Meditation texts

From Anthroposophy

As part of the rosecrucian initiation guidance, Rudolf Steiner gave several meditation texts to individual students, as well as lecturing on these in the esoteric lessons, giving explanatory commentaries, and mentioning and referencing them in the general lectures.

Below is a selection of a few of the most recurrent meditation texts, besides the Gospel of John or the Lord's Prayer:

  • Light on the path (Mabel Collins, inspired by Master Hilarion)
  • The voice of silence (Helena Blavatsky)
  • In the pure rays of light
  • More radiant that the Sun
  • I am - It thinks - She feels - He wills
  • It thinks me, It weaves me, It works in me
  • Three part mantra
  • Thomas a Kempis: Imitatio Christi

This flows into mantras and meditations:

Currently this pages only contains references - see below.


  • "Wisdom lives / radiates in the Light" is used as an example to illustrate how in meditation one can think, feel, will one-self into the words (see 1913-05-01-GA152)


Lecture coverage and references


For the earnest student interested in following Rudolf Steiner's rosecrucian initiation guidance, the volume GA267 is indispensable, followed by volume GA264, and the GA266 volumes.

Reference extracts

Matthew 21:22

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.


And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.


Meditation means nothing other than surrendering oneself to thoughts which have eternal worth, in order to raise oneself up in a conscious way to what lies above both space and time.

Such thoughts are contained in the great religious writings: the Vedanta, the Bhagavad Gita, the Gospel of John from the thirteenth chapter to the end, and the 'Imitation of Christ', by Thomas a Kempis.

He who sinks himself with patience and perseverance so that he lives in such writings; he who deepens himself anew every day — perhaps working for weeks on one single sentence, thinking it through, feeling it through — will gain unlimited benefit.

Just as each day one learns more nearly to know and love a child with all its individual characteristics, so one can daily draw into one's soul an eternal truth of the kind that flows from the great Initiates, or from inspired men. This has the effect of filling us with new life.

Very significant also are the sayings in the 'Light on the Path' that have been written down by Mabel Collins, under the instruction of higher powers. Actually in the first four sentences there is something that, when applied with patience in the appropriate way, is capable of so seizing upon man's aura that this aura is completely shot through with new light. One can see this light in the human aura shining and glistening. Bluish shades arise in the place of the reddish or of the reddish brown shimmering shades of color, and, in the place of yellow, clear reddish ones arise, and so on. The whole coloring of the aura transforms itself under the influence of such eternal thoughts. The student cannot yet perceive this in the beginning, but he gradually begins to notice the deep influence that emanates from the greatly transformed aura.

Thomas a Kempis: Imitatio Christi

About GA007:

Gerhart Groote survived Jan van Ruysbroeck by three years. Meanwhile, a young man had joined the circle of the Brotherhood of the Common Life who is known as the author of one of the most important books of devotion in the world. His name was Thomas a Kempis, and his Imitatio Christi, Imitation of Christ, is a classic which has inspired men throughout the centuries since it first appeared. Thomas also was the biographer of Gerhard Groote, and his impression of the Brotherhood of the Common Life was, “I never before recall having seen men so devout, so full of love for God and their fellow-men. Living in the world, they were altogether unworldly.”

Light on the path (Mabel Collins)

GA264 p 403-413 contains an exegesis

1904-02-08-GA266/1, 1904-02-15-GA266/1, 1904-03-14-GA266/1, 1905-10-04-GA266/1,

GA267 p 416-420 as well as exercises section A1 p 25 onwards

The opening sentences go as follows:

These rules were written for all disciples: attend thou to them!

Before the eyes can see they must be incapable of tears,

Before the ear can hear it must have lost its sensitiveness.

Before the voice can speak in the presence of the Masters, it must have lost the power to wound.

Before the soul can stand in the presence of the Masters, its feet must be washed in the blood of the heart.

The voice of silence (Helena Blavatsky)

GA264 p 413-421 contains Rudolf Steiner's explanations, and p 421-424 a German translation of that text

GA046 p 520-535

In the pure rays of light

GA267 p 428-433 as well as exercises section A3 to A5 p 89 onwards



More radiant than the Sun

More radiant than the Sun,

Purer than snow,

Finer than the ether

Is the Self,

The Spirit in my heart of hearts.

I am this Self

This Self am I

I am - It thinks - She feels - He wills

GA267 p 420-428 as well as exercises section A2 p 43 onwards

It thinks me, It weaves me, It works in me




Three part mantra

GA266/3 p 435 onwards and throughout the volume


1913-01-02-GA266/3 and throughout the 1914 lectures

Rose Cross meditation

GA267 p 407-412


Note 1 - On prayer

Temporary section

quote DL

The wisdom and secret of prayer lies in the fact that it addresses the higher and unknown authentically, with genuine warmth of our soul, from and with a certainty knowing it is there, despite the fact that we do not understand it or know it directly.

The 'higher and unknown' is the wisdom on the world, referring to the Spirit world and the spiritual hierarchies, see also Cosmic fractal and Man's higher triad. And/or try to feel yourself into for example FMC00.132.


Rudolf Steiner - the essence of prayer:

The most naive person, who perhaps knows nothing but the words of prayer, can let it influence his soul. Prayer itself will call forth active forces that will lift him higher and higher.

Related pages

References and further reading