Talk:Systematic anthroposophy

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architectural quality of the FMC wiki site

Reader mail (talkcontribs)

from email by reader - Dec-2022

.. it seems to me that through your website there is a desire to "map" anthroposophy. And by this I mean: it might be natural to suppose this body of knowledge to have the "form" of Man, so we should expect to find eyes, heart, limbs, etc... as some kinds of modules if you will — is it true?

.. there is an "architectural" quality in you website, as if something in your mind was trying to discover the "joints" of the body of knowledge/lectures, these joints being the keys or the skeleton that we should have right before assembling everything (here the word skeleton is not meant as something dry but as something which supports). Recently I have wished that Steiner's lectures were put into qualitative categories, like their main topic but also according to their "density" because obviously some lectures are heavier than others. It is easy to imagine something like a mind map, a "cloud of GA"... but this is also quite a work!

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