The human heart as a future organ

From Anthroposophy

The human heart is not just an organ like all the other organs in our physical body. It is the organ of the 'will' and is a voluntary muscle in development that will become ever more important in future evolution.

In the future, the heart will develop to be a buddhi organ, and Man will radiate budhi love outwards through the heart. The heart will ultimately (on Future Jupiter and later) become the organ of expression through which Man will 'speak the Word' and create, and emanate his own being in sacrifice.

The importance of the heart in Man's transformation and spiritualization is captured by what is called the 'Mystery of the Heart', the term used to denote the fact that at the Last Supper, the apostle Lazarus-John was lying against Christ-Jesus and raised himself from the bosom to the breast and heart region of Christ Jesus (re Gospel of John 13:23-25).



Schema FMC00.179 are illustrations to Ehrenfried Pfeiffer's Heart lectures of 1950 (see references below). On the left the yellow is much more intensive. Note seemingly hands from the sky and maybe an additional chamber or circuit on the upper right.

See also Schema FMC00.326 on Kundalini and the Discussion note on that schema on the topic page.


Schema FMC00.367 shows the first apocalyptic seal, with Man as a future creative God, able to develop himself - this is represented by the fiery sword that projects from the mouth of the figure. His planet and everything will consist of fiery matter then, hence the feet of flowing metal.

Left, the base version by Levi, middle by Clara von Rettich and right by Arild Rosenkrantz.

It depicts Revelation 1:16: "In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength." explained in 1908-06-25-GA104 as "Christ-Jesus who brought full I-consciousness to Man, is symbolically correctly represented in the Apocalypse as one who has the sharp two-edged sword in his mouth". See also Human 'I'.

To appreciate why it is shown here:


Lecture coverage and references

Rudolf Steiner in GA161

People do not believe this yet, but they will believe it someday. What can work only as the Christ-power within the human heart now will someday effec­tively penetrate the entire cosmos


explains how, in the far future, the heart and organs of circulation will become a new important organ of expression in the fifth and sixth Condition of Life. These CoL already give an early outlook of future evolution in planetary stages, even though that will be under totally different conditions.

Just as Man today radiates the spoken word, one day Man will radiate and express his whole inner being, and it will be impossible that Man separates his own well-being from that of others. Just as the word currently radiates manas, so budhi will be radiated through the heart and comprise it directly. Those who will not have reached this evolutionary goal, will be savages as this is the normal development.

Today it is still possible to hurt and wound with the spoken word, with the breath of the heart this will be impossible. We have to transform the word so it can not wound any more, as is said also in Light on the Path: 'Before the voice can speak in the presence of the Masters it must have lost the power to wound'. This to the purpose that the not-wounding word retreats to its inner core and develops the heart. ..

.. Regarding the sixth CoL: the heart which has become organ and and this inner force will then pour itself out and urge the heart outwards. In the sixth CoL everything goes outwards and Man becomes wholly heart, the word is his outer body. Man becomes a 'soundwave', the blood of the heart has fully spread outwards and now the Tone will sprout the inner Meaning. In the sixth CoL the outer is the Word itself, the Tone, and the Inner is Man himself that lives fully therein.


see also longer extract: Human senses#1904-11-02-GA089

Note the underlined, which clearly points out this is just a segment, an advanced cohort, and definitely not the whole of humanity.

Evolution continues, and in this round we are called an to develop two new senses.

We have already begun to start the cycle actively where before we started it passively. What was passive before, is now becoming active for us. The potential developed in the Atlanteans. Before that, human beings had no speech; this only began to develop with the Atlanteans. In speech, human beings utter what they have heard with their ears. The evolution was an involution before. Talking is the opposite pole to hearing. It must continue to develop. It will gain significance and become a sense when mystic evolution will have refined the human being from inside to such effect that it will be able to take the spiritual element in directly. When the spiritual unites with the larynx, the human being will at last be able to speak in a higher sense (in the presence of the masters).

The first time a human manu, who will be a human 'master', will arise will be by the end of the fifth epoch. In the sixth epoch he will be a brother to the human race. Those who will have taken their mystic evolution of the astral so far that they will be able to recognize the master, will have achieved this by developing this sense.

"Before the voice can speak in the presence of the masters it must have lost the power to wound".

A seventh sense also needs to be developed in our cycle.

Just as the sense of hearing will emerge actively, in speech that no longer wounds, so the sense of feeling will go through a reversal.

The individual will no longer consider only the things which come from the outside to be feeling, but will also know how to direct them to the outside. He will be able to let his heart unfold freely for the outside and let his deepest feelings enwrap other human beings. The spiritual soul principle, which lives in the heart today, will then flow out. The individual will lay his soul openly at the feet of others. We will not be able to develop this sense unless we consciously endeavour to meet others and the whole world openly: "Before the soul can stand in the presence of the masters its feet must be washed in the blood of the heart."

The astral body organizes these senses when the human being lives in the spirit of these two rules.


is a lecture called 'the future of Man'

.. just as the organ of the larynx will be transformed, so too will the human heart.

It is the organ which stands in intimate connection with the circulation. Now science believes that the heart is a kind of pump; that is a grotesquely fantastic idea. It is the feelings of the soul which give rise to the movement of the blood; the soul drives the blood, and the heart moves because it is driven by the blood. Thus the truth is exactly the opposite of what materialistic science states. Man today, however, cannot guide his heart as he will; when he feels anxiety, it beats faster, since the feeling acts on the blood and this quickens the motion of the heart. But what is suffered involuntarily by man today, will later, at a higher stage of evolution, be in his own power.

Later on he will drive his blood by his own volition, and cause the movement of his heart as today he moves the muscles of his hand. The heart with its peculiar structure is a crux, a riddle for modern science. It has diagonally striped fibres, which are otherwise only to be found in voluntary muscles. Why? Because the heart has not yet reached the end of its evolution, but is an organ of the future; because it will in the future be a voluntary muscle. Thus it already shows the rudiments of this in its structure.


All that goes on in the soul changes the organism. And if you now imagine the Man who is able to create his own likeness through the spoken word, whose heart has become a voluntary muscle, who will have altered yet other organs, then you have a conception of the future of the human race in future planetary incarnations of our Earth.

Humanity will progress on our earth as far as it is possible under the influence of a mineral kingdom. This mineral kingdom, in spite of its having arisen the last, will be the first to disappear again in its present form. Man will then no longer build up his body from mineral substances as today, the coming human body will only incorporate into itself substances of a plant nature. All that works in man today, as mineral will disappear. In order to give you a seemingly grotesque example: the human saliva of today is a mineral product, for the physical body is an inter-action of mineral processes. When man will have ended his mineral evolution he will no longer have a mineral spittle; it will be of a plant-nature — man will, so to speak, spit flowers. Glands will no more secrete what is mineral, but a plant-like substance. The mineral kingdom is brought to an end by the evolutionary return of humanity to plant-like existence.

[Future Jupiter]

Thus the human being lives over to Future Jupiter inasmuch as he expels all that is mineral and passes over to the creativeness of the plant. And inasmuch as he then later passes over to animal-creation — the animals will be different from those of today — when his heart will have progressed so far that it can appear as a creator, then he will create in the animal world, as today he creates in the mineral kingdom, ...

[Future Venus]

..and then the Venus condition will arise. And when he can create his kind by virtue of uttering his own likeness, then is the meaning of evolution complete, then is the word fulfilled: “Let us create Man in our own image.”


The writer of the Apocalypse always shows the evolution of humankind in pictures. He sees the leader who was first proclaimed as Vishva Karman, and then as Ahura Mazdao, and he points to him, to Christ.

In order to illuminate what is found in the Apocalypse, we must refer to the transformation of organs that are developed in human beings into other forms. They now have the ability to change their forms.

The heart muscle is distinguished from other muscles under our voluntary control by the fact that the heart is an involuntary muscle, and yet is striated in the same way as voluntary muscle. The heart is on the way to becoming an organ with entirely different functions. We see this indicated in the structure of the muscle.

What comes forth from the voice box will become increasingly powerful. What we speak forth in order to express our thoughts shapes the air — already now it forms it according to how we think. But the word will become increasingly powerful.

One day the human being will create the human being's equal through the word that comes forth from the larynx.

The one who has the sword coming forth from his mouth is an indication of the being who is the alpha and the omega.


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References and further reading

  • Ehrenfried Pfeiffer: 'Heart lectures'
    • Contains lectures of 1950-12-17/24/31 published after his death. The first lecture also appears in 'Ehrenfried Pfeiffer: a modern quest for the spirit', where it says: "Pfeiffer prepared himself nine months before delivering this lecture. "