Topic on Talk:Discussion pages

From Anthroposophy

Retracing Spiritual Activity (essays)

Spirit Analogies (talkcontribs)

Hello, I am posting this for anyone interested in pursuing a phenomenology of spiritual activitiy, such as is found in Philosophy of Freedom. I have been developing some essays along those lines. They are somewhat a mix of phenomenology and an overview of spiritual evolutionary principles via examples, metaphors, and illustrations.

In my experience, this has been one of the most helpful ways to penetrate into the deeper aspects of spiritual science. The amazing thing is that when we simply think through our living experience (including inner experience), refraining from adding any modern assumptions and prejudices (like that we can only reliably investigate sensory experience, or mathematical abstractions from sensory experience), we inevitably end up with the core ideas of spiritual science even if we are not specifically aiming for that.

All of spiritual science is born from investigating, via higher cognition, the first-person ideational perspectives responsible for the Earthly and Cosmic rhythms that overlap with our own and tracing that higher-order activity to their phenomenal shadows, or vice versa. As I explore in the essays, our normal conceptual thinking is but an aliased perspective of those higher cognitive states. That is why, with assumption-free logical reasoning through living experience, we can reach very similar conclusions as attained through spiritual science and also test the ideas reached by the latter to see whether they bring the diverse facts of our living experience into greater harmony with one another.

Here is the link to Part I -

It helps to go through in order, although I imagine some already familiar with spiritual science could jump in at any essay and still get significant value from imaginatively exploring the ideas.

Of course, I am happy to discuss the ideas here, answer any questions, or hear any feedback or even pushback.