Questions and Answers

From Anthroposophy

You can ask questions via email Contact or via the Questions page for an interactive Structured Discussion.

Why are questions important? Why do I like questions?

It has to do with the spiritual significance of 'asking a question'. When a person asks a question, it provides another person with the very best reason to try and help with an answer, because then one is doing this for another human being and it has nothing to do with own interests.

Furthermore .. there is the challenge to explain something complex in a simple way, so it can be of use to someone else, and this is surely the case given the richness of spiritual science. Irrespective of how many years one has read, studied, or contemplated .. it remains a challenge to convey what the soul has absorbed .. so it makes sense as a valuable explanation 'made simple again' and so has a certain value for broader use.

Overview of Q&A

This provides an overview of example questions, and how they can be addressed and studied through the use of the materials on this site.

The answers are formulated in a way to suggest contemplation and meditation on a combination of schemas and lecture quotes in order to elucidate insights by combination of various aspects or angles of perspectives. The FMC schemas are available separately and can printed for easier reference.

The questions below were logged from various previous sources, for ease of reference.