The two Jesus children

From Anthroposophy

The incarnation of Christ into a human being requires special preparations for the human body. The human being Jesus that became the receptacle for the Christ being was not an ordinary human at all; in fact each of the bodily structural elements of Jesus at the Baptism was prepared in special ways (see schema FMC00.043 below).

The pathway of preparation upto the Baptism is grouped under the topic of the two Jesus children, because of the two different Jesus children that were born and became one or 'merged structurally' in the temple story at age 12. Each of the two children had a different preparatory path with a different geneology, as per gospels of Luke and Matthew. Many artworks (e.g. Italian painters in the middle ages) and sources (e.g. the scrolls of the dead sea) mention these two children, see references below for books who have grouped these sources.

The reason why this complex preparatory path was necessary (1909-09-20-GA114) is because Christ needed not just to join his spirit with the Earth, but become Man in each of Man's bodily principles downto the mineral physical body (see schema FMC00.080). This happened at age 30 for specific reasons; several aspects are to be considered together:

  • the normal development of a human being and its bodily principles upto that age, and
  • the requirements for a high divine being to merge into a human being
  • the principles of spiritual economy, the possibilities that exist to re-use pure and advanced bodily components

Schema FMC00.080 below gives an overview of the structure of Christ-Jesus:

  • The Nathan Jesus had a pure ether body (not infected by Luciferian influences since the Fall), and an astral body infused by Buddha.
  • The Solomon Jesus had the advanced I-consciousness of Zarathustra that moved into the body of the Nathan Jesus at age 12, necessary for the development upto age 30 (as laid out in Rudolf Steiner's lectures on the Fifth Gospel).


  • the merger of the Buddha and Zarathustra streams (see below).
  • the shepards and magi at the birth of the Jesus child in the Gospels. The shepards symbolically represent the Northern stream with a deep subconscious feeling connection to the birth of a special child, see more on: Nerthus. For context, see also Christ Impulse - meeting of two streams#Southern and Northern streams. For more on substreams, see The Michaelic stream#Substream polarities
  • besides the two Jesus children, two more souls play a key role in the complete script of development (See Schema FMC00.043 and the Discussion section below.
    • one was John (Lazarus-John initiated by Christ-Jesus, and the author of the Gospel and book of Revelation),
    • the other the mother of Jesus.


Schema FMC00.043 gives an overview on the two pathways for the two Jesus-children, see also FMC00.080 below. (download FMC00.043 in PDF).

The schema can be viewed on high resolution by clicking and zooming in, or downloading the JPG or PDF versions.

Two Jesus Children

Schema FMC00.097 shows paintings by Da Vinci (left), Raphael's Madonna del Duca di Terranuova (middle), and a work by an unknown painter (photograph by the editor in a church in Italy).

See also: Sistine Madonna

Schema FMC00.098 shows various pictures of the scene in the temple at age 12 by Ambrogio Bergognone, Defedente Ferrari, and a greek icon.

Schema FMC00.452 illustrates the two main streams in development of mankind, see also Two streams of development#1910-12-19-GA124.

The Southern stream maps to the inner path (Buddha, ancient Indian cultural age), and is the perspective of the Luke Gospel. The Mark Gospel takes the perspective of the Northern stream and the outer path (Zarathustra, ancient Persian cultural age - but also the middle and northern European people in the first three cultural ages).

The union of the two, see also Schema FMC00.043 on The two Jesus children, is (or maps) also (to) the union of the two streams of development of humanity, see Christ Impulse - meeting of two streams, as explained in 1910-12-19-GA124 (link to relevant quote above).

See also the coverage on substreams (shepards/magi) on The Michaelic stream - see Schema FMC00.478.


FMC00.080 gives an overview of the structure of Christ-Jesus, for the three left columns refer to schema FMC00.043.

Schema FMC00.080A is an extended version of FMC00.080 whereby information of the higher triad is added. The Nathan Jesus child carried a 'pure' higher triad, a spiritual being and structure that also worked in the Krishna Impulse and The being of Elijah.


Schema FMC00.429: provides various versions of the drawing made by Rudolf Steiner in Q&A sessions in 1909, with a description of how to imagine Christ's 'descent' to Earth, and the working of the cosmic influence of the Christ impulse on Earth and humanity.

Though the Christ being took hold of and lived in the body of Jesus of Nazareth, his being was not physically limited to this. This is described by Rudolf Steiner in various ways, ao the structure of the Christ being on the two Jesus children (see Schema FMC00.080A), the relation between the physical body of Jesus and his working through a wider aura (see ao lectures of the fifth gospel GA148, see Schema FMC00.017), the loosening between the 'Son of Man' and the cosmic Christ (see Fleeting youth in Gospel of Mark), and finally Christ working as the spirit of the Earth.

provides various versions of the drawing made by Rudolf Steiner in Q&A sessions in 1909, with a description of how to imagine Christ's 'descent' to Earth, and the working of the cosmic influence of the Christ impulse on Earth and humanity. Though the Christ being took hold of and lived in the body of Jesus of Nazareth, his being was not physically limited to this. This is described by Rudolf Steiner in various ways, ao the structure of the Christ being on the two Jesus children (see Schema FMC00.080A), the relation between the physical body of Jesus and his working through a wider aura (see ao lectures of the fifth gospel GA148, see Schema FMC00.017), the loosening between the 'Son of Man' and the cosmic Christ (see Fleeting youth in Gospel of Mark), and finally Christ working as the spirit of the Earth.

Lecture coverage and references

See lecture references on Schema FMC00.043


1910-01-03-GA117A and 1910-01-08-GA117A

the merger of the Buddha and Zarathustra streams is discussed with a link not just to the gospels of Luke and Matthew, but also those of Mark and John.


shepherds and magi

Now I must say, it was quite an inner rejoicing for me when I came across something in the Gospels which someone else probably have found as well, but I came across it through spiritual research into the Gospels. I came across an image which really should be grasped with the eyes of the soul; an image of the three Wise Men or the Three Kings — kings were in those days initiates, inspired by wisdom — how the three Wise Men according to their knowledge discovered in the stars, clearly saw the starry script in the heaven leading them to the Star of Christ, and they came to worship Christ. They actually saw that Christ had to come, according to the prophecy in the stars. For those who know out of scientific foundations what is called star wisdom, can actually only honour this image in the right sense, because they would know that star wisdom is in the most imminent sense different from what we call astronomy today. .. read further online


Note 1 - The special role of John and the mother of Jesus

1. Introduction

Schema FMC00.043 shows how both John and the mother of Jesus appear as key players. There is the important relation between the souls of Nathan-Jesus and John as descendant from the stream of Adam, but the gospels contain many more touchpoints and clues, eg at the cross when Jesus gives John the mission to carry the story into the world. Similarly so for the 'mother of Jesus', see eg the book with selection of Steiner lectures 'Isis Mary Sophia' (2003).

2. A remarkable statement by Daskalos

Daskalos wrote the book 'Joshua Immanuel The Christ – His Life on Earth and His Teaching' (EN version 2001-13) in Greek and Aramaic in the last years of his life, and it contains a fragment (page 225) where he speaks of the special figures being sent for the Mystery of Golgotha besides Joshua (Jesus), and he describes as follows:

.. an archangel of the order of the principalities [editor: archai] humanized by immaculate conception .. the Virgin Mary

.. and ten years after the birth of the God-man, another archangel of the order of the principalities humanized by immaculate conception, Yiohannan, the first cousin of Joshua and his beloved companion-disciple.

Yiohannan the Baptist, also a first cousin of the God-man, was also an archangel humanized by immaculate conception from the order of the Maha-Els, the lords of the element of fire.

so he list three names besides Christ-Jesus

  • [1] - the Virgin Mary,
  • [2] - Yiohannan ('the first cousin of Joshua and his beloved companion-disciple'), - see coverage on Individuality of Christian Rosenkreutz for the Individuality of John
  • [3] - Yiohannan the Baptist ('also a first cousin of the God-man'). - see The being of Elijah, stating an angelic being lived in John the Baptist (1911-02-25-GA127 and 1910-12-12-GA124)


Daskalos' reference to the levels of the spiritual hierarchies in this book needs to be clarified here. He uses the term archangelic order to describe any level of the various spiritual hierarchies that are the eternal creators of the seven worlds, and organized in seven groups which he gives the names we known from the seven archangels (page 124). These are mapped to the four elements, with the Maha-Els (Michaels) representing the fire element and the Kha-vir-Els (Gabriels) the water element (p 138-139 contains what Bardon describes as the tetrapolar magnet)

On page 112 is said about these holy archangelic orders, after listing the four orders of Michaels, Gabriels, Raphaels and Uriels:

.. They and others are working ceaslessly in the creation and maintenance of the materials bodies of animals and human beings .. they use their elementals, the angels, as nature spirits for their work in the vegetable kingdom. The holy archangels can, as needed, materialize a human body, and this they have done many times.

In this case the "order of the Maha-Els" appears to reference the order of Michael, as one of the seven 'rays' of the monad, across the hierarchies. Related, see also the concept of the archangelic channel on Archangel Michael (Schema FMC00.471A). Now to connect to Daskalos's statement, as Rudolf Steiner put it literally in one of the thousands of lectures, see Schema FMC00.313

.. a personality who outwardly resembles a Man of our Postatlantean times, but who really is the bearer of an Archai, who is ensouled by that spirit down to his physical body, is called Dhyani-Buddha.

See also FMC00.472 and variants to contemplate what this means.

The point here is that even besides Christ Jesus we are not having to do with 'ordinary human beings', but three 'accompanying' flanker spiritual beings of a higher order.

3. Mystery of John

For [3] and also [2], as well as their relationship, see the two links above, as well as Mystery of John

Indeed Rudolf Steiner's last address on 1924-09-28-GA238 contains a cryptic message regarding the relationship between John Baptist and Lazarus-John. This has been covered by various authors, oa Richard Seddon: 'The challenge of Lazarus-John', Karl König: 'The mystery of John', Sergei O. Prokofieff 'The mystery of John the Baptist and John the evangelist'. More explanations and references on Mystery of John.

4. Mary-Nathan

Regarding [1] however, the Virgin Mary, or 'Mary-Nathan' in our denomination as per Schema FMC00.043, the latter schema clearly points out to the special role she plays in the process of Christ-Jesus, which can be seen from several events:

  • after the Baptism, see Schema FMC00.043, and explanations in the fifth gospel GA148: the soul of Mary-Nathan crossing into Mary-Solomon.
    • Note to put the above in context. This is remarkable as we have a) the important conversation with Mary-Solomon (eg re Schema FMC00.017) before the Baptism in context of the fact that b) both Mary-Nathan and Solomon-Jesus had died after the Temple scene when the Jesus children were around age 12 (again re: FMC00.043, Rudolf Steiner does not explicitly say what happened with those souls). So Mary-Nathan was Christ-Jesus stepmother at that stage.
  • what happens between Mary-Nathan and Elizabeth-John (Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist), coined as "recognition of the two souls in the womb of both mothers" or better put: "the mysterious influence .. exercised by the mother of the Nathan Jesus upon the mother of the Baptist .. upon John himself before he was born." (1909-09-20-GA114). See Schema FMC00.381 and Discussion Note [2] on The being of Elijah
5. Other

For further study and contextualization, see also:

Note 2 - Schema FMC00.097: Madonnas with two Jesus children

  • Da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks shown in FMC00.097 is the original and first Paris version. The story goes the church didn't accept it and Da Vinci changed one of the children to show John Baptist, this is the London version.
  • Raphael's showing of John Baptist together with the two Jesus children may have deeper meaning, given the mystery of John the Baptist and Lazarus-John (see below).
  • Regarding the painting on the right. The artworks are not limited to the most famous one gathered in the books below. Surprisingly the Cathedral of Santa Maria Duomo di Cortona contains the theme of two Jesus children appearing in at least three places in this old church (download PDF)


Note: the Madonna with two children is mostly said to be representing Jesus and John, other examples:

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References and further reading

  • Emil Bock:
    • 'Die Kindheit Jesu. Zwei apokryphe Evangelien' (1924 in DE)
    • 'The childhood of Jesus : the unknown years' (1939 in DE, 2007 in EN)
  • Daskalos: 'Joshua Immanuel The Christ – His Life on Earth and His Teaching' (EN version 2001-13)
  • Edward Reaugh Smith: 'The Incredible Births of Jesus' (1998)
  • Hella Krause-Zimmer (1919-2002):
    • 'Der zwölfjährige Jesus im Tempel : das Osterfest und seine Vorstufen' (1974, lecture held 1973-04-19)
    • 'Die zwei Jesusknaben in der bildenden Kunst' (2001)
    • 'Was geschah in Bethlehem?: Das Rätsel der doppelten Weihnachtsgeschichte' (2011)
  • David Ovason: 'The Two Children (A Study of the Two Jesus Children in Literature and Art)' (2001)
  • Bernard Nesfield-Cookson: 'The Mystery of the Two Jesus Children (And the Descent of the Spirit of the Sun)' (2005)
  • Christoph Rau: 'The Two Jesus Boys - And the Messianic Expectations of the Essenes' (original in DE 2010 as 'Die beiden Jesusknaben und die dreifache Messiaserwartung der Essener' (2010), EN in 2019 translation by Alan Stott and Michael Stott)

Unqualified: about the Dead Sea scrolls

  • Esbeth Weymann: 'Zepter und Stern - Die Erwartung von zwei Messiasgestalten in den Schriftrollen von Qumran' (1993)