Property:Notes for editor
From Anthroposophy
2 versies +
23 change I, and B exists A not +
260 and 281 map to eachother +
50A table update TBD +
A could be large text in cells +
B variant still to be done with example drawings from notes +
D mag overschreven worden +
PNG image +
V2 less resolution +
achtergrond lichter maken scans +
also eurythmy figure +
also still link temperaments +
bovenaan beter zandloper tekening met FMC bij, plus add the FMC schema numbers +
changed from FMC00.207 because of schema rationalization - same contents as FMC00.147 so moved to variant B +
cleaned up a bit in V2 +
confusing - a worked version is there but not much better +
could be 218 variant +
could go to illustration version Schema FMC00.228 +
die 209AB kunnen eigenlijk andere nummer zijn - en dan is er nog meta schema in draft zie 401 onwards +