Earth rounds perspective

From Anthroposophy

Note: this assumes an understanding of the Three dimensions of Evolution. When reading about evolution, the development of Mankind is usually covered in seven epochs of the current physical CoF (globe) in the current fourth mineral CoL (round) .. and so one could wonder: how about the other CoL (rounds) and CoF (globes)?

The Earth goes through seven CoL of which we are currently in the fourth 'mineral'. The first three were repetitions of the previous planetary stages, and specifically the main CoL in each (see also Schema FMC00.203 in Overview of solar system evolution).

The fourth current CoL is the start of a totally new development. Lorenzen explains how this is the start of a new cycle of creation, where Christ is the new creator taking over from the Father principle (see also creation in the Gospel of John). Note this is also the start of the current physical solar system with the planets, the way we know if from mineral science and sensory perception.

Whereas the previous CoL were repeats of lesser importance, the next CoL are of full importance because now Man becomes co-creator participating in the new cosmos (1905-02-06-GA090B, see also Meaning of Free Man Creator)

Each CoL or round unfolds in seven CoF or globes: in the first three downwards we have take something off and in and caring, from fast to slower this is de-acccelarating. The middle is the main globe and turning point and the slowest, afterwards the three next CoF speed up again. So there is retardation slowing down, a seeming persistance, and then again an acceleration going upwards again. (1904-06-16-GA090A).

Each next stage works with short repeats of the previous CoL that are of lesser importance for development (on Earth these are the first three CoL), and this repetition also takes place within the CoF.


Schema FMC00.298 is a synthetic table with descriptive quotes from various lectures on different aspects of the Earth's CoL (and CoF). Click to enlarge.


Schema FMC00.298A is a simplified version of the reference FMC00.298 to highlight the process of Man in context of the Meaning of Free Man Creator', his relationship with the kingdoms, and the aspect of recapitulation of CoC at CoL level.


Schema FMC00.219 is an illustration by Rudolf Steiner of the Mars and Mercury passages in the Earth's mineral round or CoL=4


Schema FMC00.057B positions the above FMC00.219 for ease of reference


Schema FMC00.057C provides an overview scheme for the study of the evolution of our current Earth planetary stage and CoC, the formation of the current physical solar system with the planets, the emergence of the spectrum of elements and ethers, and nature's kingdoms on Earth.

Note the threefold recapitulation at CoL level, at CoF level, and then at epoch level; as well as major events such as the Mars transit, and the separation of Sun and Moon. Compare also with FMC00.302 on Earth's seven epochs.


Lecture coverage and references


is called the 'Next rounds'


Fourth globe inside versus previous outside

At the same time, we can also call that which Man reached in the three former globes as the highest: these are beings into which Manas worked from outside. It is the task of earthly evolution to transform the body in such a way, that Manas can truly work from inside.

And now you shall also become clear about the difference between Man who stands at the fourth stage of evolution and Man who stood at the third evolutionary stage: that which formerly worked on him from outside, now emerges from inside.

Now everything must be properly prepared. Let us think of the lunar period as having passed. Now everything had to be repeated briefly, and previous stages were necessary for this to happen. First, the Lemurian Age was sufficiently developed, so that Manas could undertake the transformations.

The Lemurian race also had seven sub-stages. In the fourth (Lemurian) sub-stage, Manas emerges from within the human being.


and others still to be integrated


explains (see build-up on 1905-01-30-GA090B) that:

In every planetary stage, there is always one round or CoL where Man goes through the main development, the other six rounds are of little importance for Man 'as is' does not progress much in these. They are important though for other beings as they have meaning for these to achieve their goals.

See also Schema FMC00.203 on Overview of solar system evolution

From the lecture text it appears, though it is not stated explicitly so this is an interpretation (to be reviewed), that in the first three planetary stages the other future rounds (after the one that matters for evolution) are thrown off (as stated above with little meaning), but that from the fourth middle stage onwards, the other future rounds do have importance for the future development of Man as something fully new is added to Man. Freely translated (p58-59 in DE):

And now the next cycles do start to have a meaning for the future development of Man. They are no longer sheaths that are through off, but they start to have a meaning for the future cycles for Man.


SWCC, see also: Radioactivity#1905-10-05-GA093A

Seven conditions of form (CoF) together make up a Condition of Life (CoL, or Round). At the present time the Earth is going through its fourth CoL and this is the mineral.

During this time it is the task of mankind to work upon the mineral kingdom. A man is already working on the mineral kingdom when he takes a flint and hammers it into a wedge-shaped tool with which he makes other objects, when he transports rocks and builds pyramids out of the stones, when he makes tools out of metals, when he conducts electric current in a network over the earth; in all this man is working upon the mineral kingdom. Thus man puts into service the whole mineral kingdom. He makes the Earth into something entirely of his own devising. When the painter turns his mind to a combination of colours he is also working upon the mineral kingdom.

We are now in the midst of this activity, and in the course of the next epochs the Earth will have become completely transformed, so that eventually there will be no single atom on the earth that has not been worked upon by Man.

In earlier times these atoms became more and more solidified; now however they are becoming increasingly separated. Radioactivity did not exist in earlier times and could not therefore be discovered. It has only existed for a few thousand years, because now the atoms split up more and more.

When the Fourth CoL comes to an end the entire mineral kingdom will have been worked upon by the hand of Man.

When it has been completely worked through by Man, then, in order that the fruits of this work can be manifested, the Earth must pass over into an astral condition in which forms can develop.

The Earth then passes over into a Mental Globe and then into the Higher Mental condition, the Arupic [unformed spirit world]. It then disappears altogether out of these conditions into a shorter Pralaya.

It then enters once more into a new Arupic condition, that of the next, the Fifth CoL; then into a Rupic condition and then into an astral condition. After this it appears physically once more.

Everything which Man worked into the mineral kingdom during the Fourth CoL reappears [in this next fifth CoL] and grows up as the plant kingdom; for instance [the] Cologne cathedral will appear as a plant in the next CoL or Round.

1973 - Ernst Hagemann

Source: original in DE: ' Weltenäther, Elementarwesen, Naturreiche, Texte aus der Geisteswissenschaft Rudolf Steiners, zusammengestellt und bearbeitet von Dr. Ernst Hagemann' (1973), translated as 'World ether, elemental beings, kingdoms of nature' (1993, republished 2008).

Extract adapted SWCC for readability and terminology consistent with the site.

[After Old Moon]

After the Earth's re-emergence from this great pralaya, the creator powers separated out the parts of the spiritual substance - which had become chaotic during the spiritual sleep – and which they needed for their own evolution and for the further evolution of the nature kingdoms. (2020)

[Earth rounds perspective – the first Conditions of Life]

The fourth metamorphosis of the Earth, or Earth evolution proper, began with the 148th Condition of Form. The evolution of the Earth proper goes through seven rounds; this would be the 22nd to the 28th round, each with seven Conditions of Form - thus 49 Conditions of Form, namely, the 148th to the 196th. (See chart - reference to Schema FMC00.196B)

  1. The first Condition of Life (CoL) of the Earth stage of planetary evolution is the 22nd round or Condition of Life ‘overall’, which comprises the 148th to 154th Conditions of Form (CoF), a comprehensive repetition of the Old Saturn condition occurring at a higher level. (4) A gigantic earth-fire ball formed during the first "small cycle". (22nd round) (2) This Earth-fire ball was an "ensouled and spiritual organism." (4)
  2. A comprehensive repetition of the Old Sun condition occurred (at a higher Level) in the following second "small cycle", or 23rd Condition of Life with its 155th to 161st Conditions of Form. Airy substance became incorpo-rated into the Earth's fire body. The warmth enkindled life in it and produced sound in the airy substance which surged around in space. (2)(4)
  3. A comprehensive repetition of the Old Moon condition occurred at a higher level during the third "small cycle" or 24th Condition of Life with its 162nd to 168th Conditions of Form. The watery element was now added to the airy and warmth substances of the Earth.
  4. After the 24th round, the Earth's organism dissolved again and went through a short sleep or small pralaya:"Here everything became an undifferentiated mass again (a chaos); and at the end of it began the fourth earth Condition of Life (CoL), in which we are living today." (2)(4) .

[Fourth and current mineral round or CoL – going round the CoF]

At the end of this small pralaya, the 25th round of the fourth Earth stage of planetary evolution began with the 169th Condition of Form in the unformed (arupa) spirit world.

In it, humanity developed the first germ of the sentient soul. (4) Animals existed as the states of consciousness of archangeloi, plants as the states of consciousness of angels; and minerals as thoughts in the consciousness of Exusiai (SoF), and as thought germs in our human ancestors.(2, 214)

Everything became dissolved again during another short pralaya. (2) Then the Earth reemerged at the formed spirit world or rupa stage or 170th Condition of Form. During this globe or CoF, Man developed the first germ of the intellectual soul. (4) The animals became independent thought beings, the plants became independent astral beings, and minerals became inde­pendent etheric forms. (2)

After another short pralaya, the Earth continued to evolve at the astral level in its 171st Condition of Form, which in turn submerged into a small world sleep.

The following 172nd Condition of Form (CoF) is the one in which we are still living. lt began with the Polarian epoch.

To begin with, everything that had previously existed in the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms, reemerged in a germinal state from the undifferentiated mass into which they had merged. (2)

This undifferentiated spirit mass reemerged as a gigantic etheric sphere which consisted of 'fine, living ether' and which was filled with small etheric spheres surrounded by astral human germs. The latter had drawn in everything which had been of an animal, plant, and mineral nature in previous Earth conditions. (2) A fine etheric body condensed out of its astral precursor. It was a conglomerate consisting of a basic mineral, etheric mass and etheric plants, animals and human beings; it was permeated by the three elementary kingdoms. (2, 216)


Note 1 - Separation of the planets

FMC00.298 presents

  • CoL1 - Uranus, Vulcan, Saturn
  • CoL2 - Jupiter, Mars
  • CoL4 - Mercury, Venus (and Sun and Moon)



  • 1903-GA089 - Draft of a spiritual-scientific cosmology - Fragment from 1903/04

At the end of this document the "withdrawal of Mars" is discussed as an influence in the CoL4 stage as part of the changes corresponding in the Lemurian epoch -

Working hypothesis: this probably does not refer to the separation of Mars but instead to the withdrawal of the astral influence as depicted Schema FMC00.219 above - see also the astral Mars influence on Schema FMC00.451. To be clarified still with the original version of the text (still to be added on the site).

Z - draft area - notes for further work

  • Mercury influence in the second half of Earth evolution, related to Buddhi and Christ Impulse, the spiritualization of Mankind

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References and further reading