the lecture 1921-06-24-GA205 'Four kinds of lawfulness'. The results we see below then, are the cumulative effect of what is emanating or rendered from these worlds above (as in the Golden Chain). There is a Schema that depicts this idea, see Schema FMC00.632 on Relationship between mineral and spiritual science .. it can be put next to Schema FMC00.532 mentioned above.

Hope this helps in a way. I know this is not a simple or easy answer .. there's no fast-food answers in complex matters as spiritual science unfortunately. Else feel free to rephrase or describe what you really meant with your question.

PS: what 'Book of Wisdom' were you exactly referring to, please?

Dm (talkcontribs)

This helps tremendously thank you. I'll check out those specific recommendations. And you're right, there are definitely no fast-food answers. I started to look around last night here and found myself hours in on other topics. It's incredibly impressive the amount of information you have organized and provided on this site, I am so grateful to have stumbled upon it. This is a link to some of the book you can check out for yourself.